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"Do you like it?" Sehun chuckled, watching his boyfriend have his breakfast. It was rather obvious that Luhan was enjoying the meal, Sehun had prepared, a lot.  "It's delicious! You cook so well." Luhan sent him a bright smile, leaning back in his chair after he finished. "I ate so much I might never be able to eat ever again!" He announced, rubbing his belly. At this moment Sehun bursted out in laughter, almost falling off his chair. "What is it?" Luhan had slightly blushed and watched the younger one cringe from laughter.
It took him a few minutes to calm himself again and stop laughing. "Oh please, we both know that you will be eating again in an hour or something." He still had troubles to hold in his laugh.
Luhan turned his head to the side, pretending to be highly offended. "Well at least I am doing sports, so I can allow myself to eat a lot. Unlike you."
"Eh?!" Sehun had completely stopped laughing and glared at his boyfriend. "What did you just say? I am very sporty actually."
After some more bickering while they did the dishes together, including wetting their shirts in their playful fight, the two boys had decided to go for a run, to prove who was the real fit one.
Maybe a rather childish idea but in a manner of a few minutes they both had changed into some trainings pants and a lose sweater, ready to run for their pride.

"Lu… Wait up!" Sehun had to admit only ten minutes after they started running, that his condition was worse than he remembered it to be. It hurt his pride but his lungs had become tight and he had troubles to breathe, his sight as well had become a little blurry and his knees weaker.
A bright grinning Luhan stepped a few steps back and came to stand next to Sehun who had to stop, his hands on his knees as he troubled with his breathing. "So I won?" Luhan couldn’t keep himself from showing off a really bright grin as he asked that question, eventually only to annoy the rest out of his boyfriend. "Yes, yes. Fine you did win." Sehun growled, slowly catching his breath again. Luhan surprisingly wrapped his arms around Sehun's neck and smiled up at him. "I still love you even if you're as fit as a potato."
Sehun stared down at him, his head slightly tilt: "A potato, huh." The pink haired eagerly nodded and before he was able to make another mocking comment, his lips were sealed by the soft ones of his boyfriend.
Immediately a bright blush appeared on the elders face but he made no intentions to move back from the kiss.
When the kiss was broken, he buried his head in the nape of Sehun's neck in embarrassment but smiled to himself. "Let's head home though." Sehun moved from their embrace but got Luhan's hand in a tight grip as he started walking back towards the mansion.

It had been a peacefully quiet walk back home, which both of the guys enjoyed. As soon as they were inside the mansion, Sehun threw himself onto the couch, with a groaning sound. "Man, I really need a shower." He announced while he sent a teasing wink at Luhan whose face immediately turned as red as a tomato. "You're the worst." He mumbled into Sehun's direction, blushing even brighter.
The younger shrugged, a decent chuckle coming from him: "Well, you either follow me or I will just shower alone."
The deepest shade of red on his face Luhan followed after Sehun, who had every tiny inch of his confidence back and led his boyfriend to the bathroom, a grin that wouldn’t leave, covering his face.

After the two of them had entered the bathroom, Sehun closed the door and without hesitating, he pulled off his shirt. Leaving his boyfriend watching him, the shade on his face not changing in the tiniest bit. After turning on the shower, the younger turned around to face Luhan. "Shall I undress you as well, or will you do it yourself?" With those words he chuckled to himself and removed his pants.

When finally both of them were undressed and had stepped under the shower, the pink haired's face would have even went for a deeper red but that was impossible, so it simply remained cherry red.
Before Luhan realized anything, Sehun stood in front of him, their bodies pressed together and the fair-haired's hands on each side against Luhan's head, whispering into the elder's ear. "You don’t even know how cute you are, do you?" With these words, Sehun began drawing kisses along the other's neck, slowly but steady going further down.

A slight smile on his face, Sehun roamed through the fridge, waiting for Luhan to finish the shower. A tiny bit of red appeared on his cheeks, thinking about the intimate moments they had shared just a short time before. None of them would say a word about it but both were incredibly glad that it just had happened and knowing it would most likely happen a thousand times more, Sehun poured himself some water, the smile still not leaving his face.
He decided to spend his time looking through some TV channels, while he waited for his boyfriend to come downstairs as well.
Just as he finally decided for some random episode of a cartoon series, he could hear footsteps behind him and a few seconds later, Luhan settled down next to him, placing his head on the younger's lap as he lied down. Instinctively Sehun began to caress the soft pink locks while he half-hearted watched the cartoon.
"Say Luhan, you still never told me who beat you up." He carefully started on the topic again. After some minutes of silence, that felt to him like actual hours, he accepted the thought that Luhan still didn’t want to talk about it and just as he was about to mention that it would be okay if he didn’t want to say it, Luhan shifted onto his back, his head still resting on Sehun's lap, as he spoke quietly: "You remember when I told you that my mother is in a relationship with that guy again..?" Gritting his teeth already, Sehun just nodded.
"Well, yes."

"Sehun, wait up! You can't do that, don't do anything. Just leave it be. It's fine!"
The younger had quickly gotten up after Luhan said so and grabbed a jacket before rushing out the door. It was already obvious to Luhan what he planned on doing and he really didn’t approve of the idea. At the same time he knew that there was no way he could stop him now. Sehun was in a state of blank rage as he stormed off towards Luhan's apartment.
It took the elder some more time to grab his jacket as well and unfortunately he had no clue where he dumped his shoes so when he left the mansion he already was unable to catch sight of Sehun anymore.
With a worried sigh he began to hastily make his way to his own home.

The moment he had reached it, he was able to make out the voice of his boyfriend, which had a growling sound and Luhan could swear he never heard Sehun speak up that loud, neither yell or growl like that.
He couldn’t manage to drag his body inside. He was just able to stand and wait outside, his body shaking partly due to the cold weather and partly due to the tension and fear that was resting in his guts.

It felt like eternity until he could hear the front door screech. His eyes widened as he saw the man he had feared all the time hurry out of the apartment. He continually mumbled something about calling the police and psychopath before he jumped in his car and drove off.
Immediately Luhan began to hurry to get inside but his boyfriend already stepped out of the apartment.

Before knowing what happened to him, Sehun was thrown to the ground as Luhan tackled him to the ground with a hug, his arms tightly wrapped around Sehun's torso, quiet tears wetting the younger's shirt. "Calm down, Lu. It's all okay now, so don't cry."
All of the elder's tension was released when he had seen Sehun step out, unharmed and doing well. He had been rather scared that he could get hurt.
"I am so glad that you're okay, I was so scared. I don't know what I would do without you or if you got hurt."

"I will always be fine as long as you're with me. And as long as I live I will protect you so don't worry and don't cry anymore."
With these words that would forever repeat in Luhan's head, the younger wiped away his tears, kissing him right there on the ground like there was no tomorrow.

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