Etched Memories

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Sehun's eyes snapped open, hastily he scanned the whole room. Sweat was dripping from his forehead, even from his fingertips. He had major troubles to inhale, more likely he was gasping, trying his best to suck air into his lungs. He only brought out a cough, the feeling to suffocate tightening his throat. He failed the silent attempt to scream out, when flames licked over his leg, setting his pajamas on fire and soon burnt into his flesh. Tiny hands began to flail around in attempt to extinguish the flames which now crept up his legs. His eyes widened in panic, Sehun crawled back on his bed until he hit the bare wall. The whole room around him was on fire already, with no opportunity for him to escape his room, which had turned into a red-golden shimmering prison. Soon his vision went blurry, a hammering pain shooting through his head. His eyelids fluttered as he slowly closed his eyes. There was no chance. His body slumped back down on the bed, the horrified screaming of his family was echoing through his head.

Sehun would still here these screams after he woke up. In complete disorientation it took him minutes until he found himself crying. Crying against a shoulder. Burying his head in the crook of the other person's neck, he realized the other's identity.
With Luhan's arms wrapped around him, Sehun suddenly felt the urge to talk about his nightmares. To let the elder know about what happened in his past.

They had been quite the average family. Two children, a small house, they even used to own a dog. Sehun's life was great until that night. The night when the house started to burn in the middle of the night. Causing the death of three people, only the youngest son could be saved from the fire. It was a miracle. But for Sehun it was a curse. Continually he asked himself why he had survived and was rescued. He'd rather have died with his family then to continue his life all alone, having no one left to refer to.
He had lived at an orphanage for two years until a quite nice elder couple visited. They immediately liked the quiet young boy, whose hair back then was from a dark shade of brown, with messy bangs hanging into his vision. It only took two weeks until the forms were ready and they were allowed to take Sehun with them.
Sehun had really expected the worst. He had always feared that someday anybody would come along and take him away. Not that he had liked it that much but back then already he didn't like changes. He just wanted his life all ordered. It would give him safety. But despite all his worries, they both were lovely people. Treating him carefully and with love.
Soon his life was back in order and he felt very comfortable, being a part of the Oh family.

Sehun could feel the elder's embrace tighten around him. Yet he had stopped crying, he was just monotonous telling everything. He wasn’t even done but just now he realised that this time, it was Luhan who was in tears. With a smooth move Sehun shifted his forehead away from Luhan's shoulder. Forehead to forehead, he looked into Luhan's brownish eyes, that would remind him of a deer's, each time the soft gaze met with his own eyes. It was the sparkle in the elder's eyes, that Sehun admired so bad. When their eyes met, Luhan's would shine everytime, sparkling as if somebody had placed each and every single star inside of them.
A faint smile appered on the younger's lips before he softly planted a kiss on Luhan's, with his thumb he swiftly wiped away the elder's tears. It was only a bare whisper when Sehun asked if he should rather stop talking now. A slight shaking of Luhan's head as he told him to go on. Sehun's glance went down before he went on to talk.

It's been almost one year now, since his adoptive parents had passed aways as well. It was the final hit that had missed for Sehun.
Hence his adoptive mother passed away, suffering from a brain desease, her husband was unable to take that. He decided to follow her on his own will. Since then it was only Sehun who was left in the mansion. He still had some employees but they were mostly working without catching any attention. They were part of everything that the Oh couple had left behind and what now belonged to Sehun. Since then he had built that wall around himself, protecting him from any feeling. Anything that could bring change to his life or hurt him. This had worked out perfectly until he met this deer-boy with his hair like pink cotton candy. Now Sehun could finally admit it, he was glad that Luhan came along. He saved him. Saved Sehun from himself.

Sehun was unable to find sleep again after he had let everything out. He had kept everything to himself for such a long time but the thing he thought about the most time was why it felt so right. Telling Luhan everything, actually trusting him, just to be around him, lay next to him in this very moment. Carefully Sehun shifted himself around, so he now faced the sleeping male, next to him. Immediately his gaze softened and his frown disappeared. He reached out his hand, to smoothly brush away some of the soft pink hair. His finger barely above Luhan's skin, yet he did not touch him, Sehun followed the sleeping elder's contours. From his head above his jaw, for a moment he paused over his slightly parted lips, then his hand went along, above Luhan's shoulder, down his arm which was placed loosely above the covers. His finger finally stopped at Luhan's fingertips. With a swift move, Sehun intertwined their fingers, watching how a slight smile curled the sleeping's lips.

When Luhan woke up, the first thing he realised was that the tiny figure next to him was missing. With a quiet groan he shifted himself onto his stomach, burying his face in the pillow before he rolled out of the bed. Not bothering to take a shower first, Luhan made his way down the stairs, the sleepy look still tattoed on his face he searched for Sehun.
Finally he found the younger one who must have fallen asleep at the couch at some time. Luhan ran his hand through his already messy hair, removing his bangs from his forehead. With a sigh he grabbed one of the blankets on the couch and covered the sleeping Sehun with it before he went to the kitchen. It was his plan to make breakfast for the two and Luhan already had taken out a pan, planning to make them some omelet when he was disturbed by the house phone which produced a jarring sound. Quite furious, since he didn’t want Sehun to wake up, Luhan rushed towards the phone and answered the call. During the talk his voice got thinner and thinner, in the end it was just a bare whisper. The person on the other side had hung up.
When Luhan turned around he almost had screamed out because of Sehun who was standing in the frame, sleepily rubbing his eyes as he asked, with still a husky voice, who had called.

Sehun was simply mystified when Luhan just rushed past him and excused himself before he nearly ran up the stairs. Just taking a few minutes he came back downstairs, giving Sehun an apologetic peck on the lips, promising to be back later.
Sehun was left alone, a strange feeling creeping up in his stomach. Luhan had left with the excuse that his mother needed his help but his face was as pale as the snow which had settled on Sehun's surroundings at which he was staring. Only in his nightwear he stood in the door frame, looking at the spot where Luhan had disappeared, wondering what made him leave, hastily like that.

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