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"Where is my habibty!? My little one!"

"How many times do I have to remind you that I was born first?!"

Brother and sister shared a laugh before they sat on the staircase and sighed.

"Your text scared me. What's up?"

"What's in that paper bag first!? You got me gifts! Yeeeeeeeeeey!"
Muhammad smiled sheepishly.

"They are not mine are they?"
He shook his head.

He smiled.

"Awwwwww. May I see?"
He handed her the bag.

A replica of the Kaabah, a jewelry box and oh so many bars of chocolate.
"Awwww! Muhammad I am so proud of you."

"You get why I bought those specific items yeah?"

"Because baba always said that once you marry, you should adorn your wife with jewelry, not because you think she is only beautiful with them but because you love to spoil her. And what better way to start the duty than to get her a box to keep them in. The Kaabah - well that's just easy. Who doesn't love the Kaabah? And you've always wanted to go there with your 'loved ones'. With the chocolates, you are just trying to make me jealous."
Muhammad laughed.

"I knew you'd say that. That's why I got you this," he handed her a box of assorted chocolates.

"Awwwww I love you wallahy!" Khawla shouted, "I get that it seems like I only love you because you got me chocolates but you know that's not true right?"

"Hahahaha! Yeah."

Khawla stuffed her mouth with two balls of chocolate and Muhammad knew that was the moment he needed to reask his question.

"What was wrong habibty? Why did you need to see me urgently? And don't lie to me."

"I need you to be my best friend and not my brother. Okay?" he nodded.

"Umar, Rayhannah's brother, ..."

"He likes you the way I like Rayhannah. I noticed."

Khawla's mouth dropped. "And you didn't think it necessary to share that you knew that? How long for? How long have you known I mean?"

"Since last year when school finished is when he came clean to Khaleed. And I noticed his behavior towards me changed so I guessed it."

"Wait a minute! Last year! Muhammad you've known for about a whole year and you are telling me NOW!?"

"We weren't close at the time so it would have been awkward for both of us so I thought against it. I'm truly sorry Khawla."

"I overheard him today. Praying for me. I can't even tell you how that shook me wallahy. Like I get how I would fall for him. I mean he's Umar! You kinda have to."

"Now stop right there! That's bull crap. Astaghfirullah. Sorry but truly. Are you even serious? Have you seen yourself in the mirror lately. And that a side you are like the most selfless person I know and I see you struggle to better your deen and that's just amazing. I love Umar. And he truly is amazing but so are you! He is lucky to have you wallahy and he knows that. That's why he keeps praying for you."

Khawla was on the brick of tears. To think that just the beginning of that year, Muhammad seemed like a stranger to her was insane.

"Wallahy I love you. Like honestly. I don't know why we wasted so much time playing the blame game in stead of reuniting the family. You have no idea how much I had to suck up just so that mama wouldn't stress. But I have to say, this is amazing. The heart to heart talks. I missed you Habib. I truly did." Muhammad hugged his sister, with all his might, fearing the thought of losing her or even harming her. For he too had missed her beyond words.

"My babies, food is served." Ummu Khawla called out. Muhammad quickly wiped his tears away and left Khawla soaked. But what he didn't understand was that his mom knew all too well when her babies were in pain. So evidently, she knew tears had been shed.

"Comimg mama!" Khawla said when her mom got to where they were, "In a bit."

"Don't do anything about it. Don't talk to him or anything. Keep it halaal. Its so hard, but trust me when I say its worth it."

"Khawla your ice cream is melting!"

She gasped! "We are having iced fruit salad for lunch! Bye Muhammad, the food is more important!" She said as she ran into the kitchen.

"Haha! Glutton!"

When he was about to get up and go to the kitchen, his phone vibrated. He'd lost interest in his phone for he knew a hundred and one percent it wasn't his Rayhannah that was texting. So then what was the point of the device? He none the less took it out and it was as though his breath had been knocked out of him.

From: Hayaty
Assalamu Aleikum Warahmatullahy Wabarakatuh. Mama asked me to ask you to tell Khaltu Wafaa and you guys to come over for lunch tomorrow (although her phone is in perfect condition and she has her number!) Hope you'll be able to make it. Please ask Khawla to answer me back. It's hard enough texting you but I'm sure you texting back will be worse. Anywaaay, bye. Have a nice day.

"Rayhannah Ramy Nagib! May Allah bless your soul hayaty. I can't even begin to tell you how much I miss you wallah. Subhanallah!"

"Khawlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Muhammad is talking to himself." Amer, one of the triplets, shouted and ran away. Muhammad smiled.

''Ya Allah! Grant my brother sanity!" Khawla shouted all the way from the kitchen and the whole household began laughing.

So much happiness was going to overcome this family in the near future for only Allah knew how much misfortune each soul had withstood!

Author's note:
samirtyali This is for you. 💕

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