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With a quiet groan Sehun changed his position on the couch for the nearly thousandth time, at least he felt like it was.
He was waiting for Luhan since almost two hours now. He left to pick some stuff up from his apartment and still wasn’t back yet. That had been one hour and forty minutes ago. Sehun felt childish and kind of stupid but he had been watching the time since Luhan had left the house, giving him a sweet kiss as goodbye. He had promised not to take that long. Sehun huffed as he mocked in his head. "I won't be gone for long, you won't even get to miss me!" That was what Luhan had promised him but now he sat here, already missing the pink-haired boy like crazy as well as he was bored. The younger was clueless about why Luhan would let him wait like this.
Finally he heard the clicking sound of a key being stuck in the keyhole. In excitement to see his boyfriend again he bounced up and down on the couch, his gaze towards the main entrance.

Luhan beamed at the younger as soon as he walked through the door, placing the key, that Sehun had handed him earlier, with the explanation that he'd need that since it was his home now as well, on a small table next to the door. Before he could even settle down his bag, a really excited Sehun threw himself against the elder, who only let out a quiet wince but wrapped his arms around Sehun anyway.
He smiled at the younger. It still slightly bothered him that he had to glance up, even though he was older. He chuckled to himself before he quickly pecked Sehun's lips, apologizing that he took that long, letting the younger wait. Sehun had a pouty face up now, pretending to be mad. Though he couldn't keep it up for long, since Luhan covered his face with kisses, planting the last one on his lips.

After a quick glance on his phone Luhan smiled, suggesting to make some dinner for the both before he excused himself to go to the bathroom.
Sehun had been ordered to get the ingredients they'd need out of the fridge until Luhan was back. So now the younger was rushing through the kitchen, searching for everything they would need to cook. After he finished he sat down on the table, waiting for Luhan to return.
It took quite a while but finally he came back to the kitchen, smiling over the fact that Sehun had covered the whole kitchen counter with food.
Soon Luhan was preoccupied with cooking while Sehun sat on the counter, which was now exempt of the groceries, watching every move Luhan made. It was one of the times when Sehun would just sit quiet without any move, totally absorbed in watching Luhan cook. He usually tended to be quite restless, always moving but when he got to watch how the elder one prepared their meals, he would stay still and only watch.

Sehun hopped off the counter when he was ordered to get some plates and the silverware. Soon they had settled on the couch, quietly enjoying their dinner. It was Luhan who got himself to get up and place the empty plates in the dishwasher, while Sehun was laying face first, stretched out all over the couch, complaining about how full he was.
When Luhan came back he had to smile over the younger one's position, shifting his head up to take a seat. Sehun was still stretched out across the couch, yet he was laying on his back though, his head resting on the lap of the elder.
Luhans gaze rested on the younger’s face while he slowly brushed some of the silver hair to the side. Sehun was already tired again, due to the lack of sleep, suppressing a yawn he asked about what time they had. After he took a quick glance on his phone Luhan was quite surprised that it was almost 9PM yet. He smiled softly at the younger as he told him so, asking him if he'd already feel like going to bed. Despite the huge sleepiness that had overcome Sehun, he shook his head and suggested about to watch a movie.

Sehun had a strange feeling, it was just like a really small aching in his stomach, telling him that something was wrong but he pushed it aside. He maybe was just more than tired. After Luhan had told him to decide on the DVD he wanted to watch, Sehun chose a rather childish one. He used to watch this often when he was younger and just now he felt like taking a look at it again, even though he was almost able to speak every dialogue that would be heard. He could see the elder chuckle to himself over his selection but he put the disc in anyway. Quickly he threw himself next to Luhan again, quietly cuddling up to his chest while the movie began to play. Yet they didn’t even watch the first twenty minutes before Sehun was passed out.

Luhan again smiled down at his boyfriend who was already sleeping peacefully. With a soft gesture he brushed his thumbs over the soft, milky skin of the younger before he lifted him up. This time he had troubles to carry the light weight of Sehun. When he had finally reached the bedroom, Luhan was breathing fast, holding on to his side after he had settled the sleeping Sehun onto the bed. He didn’t even realise it but the younger one was up again. The struggling for air of Luhan had woken him up again, now concern was glancing in his eyes when he asked about if the elder was alright. Just after Sehun had began to speak, causing Luhan to slightly jump, he smiled again. Promising that he was all fine, maybe he'd get a little ill but he did his best to convince the younger that he was all healthy.

Sehun was anything but convinced, though he didn’t want to push Luhan so he just nodded and dropped it, immediately wrapping his arms around the elders waist when he slipped under the covers next to him. Luhan didn’t even bother to take off his sweater before he wrapped his arms around Sehun in return. It didn’t take long until he had drifted off to sleep.
Sehun played with some of the pink hair, still a concerned expression on his face while he tried to think about what would be bothering the elder that bad. Again the aching feeling of anything not being right, crept up from his stomach. He leaned over to softly place his lips onto the slightly parted ones of the sleeping boy, not more but a faint touch until he rested his head on Luhan's chest, trying to find some sleep as well.

Luhan woke up to the most comfortable and most painful feeling he could imagine. Sehuns arms tightly wrapped around his torso. As much as he loved it, he felt like his ribs would be crushed to dust in the following seconds. With a quiet groan he slipped out of the grip, careful not to wake the younger and rolled off the bed. He'd just take a quick shower before he'd make breakfast for Sehun and himself. He didn’t mind at all that he was responsible for every meal they had.
Quietly he opened the door and slid outside through a small gap, closing the door as quiet as he had opened it. Reaching the bathroom he glanced at the digital clock, on one of the boards. It was showing him that it was just 8:17AM. He'd have much time available to shower and prepare breakfast. Quickly he pulled off his sweater and got rid of his sweatpants, turning on the shower. He waited a few minutes until the water had turned hot until he got in the shower, letting the warm water relax his muscles. He didn’t intend to hurry, being sure that the younger would sleep for at least another hour. Sehun definitely wasn’t the morning type.
After about twenty minutes, Luhan stepped out of the shower, his hair dripping wet. Before he went on to dry his hair, he slipped back on his sweatpants, not bothering to get his sweater on as well yet. He would choose a clean one once he was done drying his hair. Luhan looked down on himself, an unpleased sigh escaping from his lips before he shook his head and began to rub his hair dry with a towel, as good as possible. Soon his hair was half dried but not styled at all. With a shrug he just ran his hand through it and quickly ruffled it. He would have to dye it again soon, yet he wasn’t sure about which colour he wanted it to have this time.
His gaze came to meet a sweater, that was slightly crumbled but obviously clean. Luhan went to pick it up, immediately he could smell Sehuns scent on it. With a smile he put it on, deciding that it wouldn’t be a problem for the younger if he just borrowed it for now.

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