Ch 71 (colin) The Devil in a Dress

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Colin woke early, not even the birds were out to hunt for worms. Once he rolled out of bed and made it to his computer where Anna was. He knew Anna had stayed the night at a casino resort in Nevada. Her friends might have encouraged her to do so. Hopefully she'll be on her way back today, Colin hoped. If not, he was going to send Nate after her. Nate's loyalty deeply touched Colin.

There was hope in Colin's heart that Anna wasn't drinking. Nate would be sure to report if she was and if so, then Colin's alone time would be over. Drama would take up his patience and he didn't have the nerves or energy for her theatrics anymore. How much Colin loved his daughter wouldn't change anything, no matter if she was his or not. Anna didn't get into trouble each time she went out, but the times she did were destructive. He had always tried to pound into his children's heads that privacy was invaluable. There were a few things that Colin didn't even want Nate to know. The people who worked for him were devoted as well and kept his secrets, but he had to always keep in mind they were also human.

Anna was too young to drink, and thankfully she didn't have a true taste for it. Harmony, on the other hand, dipped into the stash he had in the library bar once in a while. Colin knew that from the staff, but didn't think it was important enough to say a word to her about it, since she didn't do it often. He never thought the staff would tip their glasses towards his drink, in fear of Anna joining them. They had learned once the hard way, which was why he had a light stock for the head of house, Chef Caesar and Christine. The expensive cooking wines didn't count as Caesar kept those under lock and key and were plentiful. To let the girls feel included in fun drinks, Colin made fruity non-alcohol drinks that only tasted like alcohol because of the drops of extracts he put in the drinks. The girls couldn't tell the difference, and everyone seemed to be happy.

Like Colin if Anna added alcohol, then her levels would imbalance even more quickly and she would experience extreme highs and lows in her emotions. What scared him most was her sexual appetite. He was afraid he was going to end up being a grandfather and not knowing who or where the father was. Colin knew he had to move Anna to the island and soon.

Nate was already pulling double duty getting stuff shipped to the island as well as transporting everyone to the docks. Colin knew he was busy taking over the resorts as well as learning new ways to run him. Colin was going to miss skiing with him as his body wouldn't be ready for a long time for that kind of physical activity if he makes it through the surgery. He'd loved to have his whole family together, but knew Nate was at a critical point in his life where he is building his name and life profile.

Glancing at the clock Colin groaned because he didn't feel ready to do something so important. He wondered if this is how kids felt when they went through initiations to enter adulthood. He had to get rid of Tessa but was having a hard time of it. Colin took shower and her familiar ghostly form came into shower with him. Dana's eyes were blue but not as strong of color as Colin's were. She was pretty in a classic way with her short dark hair and soft light brown skin. He loved the way she moved and he loved the way she touched him, but most of all Dana showed him how to love. Memories of her fueled his passion but it was never enough. He looked at her face. She knew it. He could tell. The sadness in her eyes showed everything. It wasn't the first time he had seen it. He spent the whole time enjoying the light he saw in her expression, but now was filled with cold dark sadness like his heart. He understood her best this way for he saw that expression on her often. He had just hoped to never see it again. As always Tessa was the cause.

He knew he was trying to get angry to wipe Tessa out of his life, at least to destroy and bury her. Colin could never give her freedom until he buried her. He just couldn't imagine anyone else touching her. Even if she sounded crazy, her body bore signs of his abuse towards her. He can't let anyone ever find her.

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