Becoming attached?

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When Sehun had opened his eyes again, just to see the other boy's deer eyed face so close to his own he couldn’t help himself but to blush a deep red.

In a kind of shock he rushed up but as soon as he was sitting he regretted it badly because the whole room seemed to be turning and he had to blink to slightly enhance his vision. Sehun still was sitting there, a total lack of orientation, when he could feel Luhan carefully grabbing him by his shoulders. Still too disorientated to push the other guy away, Sehun had to accept being pushed back down on the couch into a laying position. After a few minutes Sehuns vision became clearer, the black dots slowly began to disappear and the blurriness left him as well. He was listening with only half an ear to Luhan who was scolding him for moving so fast and that he shouldn’t overburden himself and so on. In Sehuns mind were other things spinning around. Why did this situation make him so nervous, actually it was nothing that special. He couldn’t understand himself, when actually subconsciously he knew pretty well what his reaction ment. The smile that he was barely able to suppress when he was around Luhan, as well as this bubbly feeling in his stomach when he heard the soft voice of the other boy and how much he loved the scent coming from shorter boy. Angrily Sehun brushed those thoughts and feelings away, every time they were about to pop up and escape his head, or more like his heart. He wouldn’t let anybody destroy his mask, which he had built up for so long. He was proud of who he had created instead his old self.

Actually he was nothing of what he pretended to be, he wasn’t that strong, he wasn’t that cold and he hated it to always be alone. But to him it made more sense to live like that, than to risk getting left alone again after he finally would have opened up to anybody. For usual nobody had stayed that long until Sehun finally would start to show off his true self. It was a mix of shyness and the fear of getting hurt, as well as that he was just used to it to be on his own most of the time. 

Luhan, who had been babbling the whole time, finally realised that the teal-haired boy had barely been paying any attention to him and immediately he stopped talking. With a slight pout, he slightly smacked Sehuns shoulder, who immediately glared up to him. After he had been shouting for quite a while, telling Luhan to never do that again or he'd regret it he sighed and stretched. As soon as he had gotten in a rage he was back into his cold attitude, what made Luhan somehow happy. Because until now Sehun hadn’t been showing any emotions to anyone and even though it was anger, he had been showing his emotions to Luhan and that made him feel quite pleased. He couldn’t be that unimportant to the boy with the silver shining hair.

Sehuns mouth escaped a quiet sigh and he again made the effort to rise up from the couch, but only to be pushed back down by Luhan. He shot the elder  boy an angry glare, which didn’t earn that much of a reaction. What was that? A slight smile was what he got in return to his angered glare. Why would anyone smile after he just earned one of the best one-move-and-I'm-going-to-kill-you looks. Sehun rubbed his temples and sighed once more. He just wouldn’t get Luhans reactions and he didn’t like it. He was used to control people, to keep them away from him. But just this one boy wouldn’t get it.

Being snapped out of his thoughts by Luhan who had gotten up now, Sehun gave him a yet questioning look but didn’t say anything.

Luhan, who was kind of worrying because when he had been carrying Sehun earlier he was so light and Luhan wondered who looked after him. His parents didn’t seem to be home a lot and he really couldn’t imagine the so cool Oh Sehun standing in his kitchen, cooking himself a meal. A slight feeling of anger rose from his chest. How could they dare to leave such a fragile boy all alone by himself, it was really irresponsible. So due to that he had decided to make dinner, since it was already about 5PM. Caused by the season it was already pitch black night outside. Luhan didn’t like the winter that much, it was so cold and colourless. He always used to define it as depressing.

Giving a slight smile in return to Sehuns questioning look he asked where the kitchen was. The younger one wanted to protest and said anything about that he wasn’t hungry but quickly he got cut off by Luhan. And after a few minutes of discussing Sehun had given in and they were standing in the quite big kitchen. Luhan tried to tell Sehun to stay on the couch but this time he had to give in and at least he helped Sehun to make his way to the kitchen, quickly ordering him to sit down at the wooden kitchen table.

Sehun watched the pink-haired boy rush to the kitchen, how he hurried from the cupboards to the fridge and back to the cupboards. He already knew that there would barely be any ingredients to make dinner with. He didn’t go to the grocery store and if he didn’t buy any food, nobody did it. Tilting his head slightly he had a hard time, thinking about an answer to the question Luhan had just asked him. What was his favourite thing to eat? He didn’t know. He really didn’t. he quite liked to eat those peaches, he used to buy.

Yes, that was what he mostly ate. Peaches out of a tin. But how should he give those as an answer to what his favourite meal was? Not knowing what to do he just shrugged. Looking back at a confused Luhan he almost had to laugh. When Luhan began to list a lot of food that Sehun had maybe heard of but he didn’t know how to make any of those, neither what was included, Sehun again shrugged it off.

It was surprising to hear that Sehun obviously had never eaten anything of that, what he just listed. Luhan slightly shook his head and began to cook dinner with what he found in the fridge and cupboards. It wasn’t much though. He promised the younger one that they'd go to the supermarket the next day and buy some stuff to fill the now completely empty kitchen. 

Luhan had to leave at about 8PM, promising to be back the other day, after they had their dinner. Which was quite tasty, Sehun had to admit. 

So soon Sehun was back alone in the huge mansion. Like he always used to be. For a moment it flushed to his mind.Not like always, you have Luhan now. But immediately he shook off that thought. Soon he would get tired of him as well. Like everybody did. So he better don’t become attached to the fragile boy with the soft hair like pink cotton candy.

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