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When Nusaibah approached Mrs. Rana on Monday morning asking her to talk about patience, she was beyond impressed. But what could she really talk about that could touch eighteen year old hearts at a time like this? Bilal! Bilal Ibn Rabah! 'That's exactly why Khawla had volunteered to write an essay on him. This duo was up to something but she knew too well that if she tried to find out, she'd waste all her time and end up with her tail in between her legs with no information at all. So she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and said what she always said before every narration.

"Assalamu Aleikum Warahmatullahy Wabarakatuh my dear ladies. How was your weekend?" She asked as the class erupted in oh so many narrations and she regretted posing the question. Mrs. Rana loved her class so much even after so many teachers said her love for them was too much. But when it existed for the sake of Allah(S.W), she believed nothing was ever in excess. After a few minutes they all quietened down and she knew they were awaiting a story. I.R.E had no better way to teach it other than actually giving examples so the first and last classes of the week were dedicated to story telling. And apart from the fun she had while telling the stories, she also loved the fact that her girls always produced the best marks in I.R.E in the whole school.

"Today's story is about a virtue that we all need to teach ourselves. It's about a virtue that is loved by Allah(S.W). A virtue that if one lacks the chances of him or her ending up in Jannah are so minimal or even maybe nonexistent. And I really want to tell you about the many people who didn't practice it but in stead, I am compelled to talk about a personal favorite instead. One who was born with patience.  Bilal Ibn Rabah! Subhanallah! Talk about perseverance. May Allah(S.W) have mercy on him and may He forgive him his sins. His father, Rabah was an Arab slave from the clan of Banu Jumah while his mother, Hamamah, was a former princess of Abysinna, modern day Ethiopia, who was captured after the event of Amul-Fill - the attempt to destroy the Kaaba, and put into slavery. Being born into slavery, Bilal had no other option but to work for his master, Umayyah ibn Khalaf. Through hard work, Bilal became recognised as a good slave and was entrusted with the keys to the Idols of Arabia. However, racism and sociopolitical statues of Arabia prevented Bilal from achieving a lofty position in society. You can imagine that the only reason that Bilal couldn't live a good life during the time of the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was because his skin was not fair! Now other than this being downright disrespectful it's also not encouraged in Islam.

Now, Bilal being the wise man that he was, started looking up and listening to our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) when he heard that a new religion was being preached around the city. And soon enough, he joined Islam being one of the first people to do so. When Bilal's master, Umayyah ibn Khalaf found out, he began to violently torture Bilal because that was what his peers were doing. The rich people in the city would all torture and beat up their slaves until they denounced Islam, and once they did, their statuses in their peers eyes - rose. With Abu Jahl instigating, Umayyah tied Bilal up and had him dragged around Mecca as a means to break Bilal's faith. In addition, children mocked Bilal for disobeying Umayyah and rejecting idol worship. Although the extent of torture was painful, Bilal never renounced Islam. Even when the torture was taken to the extreme, Bilal would repeat "Ahadun Ahad"  which we all know means God is one. Frustrated upon Bilal's refusal to denounce Islam, Umayyah became even more angry. He ordered that Bilal's limbs were to be stretched out and tied to stakes lying flat on desert sand, so that he could feel the intensity of the sun and the Arabian heat. He would be whipped and beaten while tied to the stakes. Constantly refusing to denounce Islam, Umayyah became frustrated and ordered that a large stone be placed on Bilal's chest. The stone heated by the sun burned Bilal's body while also crushing him. However, Bilal remained firm in belief and continued to say "Ahadun Ahad". After such punishments, news of this slave reached some of Muhammad's (S.A.W) companions who told Muhammad of the slave. Muhammad (S.A.W) then sent Abu Bakr who eventually negotiated a deal with Umayyah to purchase Bilal and exchange three of Abu Bakr's slaves - a pagan male slave, his wife and daughter and emancipate him from slavery."

At this point so many girls were in tears as they tried to picture Bilal being dragged around the desert in broad daylight for the sake of Allah(S.W). His patience truly was inspiring.

"Now at this point, Bilal was finally free and a Muslim too. He became such a close friend to the prophet and was made the treasurer to Baytul Mal. And guess who was the first person to sound the adhaan! Bilal Ibn Rabah!! He had a voice that could move all kinds of souls. You think that was blessing enough! It was reported that the Prophet heard Bilal's footsteps in Jannah so he asked why and he was told that every time Bilal took wudhu he would perform a sunnah swalah of two rakahs and every time he lost his wudhu he would take ablution again and perform a sunnah swalah. And may I ask, who do you think has the register of all the people who are to enter paradise? Again Bilal! He's been through so many trials that I don't think any of us here could withstand yet he kept on doing even what he didn't need to do all for the sake of Allah. We stab our toes on our desks and we immediately start cursing. That's not right because for every ounce of pain a believer feels, Allah(S.W) takes away your sins until the moment the pain is over so don't you think we should be saying Alhamdulilah instead? My darlings, my babies, my girls! Patience is key. And its going to be difficult to practice it but I can promise you that nothing will be more beautiful that the rewards of patience. When you spend for Allah, when you give up something for Allah then best believe He will give it back to you in the best form possible. When you love for the sake of Allah, then try as much as possible to make it halaal. And believe me, that love will never die. For every second you strive to keep away for Allah's sake, he makes it flourish in your significant other's heart. For every time you lower your gaze, your beauty in his eyes increases. Pray for each other and have faith in each other. Because Allah has faith in the both of you. It never withers, ever! So never doubt it!" Mrs. Rana came to a stop shocking herself too. Where had those words come from? Where had those thoughts come from?

"Ya Allah make us among the patient! Make us among the ones who spend for your cause. Make us among the ones who love in your name and give up what we need to give up in your name. Ya Allah make us among those who will always believe in a beautiful future. Ya Allah bless Mrs. Rana for every bit of knowledge she's shared with us." Khawla said as she noticed that Mrs. Rana was on the verge of tearing up. The whole class answered an Ameen to every duah as they rushed to engulf their teacher in hugs and kisses.

Every soul in that room had something to give up for the sake of Allah and it was going to prove to be hard and testing but they at least had to try.

Author's note:

No matter what you are going thorough I promise you the end is going to be beautiful. Not because I think it'll happen like that but because I know Allah is watching and he is proud of you. Trust me!
On a lighter note:
@Mary_283 gave me a splendid idea about introducing my characters at the beginning of the book but every time I try to write descriptions I feel like I'm spoiling all the surprises I have in my head. So if anyone feels they can describe any character please please message me. Shukraan. Jazakillah to all of you

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