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Sehun lifted his head and stopped to massage his temples, knowing it wouldn’t change anything about the pain that was working on his head.
He could again hear his stomach grumble, deciding that he should get something to eat. Since he still felt horrible, a kind of pissed and somehow hurt, he went towards the fridge and crouched down to open the freezer. He knew he still must have some ice cream in there. He knew it might be childish and girly but every time he felt bad he used to eat ice cream or just anything sweet. Grabbing a box of ice cream, he smashed the freezer's door close again and turned around to get a spoon.

With a light gasp he jerked up and lost the grip of the box he was just holding when a well known boy with pink hair stood in front of him, actually just a few centimetres away. Damn. Did Luhan have to scare him like that? Wasn’t he gone anyways? Remembering the situation that had happened only a few hours ago, Sehun could barely manage to hold eye contact but did his best to act as if that all never happened.

When Luhan had returned from his shopping he had went to the kitchen and stuffed the whole food into the fridge and cupboards in the kitchen. This shall be enough for now, he was sure. So after he finished that, he decided to make his way through the actually pretty huge mansion, searching for a restroom.
After he did wander around in the mansion for quite a while he finally opened the right door to the restroom.
Soon he made his way back to the kitchen, being somehow surprised to find Sehun there, roaming through the freezer. Waiting for the teal-haired boy to get back up, Luhan stood right behind him. And if his face wouldn’t have seemed so tired and exhausted, Luhan would have laughed about the scared reaction of the younger one.

Sehuns eyes were reddened from all the crying and his hair was even messier than before. His expression could simply be described as tired. Of everything. Luhan just wouldn’t get used to the fact that Sehun seemed to always be in underwear when he was home but he really did his best to act as if wasn’t a big deal. When actually he had troubles to keep himself from staring at the broad chest and the pale soft skin of Sehun.

Quickly he explained to Sehun that he was gone to the supermarket and apologized for leaving like that. But what should he have done? He didn’t want to wake him up after he fell asleep. He was pretty sure that the boy could need it.

Sehun had already reached down to pick up his ice cream again, while he listened to the elders explanations. He was simply stunned.
First of all he was just thankful that Luhan didn’t mention the thing from earlier. He didn’t know what to reply so he just nodded. He wasn’t able to understand why he did all that for him. Why would he do all that? It didn’t make any sense to Sehun but if he'd admit it or not. It felt good to be cared for. This feeling that maybe he wouldn’t be alone anymore.
Luhan didn’t seem to have any problems with the fact that Sehun wasn’t talking most of the time and Sehun really appreciated that, as much as he liked to listen to the random babbling of Luhan.

They had spend the past two weeks like that.
Luhan came over every day, he didn’t miss just one day, he cooked for Sehun in the afternoon so they would eat dinner together every day. They spent the days on the couch, watching movies or any random TV shows together and Sehun began to really feel comfortable around the boy with the cotton candy hair. He got used to it and caught himself worrying a few times when Luhan came later than he used to. He enjoyed it to listen to Luhans stories and he could watch the elder one for infinity. Especially when he was cooking; Sehun loved to watch. He used to quietly sit on the kitchen counter and follow every movement, no matter how small and swiftly it was.
First it had been only Luhan who kept on talking and talking and Sehun would just listen but after a few days, Sehun began to talk more and more. So after two weeks, they already had real conversations, even if it were just a few words coming from Sehun at the beginning. Though yet he slowly opened up.

Through the past two weeks Luhan could see the change that Sehun made. He just kept on talking about the most random things when he came over to visit Sehun, he cooked and they spent the whole day, until it was late night, together.
Luhan felt a deep happiness when he could realise how Sehun began to open up. At first just slightly. He began to ask questions when Luhan was talking or he just used to look at him with his dark eyes, a questioning look in them, telling Luhan to continue talking, whatever he was just talking about. He used to scoot closer to Luhan when they sat on the couch. Not like the first days. Back then Sehun used to sit on the other side of the couch. Yet he chose the place next to Luhan, only a little space between them. Almost every evening, Sehun fell asleep against the shoulder of the older one and Luhan used to carry him to his bed and quietly leave the house afterwards to return to his home. Which caused him to come home around midnight or later everyday but it was fine. His mother understood and anyway he wasn’t that young anymore.

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