Another unannounced visitor?

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This morning Sehun woke up in his bed again. First it was horribly embarrassing to him when he realised that he tended to fall asleep on the couch almost every night and wake up in his bed. But now it was alright to him. It still made him feel slightly embarrassed but also this was the only place when he was able to fall asleep without troubles. Next to Luhan he felt comfortable and there was this feeling of safety, he couldn’t quite classify as safety before. Usually he would take hours to finally find sleep but somehow it was surprisingly easy for him to fall asleep when he was next to the older one. It also got easier for him, to let his mask fade, part after part, but he felt alright with that. Even if it was going slow, he still made progress with his trust issues. Though it was only Luhan whom he could open up to but to be honest, he didn’t want anybody else to know him that well.
Luhan had told him about a thousand times during the whole time, that he would stay with him and that Sehun wouldn’t get rid off him that easily.
He used to just shrug to those comments at first but slowly he thought about to give it a shot. And when he could see Luhans eyes shine happily every time he showed interest in his talking or even answered, he began to believe the things that Luhan was saying.

Soon Sehun found himself actually waiting for the arrival of Luhan. He used to sit on the couch, the TV turned on but yet he didn’t really pay attention. Also it got harder and harder to suppress the smile that came up when he heard the doorbell and when he opened he could see a smiling Luhan, still carrying his backpack. Luhan used to always come over as soon as school had ended.
Sometimes Luhan brought lunch along. He always watched out that Sehun was eating properly, what Sehun actually didn’t do before. He used to eat once a day, some days not even once. Usually he just sat down in front of the TV or went out, waiting for each day to be finally over, just to go to bed far past midnight, huge troubles to fall asleep.
You could say that with Luhan his whole life changed. As cheesy as it might sound but if Luhan didn’t pop up in his life, Sehun wouldn’t know what he was doing just now. Maybe he'd still live in the same routine as every day. In his head the same emptiness as it was in the mansion.

So after he had gotten out of bed, feeling glad that he still didn’t have to visit school, he made his way to the shower. His hair still dripping wet he glanced at the clock. It was just 8AM. With a groan he wondered why he even was awake yet but though he walked over to his wardrobe, only a towel around his waist. Quickly he decided for some simple grey sweatpants and a lose black top. He used to wear that when he did sports but the last time he wasn’t in the mood to do any sports.
Being busy, trying to dry his hair with a smaller towel he stood in front of the mirror, when he could hear the doorbell ring. Slowly he raised his eyebrow and threw the towel aside. He had no idea who would visit him this early. Luhan was actually the only one who was using that doorbell everyday.
Still wondering he made his way down the stairs to open up the door.
He was quite stunned by who he actually saw standing on the other side of the door, after he opened up.

Luhan had been running, to him it felt like he ran a hundred miles when actually it was just from his home to the Oh's mansion.
He had a talk with his mother earlier. She simply told him that she had a new boyfriend and he'd be moving in soon. Not that he wasn’t happy for her, if she was happy it'd make him happy as well but his dad died just half a year ago. It just surprised him and it felt wrong to him. As if she'd betray his father. On the other side he was happy that at least she would get over his dead this far, when he sure wasn't yet. Before he knew it, tears formed in the corner of his eyes and began to drip down, not seeming to stop he just ignored it and let them drip down. The most was blown away by the wind that was blowing ice cold against his face. Yet he didn’t realise it.
The fact that it was in the middle of January and a boy with pink hair was running through the streets, only wearing a t-shirt and skinny jeans, on top of his thin outfit he was as well crying caused people to look at him with a confused expression.
Luhan didn’t bother to care and before he even realised where he was heading to he found himself in front of Sehun's house. He already had rang the bell when he thought about that the other boy was still asleep for sure and he might just woke him up. He grabbed his hair, shaking his head, he couldn’t suppress the sob that was about to escape his mouth and already was about to turn around and leave again when he could hear the creek of the opening door and hear Sehun's voice.

Sehun was highly confused by Luhan who was standing in front of the door, his face hidden behind his hands. Until he could hear a quiet sob from the elder, Sehun was totally clueless about everything.
He wasn’t able to describe the feeling that suddenly came up when he heard a sob, which Luhan tried so hard so suppress. He couldn’t help but to ask what had happened to the doe-eyed boy. He didn’t even bother anymore to stay calm or keep his cool attitude. He was worried like never before and yet this was quite clear to hear from his voice. Though when he didn’t get any kind of reply from Luhan, Sehun simply grabbed the older one by his wrists and pulled him inside, as gentle as he could manage. Quickly he closed the door and again he made the effort to talk to Luhan, asking over and over again what had happened. Again there was no reaction but Luhans tears, that kept running down his cheeks.
An anger came up from Sehuns chest and he barely could hold back a growl. If anyone had hurt Luhan he would find this person and he would make him suffer for that.
He was totally overwhelmed with the situation, Sehun was still quite bad when it came to express any emotions. So he had no idea how to comfort Luhan, though he wanted to make him smile again so bad. When he couldn’t think of anything that would really work, he just pushed the shorter guy towards the couch, gently and made him sit down. Then he just sat down next to him and he almost went crazy because he didn’t know how to make the other one stop crying and feel better. Comfort somebody. How was he supposed to comfort somebody? Yet he tried to remember how Luhan comforted him when he broke down.
Still quite insecure about what he did, Sehun scooted even closer and without saying a word he wrapped his arms around the torso of the older one. With a slight shiver he realised how cold the body of Luhan was after he took a look at the clothes that Luhan was wearing he narrowed his brows concerned. He didn’t came all the way just wearing a t-shirt, did he.

Luhan really appreciated all the efforts that Sehun did to comfort him and even to talk to him, asking what the matter was, but yet he just didn’t want to talk. He could barely control his tears so how would he be supposed to talk? When he was able to feel Sehuns arms wrap around him, the warmth of the younger boy against himself, he realised how cold he was. Staying quiet as well, Luhan returned the hug and soon he began to shiver, the numbness from the cold left and slowly he was about to calm down.
After some more time, his tears had finally stopped and as he finally dared to look up to meet the black eyes of Sehun he was worried about the expression he'd see.
Against everything he had thought, Luhan could see bare worry in them. It surprised him even more when he could see Sehun raise his hand and as careful as he could manage he wiped away the tears that were still remaining. Being completely overwhelmed by the reaction of Sehun, Luhan quickly tightened the hug again and buried his face against the chest of the younger one, whose shirt was already soaked wet.

Sehun had never been that worried before, never somebody had actually been that close to him and he couldn’t quite explain it but to see the usually always smiling Luhan like that, gave him a horrible feeling. It actually hurt him.
He was kind of relieved when the elder's tears finally stopped and after burying his head on Sehuns chest, he began to talk. It was only a bare whisper but Sehun could hear it.

For about two hours they just sat there, Luhan began to tell about his mother and her new boyfriend, how she just threw this fact at him this morning that he'll be living with them and about his dad who had passed away by cancer half a year ago.
Sehun listened, remaining silent during the whole time he just listened to the story, his hand was slightly drawing circles on Luhans back.

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