A pretty troublesome day

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Finally the bell was ringing. Sehun got up from his seat, grabbing his bag quickly and made his way out of the classroom.

This day had been like a torture to him. He was just lucky that this new kid didn’t take the seat next to him, quietly laughing to himself. That would have been too stereotyped, seriously. As the tall guy made his way through the crowds of students he had his vision faced towards the floor. He knew that as soon as these pitiful humans would see him they would avoid him and get out of the way. So he was honestly surprised when he suddenly bumped into another person.

With a quiet growling he raised his head and glared at the one who he had just bumped into, to see cotton candy-like hair and light brown eyes, with a worried expression. Sehun got even angrier now, giving his new classmate an icy look.

Luhan automatic flinched a bit and took a few steps back when the fair-headed boy almost hissed at him, asking what he thought that he was doing. The only thing Luhan could do at this time was to quickly apologize with a slight bow and as soon as he had finished he turned around and ran off. Leaving a puzzled but quite satisfied Sehun.

Sehun continued to hurry out of school, thinking about what just happened he felt regret. It didn’t feel good at all to see this frightened expression in Luhans eyes. He felt sorry and this slight urge to protect the boy with the deer eyes.

Quickly he pushed those feelings away. No. He wouldn’t ever feel sorry for anyone. Sehun kicked some stone in front of him, which he now lost by kicking him with too much anger into someone’s yard. He sighed and took a look around. He had been walking pretty far out of town. With a muffled sigh he took out his phone, it showed him that it already was past five in the afternoon. He quickly calculated that his parents wouldn’t be home until late at night and so he still had some time to make his way back. But first of all he had to figure out where he was. He didn’t even know anymore from which direction he had come from. The boy ran his hand through his dyed hair, which actually had the grey of steel but he used to often change his hair colour. He looked up to the sky and realised that the sun had almost set and suddenly he began to shiver due to the cold. He hadn’t realised the cold, neither the time or which way he was going because he was caught too deep into his thoughts. Just now he cursed himself for being that thoughtless.

Sehun pulled his coat tighter and took another look around. He hadn’t ever seen this part of the town, so he suspected it to be a part for people with less money. The boy narrowed his eyes, that almost had a black colour. He didn’t like it here. That was nowhere he should spend his time. So he decided to just call somebody that would pick him up, thinking of one of the employees he took out his phone again. Just the moment he had unlocked it, the screen became dark again. Sehun pressed the home button again and again until he realised that his battery must have been too less. With an angry grumble he decided that he'd find the way back home alone as well. This wouldn’t be much of a problem.

After deciding for the way to his left he continued walking. The time passed and Sehuns mood dropped down to it's lowest. His feet were hurting, he usually didn’t have to walk that much. His ears had taken over the colour of a deep red as well as his nose. He was just lucky to be wearing some gloves so his fingers didn’t turn cold as well.

His mask started to fall little by little and he actually didn’t feel cool or confident anymore. It already had turned to pitch black night and he had no idea what time it was or how long he had been walking. He let out another quiet sight. The quite tall boy, who suddenly felt way tinier, was pretty sure that this was no good place to be for someone like him. He belonged to the district with the huge houses and with those expensive cars in everyone’s entry. This for sure wasn’t a nice place to be. There were dirty high-raises everywhere he looked and there were barely even standing cars in front of any of them. Sehun was just as glad that no one was around as he was unlucky that no one was there he could ask for the way or just the time at least.
By the sound of footsteps behind him he quickly made a turn, facing a group of about five guys. He quickly guessed them to be around their twenties and they didn’t seem to be that kind of people who'd tell some rich, lost boy how he could find his way out of here.

They already had spotted Sehun and made their way towards him. The breath of the younger boy started to become faster and he felt fear creeping through his bones for the first time in years. They had reached Sehun, who had decided to walk on with a quicker temper now. The boy who was usually one of the tallest was about ten centimetres shorter than those guys now. He was quickly taking a look around for a way to escape, finding some street, at its end he could see the bright street lights of one of the main streets. Happily smiling in his mind he turned towards that way but he just had taken two steps when he felt a huge hand on his shoulder that pulled him back. Due to the shock and the fact that he wasn’t able to look behind him to see where he was walking Sehun lost his balance, stumbling before he found himself sitting on the ground. He quickly had his usual self back. He wouldn’t ever show weakness to anyone, so he just glared up to the one who he supposed that had pulled him down. With a cold expression he looked in the other ones eyes. He felt even smaller since he now sat on the ground but no one would be able to know that because on the outside he seemed so self confident, that no one would believe if he told how insecure he actually was.

As he expected, they weren’t nice and it wouldn’t make much sense to ask them about the time. It was obvious that Sehun didn’t belong in here and they didn’t seem to like rich kids in their district. And even less they wanted rich kids like Sehun was. Not showing any fear and not willing to give away his wallet. He was still sitting on the ground, actually he tried to get up a few times but after he got pushed back down a thousand times, he felt, he had stopped trying maybe as well because his back already hurt.

After he had refused to give his wallet or anything else twice, he could feel the guys anger rise and rise. He already had caught some kicks and he began to feel a sharp pain in his ribs, though he didn’t think about giving in. Pretty soon it had turned into a huge punch-up. Sehun was doing not that bad in the beginning, giving one of them a bad nosebleed, he guessed that he seriously broke his nose and he felt success. Not much later the situation had changed though. The young boy hadn’t much of a chance against five guys, much huger than him.

His vision had turned blurry and he barely reacted to anything anymore. When he spitted out blood for about the second time, he could hear a gentle voice shout anything. He was able to see a mild pink mess of hair come closer. Sehun sat up slowly, in his head everything was turning and he hissed at Luhan to go away. I'm all fine he managed to mumble before he had lost his consciousness and his vision turned black.

Ah I hope that wasn't too much of drama for you. And I'm very sorry if I don’t update that fast. I hope that you'll be patient with me and I'd like to thank you so much for reading my stuff. And I'm so sorry if there are any typos. uwu

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