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"You will not take part in this match, Luhan!" Sehun was practically yelling at the elder, who just had announced that his football team would have a match tomorrow and that he would be playing. Only about one week had passed since he got injured and yet he already wanted to play soccer again. Sehun was most likely death worried about this fact but also he already knew that his chances to convince Luhan were about zero. With a sigh he turned away: "Just do what you want." He only huffed when he felt Luhan wrap his arms around his waist, the soft lips of the elder nibbling on the crook of his neck. "But I will accompany you."

Sehun grumpily placed his head on his hands, shooting death glares at the cheering people all around him. "Why does he have to play in such a popular team anyway?" He was actually sitting in a really uncomfortable seat in a rather small stadium, about to watch his boyfriend's match.
To his right sat a whole family, loudly cheering even if the match had not started yet. Sehun was rather alright with the one to his left, a young man, maybe a little older than he was. With dark hair and a cigarette between his lips. Sehun was close to ask if the man would mind to give him one but then he thought about how mad Luhan would be and shook his head to himself. He would have to survive this annoying huge amount of people in another way.
His feeling told him it were hours but actually a few minutes later the match had started and Sehun was hit pretty hard by the fact how good Luhan looked in his sports outfit. Despite how boring he thought soccer was, he soon was cheering on the inside for Luhan and he was utterly proud when he scored the first goal. Sehun's heart began to beat in a total new rhythm when Luhan's eyes caught him and he sent an angelic smile up to him.

Sehun was in between the people who rushed down to tell the players their congratulations, searching through the crowd for his pink haired deer. The last thing he saw before his back hit the ground was a fluffy pink cloud that was screaming his name and when the cloud jumped on top of him he lost his balance and fell to the ground with his boyfriend on top of himself. He wanted to mutter something but he was stopped by Luhan's lips, which tenderly connected with his involving him in a sweet kiss. The first reaction from Sehun was shock. He was shocked over showing that much affection in public but this quickly vanished and he just felt a major happiness upcoming from the bottom of his heart as he returned the kiss, joining in a little more passionate. Neither of them cared about the people staring and when they pulled back, Luhan's cheeks had turned into a deep red and as he got up he didn't dare to look anywhere but to the ground. Therefore it caught him even more off-guard when the younger quietly intertwined their hands and simply pulled Luhan away from the crowd.
He finally got to stop at the boy's locker rooms, pinning the elder against the wall, whispering into his ear the three words that made Luhan's heart beat like it was trying to escape from his ribcage. "I love you." Nothing more just those two words and with that he sent Luhan away to shower and change so they could leave and finally go home.

Sehun was leaning against the wall, in front of the entrance of the stadium. His hands stuffed into his pockets and with one ear bud in his ear, he waited for Luhan to finally come out. When an arm wrapped around his own he flinched and immediately pulled out the ear bud but when he looked at his side he saw the pink-haired elder, slightly laughing at him before he began to softly pull him in their home direction.
It wasn't a very long way and soon they had reached the house where Luhan lived with his mother and newly also with her new boyfriend.
When Sehun looked at his boyfriend in attempt to say goodbye to him, he just tilted his head at the suddenly very quiet Luhan, who almost whispered: "Can't I stay at yours for the night?" The younger was quite confused at the question but quickly he nodded and they continued their way in silence until they had reached the mansion of Sehun, where the younger held the doors open for Luhan until they both had reached Sehun's bedroom.

With a quick glance at his phone Sehun realized that it was already past midnight and very close to 1AM. "Aren't you tired yet, Lu?" He shot a glance down at his boyfriend who had been resting against his chest but the steady way his chest went up and down and how he showed no reaction, Sehun was more than sure that he was asleep already. Quietly he whispered goodnight to him before he covered them both with the sheets and leaned back, closing his eyes as well. Not long and he had also drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Luhan woke up by a well-known scent filling the air. Coffee. He yawned and ran his hand through his pink locks, trying to comb them in place with his fingers. Soon he had to admit that he wouldn't succeed with that, so he just gave up and decided to get up and look for the source of the delicate coffee smell. The cold floor against his bare feet sent shivers up his body as he walked down the stairs, to find Sehun in the kitchen.
And what he saw was not just coffee but a very delicious-looking breakfast. When he entered the kitchen he was greeted with a chuckle from his boyfriend, followed by: "Good morning sleeping beauty."
Immediately Luhan couldn't help but blush at the comment and just sat down on the table, eyeing the variation of breakfast. He suddenly got utterly happy to have found Sehun and to have him by his side. No matter what would be, he knew that his boyfriend would always stick to his side and that was all he needed.
As he sat down, Sehun smiled quietly to himself over the fact that Luhan had put his legs over his own and both smiling to themselves they began to have a late breakfast.

Hi my precious cucakes, I am so so sorry for not updating in like forever?! But I am back and I will try to update quicker from now on, also I don't think there will be a big lot of chapters left until it's over. 
I think I already said that once but I am so impressed and overwhelmed by how many readers that story got and I just want to thank you very very much. You all are precious flowers and I am the happiest that yuo seem to enjoy my story ;w;
And I am already done with talking haha and I am sorry, I don't feel good about this chapter but here you go!~ ^O^/

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