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Luhan walked past the guy without a word. He wasnât ready for that. He just wanted to sleep. It was easy to see how less the man liked Luhan's ignorant behaviour though he just shook his head, sighing and let the pink-haired boy pass. When he had closed the door Luhan threw himself on his bed, he wasnât really in the mood to do anything but sleep.
So he simply kicked off his shoes, also he got rid of his jeans. In the end he was just wearing his underwear and his t-shirt when he crawled under his blanket and lazily he reached out once more to switch off the light.

The door was thrown open and Luhan groaned when suddenly the light was shining on his face. He grumbled anything under his breath and wanted to turn to the other side, telling his mother that he still needed sleep. But instead of the soft voice from his mother he heard a deeper manly voice that told him to get up. The man had a friendly sound in his voice but something about it made Luhan not believe it. It just sounded really faked. He again groaned and when the door was closed again he reached out for his phone. After a quick look on the time he let out a quiet growl. What was that? It was just half past eight. Why would this man wake him up at this time. He sighed and turned around, yet his back was facing the door and closed his eyes again. Only to open them again after a few minutes when he realised that he wasnât able to get some more sleep anymore.
That really had made his mood bad but he decided to simply get up since it wouldnât make much sense to keep laying in bed when he couldnât sleep anyway. After he took a quick shower and had decided to wear the same jeans as yesterday with a warm hoodie, since it was slightly warmer than yesterday but still freezing cold. He made his way to the kitchen to get himself some breakfast. Reaching the door to the kitchen he could see his mother standing in front of the counter, her arms wrapped around that man's neck. With an annoyed growl, Luhan turned around again and decided to leave without breakfast. He didnât care about the early time anymore. The most important thing was to get out of this apartment. He could hear his mother shouting after him, asking to wait but he really didnât want to.

After he had been walking around pretty aimless for about two hours, Luhan decided that Sehun must be up now. He would just go over now.
Luhan stopped at a coffee shop on the way since he hadnât eaten anything until now, so he got himself some coffee and decided to eat a simple croissant for breakfast. Also he bought hot chocolate instead of coffee for Sehun, knowing that the younger didnât like the bitter taste. As well as he brought some of the cookies along for Sehun.
Reaching the Oh's mansion it was already 11AM. When he rang the doorbell it took quite some time until Sehun opened.

Seeing Luhan standing in his door, wishing him a good morning with his usual bright smile made Sehun immediately happy. Around the elder one he had made a really huge change, more like he didnât pretend anything anymore. He really trusted Luhan, knowing that also the boy with the cotton candy-like hair trusted him just as much. Actually it was visible how childish Sehun still could be. When he saw the paper cup that Luhan was holding, with the bag of cookies his smile grew really wide and he clapped excited. He knew what Luhan had brought him along. Almost every Sunday he used to bring coffee for himself and hot chocolate for Sehun with him.
After leading Luhan in, Sehun sat on the kitchen counter with a slight hop. He took the paper cup, Luhan was handing him over and immediately he began to drink the sweet liquid.

Luhan watched the younger boy with a smile. It just made him happy when he saw Sehun be like that. Not like he used to be. So quiet and playing cold. He liked him way more in the way he actually was. The childish and cute Sehun, smiling and laughing, hugging the elder one when he would get the opportunity to. It slowly had began to show how much Sehun needed someone to love him. He was someone who needed closeness a lot. That was that what Luhan thought was so adorable. You could almost describe it as clingy but Luhan didnât like to describe it like that.

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