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Everyone was at their seats by nine thirty, patiently waiting for the session to begin. Well not just any session, but Khaleed's session. When word went around town that Khaleed was to give a lecture on anything really, if you were in your right mind, then you'd get to the venue as early as possible because  getting a seat wasn't guaranteed.

Khawla, Rayhannah, Umar, Nusaibah, Maryam, Muhammad and their parents were amongst the first people to arrive. Sitting in the first row, they made small talk as they awaited for the talk to begin. Maryam was beyond proud for she was learning to love Khaleed more and more each day. When he led swalah in the city mosque, or when he volunteered to teach the kids at the centre how to read and write, whenever he was being him! For anyone who knew Khaleed, they knew black and white that he was the happiest when he was talking about Allah and His religion. I mean what was there not to love!?

"Assalamu Aleikum Warahmatullahy Wabarakatuh," Mr. Ahmed said to the crowd once the clock struck ten, "I am seriously thinking of putting Khaleed on every other lecture session I have planned. I mean look, almost half the city is here." The crowd laughed as they cheered for their favorite son, their favorite brother, and for two girls in the crowd, the man they loved - Khaleed.

"Anyway, before any of you walk out on me, here he is."
Cheers went around the room as Mr. Ramy's eyes filled with tears. Seeing his son on the podium in a kanzu and hagal with a microphone in front of him made him so proud and truth be told, he'd never be able to get over those moments.

"Assalamu Aleikum Warahmatullahy Wabarakatuh,"

"Waaleikum Salaam Warahmatullahy Wabarakatuh!" The crowd answered oh so loudly.

"Hmmm. Now! To be honest I have no idea why I agreed to this. I mean look, baba is beaming waiting for me to say something smart and on point and all I can think is why does my sister Rayhannah have a Mocha Latte in her hand when all I had for breakfast was sliced mangoes." The crowd burst out laughing as Rayhannah buried her face in her hands for she hated attention.

"Sorry hayaty," Khaleed whispered into the microphone not realising that that was a bad choice.

"Seriously though, today I was asked to talk about Jannah. Paradise. That word pretty much sums it all up. Paradise. You know sometimes I tell myself that different people are motivated by different things. Some people pass their exams because they are motivated by the thought of success while others pass because they fear failing. You get me!? So same thing with the religion. Some of us fear hell, while others cannot fathom how beautiful Jannah will be and just that thought makes them want to get there.

I think its safe to say that Jannah simply is amazing. Think about it. A place that no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard of and no mind has ever thought of. Why do we say Hawaii is paradise!? Because its beautiful and relaxing and all that. Although my father won't take me there! Not that I'm complaining," the crowd laughed as Abu Khaleed shook his head as he pointed at him. It was because of this that they all loved Khaleed's khutbahs. He never ceased to make them enjoy every second of it.

"Anyway, before he gets up and gives us all a piece of his mind, let's continue. So, no eye has ever seen. Well I've seen some pretty amazing things, my mom for one." Awww's went around the room as Ummu Khaleed smiled at her son. "And all I can think is that yes In Shaa Allah she will be there but in a perfect form. My mom will be so beautiful, more beautiful that she is right now, which blows my mind away, but its how its going to be. And my baba is going to stand and stare at her for fourty years, why!? Because she will be breathtakingly beautiful. Subhanallah!"
Ramy reached out for his wife's hand and she looked at him the minute they touched, "In Shaa Allah habibty. You and I both. Till Jannah." She smiled wider than she had in a long time.

"Now I'm sure all the wives are like yeeeeeeeeeeees! I never liked his eyes so that's going to be fixed in Jannah," the hall shook with laughter, "And the husbands are like yeeeeees! Her hair is finally going to be longer, which will happen for everything you see in Jannah will be perfect in your eyes. Now, its said in the Quran that the dwellers of Jannah will be there for eternity. And in Jannah will be everything that your heart yearns for. Everything you've ever wanted. What more could we possibly need for motivation in this world!? Okay, that's not enough for you? Then we go to the point where we are told that no ear has ever heard anything that is in it. Now, how many of us have heard stories about beautiful places, Maldives for one. Another place that baba won't take me. Now that doesn't qualify to be in Jannah. Why!? Because its not perfect. No mind has ever thought of. Now this is what blows me away. I literally sit and think 24/7 about what I want. What I think I need, what is perfect to me and none of that qualifies. I think perfect wife, perfect children, perfect home but all that still doesn't deserve to enter Jannah the way they are. I remember my Ustadh telling me this story but I can't remember the names. A man approached a companion of the prophet and told him to tell him something that will forever motivate him to want to go to Jannah. And you know what he said? He didn't say perfect wife, or rivers of milk. In stead, he said the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) will be there. Ever since then, the man was striving for Jannah. Another was motivated by the thought of unicorns in Jannah. Another by the thought that one day he will see Allah. Now everyone has different reasons but we all have the same destination.

Finally let's talk about the last person to enter Jannah. He will plead with Allah to let him get out of Jahanam. And he will swear that all he wants is just to be out of hell. And Allah will say okay. And he will be out of hell by the will of Allah. And then he will see the light and will get the scent from Jannah and he will say, Ya Allah lemme just get close to that gate, Its all I want and he will swear. And Allah will reprimand him and remind him that he swore before. But because His mercy exceeds everything, Allah will take him to the gates of Jannah and he will be amazed, Subhanallah by what he has seen. And remember through all this, Allah is all knower, so when the human asks Allah to let him enter Jannah, Allah does just that. And we are told that his portion of Jannah, the last one to enter Jannah that is, is the size of this world and the heavens and whatever is between, multiplied by ten. Subhanallah! Look at the mercy of Allah (S.W). This is the man who is just from coming out of Jahannam because of his sins. Yet Allah is showing him such mercy. What more do we want!? What other promises are we looking for!? Any of us could be that last man. Let's all go back to Allah and repent. For I want all of you to be amongst the first people to enter Jannah In Shaa Allah. With all your loved ones. And when you do get there and you don't see me, please ask for me." He couldn't help it so he stole a glance at Maryam, whose fingers were crossed.

Mr. Ahmed understood that Khaleed was done so he went to the podium, and made duah before everyone asked the questions they had. Abu Khaleed invited Muhammad and his family along with Maryam and hers out for lunch after the session. And when Khaleed came back to them after it was all over, it was no suprise that he went to his mom first, said salaams and then his dad. After he was done, he hugged Rayhannah and at the same Umar rushed to Ray's side and put his hand over her shoulders.

Muhammad looked at Khawla and she said, "Wallahy Muhammad don't even touch me." He laughed.

"I know you love me so I don't know what you are denying exactly."

"Let's go. I'm hungry."

Muhammad and Khawla walked ahead as he tagged at her shoulder, "Hey, is it just me or does Rayhannah look incredibly beautiful today!?"

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwww Muhammaaaaaaaaaaaad! Now I love you."


"Truly! The only reason I don't hug you in her presence is because it kills her. She yearns for such moments so I'd never want to be a reason for her to yearn even more. And plus, you don't even hug that good so its a waste of my time."

"Hahahahaha you wish."
Brother and sister walked to the nearby café as they talked about Rayhannah. For she brought happiness to those two souls more than she ever would know. A Jewel didn't even come close.

Author's note:
Assalamu Aleikum my lovelies. I'm so sorry its taken me forever but we had a fam wedding and I had to make sure everything was on point. Anyway, thats It. Hope you love it. And PS: I looooooove you guys for DMing to ask if I'm okay and all. And for yor comments. Especially my favorite girl samirtyali. I appreciate you habibty.

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