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His phone rang as he was in the car heading to the Muslim children's center with Rayhannah and as expected, she answered it and put it on car speaker so he could drive and speak at the same time.

"Assalamu Aleikum. I'm I speaking to a Mr. Khaleed Ramy?!"

"Waaleikum Salaaaaaaam. Yes this is he!"

"Okay good. I'm Mr. Ahmed, the owner of the Muslim Children's Center and I was wondering whether you were still interested in the program."

"Oh! Mr. Ahmed! Subhanallah. I forgot to phone you yesterday and explain why I was unable to make it. I had a halaqah meeting I couldn't miss at the city mosque and I'm more than interested in the program. Please excuse my behaviour."

"It's okay Mr. Khaleed."

"Just Khaleed is fine."

"Okay Khaleed. Umm you'll be supervising with a Ms. Maryam Abbas. According to her entrance form she is also from your halaqah. So I guess you'll get along well right?"

"Yeah. I'm actually on my way right now. I'll be here in a couple of minutes."

"Okay then we'll talk when you get here. Maasalam."

"Fii Amanillah."

And at that point the call ended.

"Rayhannah, please phone mama for me." After a few seconds she answered.

"Naam Habib!"

"The Maryam that brought you grapes. What's her second name?"

"Abbas I think. Why?"

"Nothing. Just curious."

Rayhannah at this point was as confused as she possibly could be. 'Mama receives grapes from a Maryam!? Since when? I thought it was only Nusaibah who took fruits to mama. And Khaleed was in a group with a Maryam in the mosque! Why didn't he tell me about it?' She thought silently.

"Nothing serious. Just saying that you never hid anything from me ever Khaleed. Don't start now. Okay?" He nodded.

Ten minutes later:

"Assalamu Aleikum Muhammad. I didn't know you were an early riser Masha Allah!" Ali said as he headed to Muhammad's desk, "And the lady, is she not here yet?" He shook his head.

"Assalamu Aleikum," Hajra said as she walked in hand in hand with Rayhannah," Muhammad you are one lucky guy. This girl right here has plans that will blow your mind. You guys should probably have a vision board and set all things straight. And the children studying under you are also pretty lucky."

Rayhannah smiled as she headed to her desk. "Salaams Muhammad. Hope you're okay."

"Waaleikum Salaaaaam Rayhannah. I'm actually more than okay. Don't laugh! But I think I'm a little bit too excited about these classes. I had like a dream about it. Not just any dream. The real detailed ones." She smiled and he had to look away. 'Inni Swaim'. It was getting a little bit more difficult to keep his heart on a leash when she was less than a foot away.

Meanwhile, in Ahmed's office, Khaleed was sitted on the other side of the desk as his roles were being read and explained to him one by one. "Ms. Maryam Abbas says she has an issue with texting so if its really urgent a group can be created where its her dad, her and you as the members and you only text when its really important."

To say he was impressed was an understatement. "She'll be teaching the first class so that Khawla and Nusaibah understand how it works. You will be needed to attend that class in about two minutes. I suggest you go now." Khaleed chuckled as he got up and headed to the class he was directed to.

The class was filled with girls whose ages had to be about fourteen to eighteen. As he had understood, some of these students were from the wealthiest of families and others were from a nearby orphanage and they were about to be adopted soon by the MCC. Maryam, he guessed - as he'd never really seen her before- even during halaqah, was standing at the front and had just offered salaams to the class that was answered with such enthusiasm it filled Khaleed's heart with hope.

"Today we are going to talk about hijab. Okay? Not a headscarf or an abayah but full hijab. Before that though, I'm Maryam Abbas. I won't be leading your class daily. I'm just here to show these two lovely girls how these classes are usually carried out. Okay? I'm from around here. Muslim by religion. I'm Eighteen, about to finish highschool and waiting patiently for Allah's (S.W) plan for me. Now, I think that's all I can say about myself considering I'm so boring." The girls laughed and so did Khaleed. And Maryam saw him just in time to notice that he had the cutest set of dimples. Astaghfirullah!

"Back to serious business. What is a hijab? Or what do you understand by hijab?" The girls all kept quiet and no hand was seen midair. Khaleed raised his. He was the cutest thing possible. She gave him permission to talk.

"To me hijab is not just a cloth. It's a way of life. It's comfortability. It's one's behaviour. How a Muslim woman carries herself. It's second skin. Hijab is not just about covering up. It's about covering up well. It's about walking on the streets and not being able to attract any wrong people, not because you're not beautiful but because your beauty has been concealed. Hijab is getting used to being chaste that a moment of immorality or a moment of human error affects you so much it strengthens your Iman. Hijab is the feeling that drives a Muslim lady to hold onto her niqab as close as possible so that when a non-mahram walks in or any man she can't trust, she can hurriedly put it on. Hijab is the feeling of sharing and caring that is naturally in a Muslim woman. Example maybe, distributing of food and fruits to friends and families. Hijab is the epitome of our beautiful women in Islam."

Maryam Abbas tightened her grip on her niqab that she was holding all too close. But she wasn't the only one with a niqab next to her. Nusaibah Yusuf had one right in front of her but both ladies could feel their cheeks turn warm from the compliment that had been generously offered by Khaleed Ramy. But to whom exactly? Khaleed was just that kind of boy. The boy who turned into a man over a night's period. The man who lowered his gaze everywhere he went. The man who stood up for women's rights all day everyday. How could you possibly not fall for him? Both ladies lowered their gazes due to the hayaa (shyness) that had overcome them. But Khawla didn't. And it was at that moment that she saw Khaleed looking at Maryam with so much love, so much softness, so much pain it seemed to consume him. She also saw Maryam's niqab in her hands resting against her heart.How would she tell Nusaibah? Where would she start? Would she even tell her?

The girls started clapping as some began saying takbirahs in class. A girl stood up,"If that's what hijab truly is then I'd love to start practising, wearing and being a hijabee." A loud chorus of 'ME TOO's were heard around class as Khaleed smiled and walked out of class leaving behind two disheveled ladies and one in a dilemma.

Once classes had ended, Nusaibah rushed to Rayhannah and pulled her to a corner in the class. "I think Khaleed likes me too." And she explained what happened. Khawla who was standing aside saw Rayhannah's expressions and she knew that Ray knew about Maryam. And at the same moment, Rayhannah saw Khawla and she understood too. And so after Maghreb that day Khawla texted Rayhannah.

Rayhannah's P.O.V:
Khawla: I will never be able to tell her.

Me: Okay, let's not jump into conclusions. Because Nusaibah also brings mama fruits and she was the only one with a niqab in the room.

Khawla: Nooooo! Maryam had a niqab and while Nuu had her gaze lowered, I saw how Khaleed looked at her. It's the way I want Umar to look at me. Weird for you to hear since he's your brother but I had to say that.

Me: Subhanallah! Now what?

Khawla: Let's just not tell her. Maybe things will change. In Shaa Allah kheyr right?

Me: 101% And I'm not going to be able to come to the mosque today.

Khawla: I wish I could come sleep over wallahy. But mama needs me.

Me: How about I Come?

Khawla: Yeah please do. Though the love of your life is here. So you'll need to be real patient. See you in a few.

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