An unannounced visitor

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Opening his eyes, Sehun had to blink a few times before he could see clearly. With a lazy look to his left where his phone was lying, he sighed and grabbed it. With a slight swish across the screen, which was actually too bright for his still sleepy self, he looked at the time.

His eyes widened. It couldn’t already be past 12AM. No way he did sleep that long. He usually didn’t sleep until late in the afternoon. Quietly groaning he shifted himself out of his bed and after he quickly had taken a shower and so on he made his way out of the bathroom and towards the kitchen shuffling. Another annoyed groan was heard from the boy as he ruffled his still slightly wet silver hair and searched through the whole kitchen for coffee. Mumbling a curse under his breath he continued his way to the living room, without coffee. Lazily he let himself plop down on the couch, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks when he remembered the situation that had happened on the couch yesterday. It was ridiculous how often he caught himself thinking about Luhan. Sighing he reached out for the TV remote. He narrowed his eyes when he realised that it was a few inches too far away, laying on the couch table. Like a little kid he sat on the couch stretching and stretching to get closer to the remote but without having to leave the couch or change his sitting position. Stubborn as he was he refused to just get up and grab it, instead he ended up laying on his stomach half on the couch and half on the table. But he was at least able to reach the TV remote, a pleased smile appeared on his face. When he heard the doorbell ring he immediately shot a deadly glare towards it. He had put so much effort in not having to move and just when he got what he wanted without leaving the couch the stupid doorbell decided to ring? Well, correcting himself in his head, more like the person who  must be standing in front of the door just now.

Giving an annoyed sigh, Sehun got up, quickly glancing down on himself. He was still wearing his sleeping clothes. To be more specific, Sehun was wearing nothing more but his boxershort and a lose training jacket, which he just had pulled on. He even was too lazy to zip it, so it was just loosely fluttering around his torso. He had found it laying around in his room. He shrugged and still quite annoyed he was on his way to open the door. For the mail-guy he wouldn’t bother to get completely dressed. Still quite annoyed that he was disturbed after he had just woken up, Sehun opened the door where he expected to stand the mail-guy behind but when he opened up he saw those light brown doe eyes. Sehuns eyes widened surprised. He tried his best to keep his cold attitude but he wasn’t able to suppress the blush that was now quickly rising up his cheeks. Quietly cursing himself, he tried to calm himself and in just a few seconds his expression changed back to it's usual emotionless look.

When Luhan had been ringing the doorbell of the Oh's mansion, he would have expected a lot to happen but for sure not a half naked Sehun opening up. Luhan was quite sure that he had seen a mixture of surprise and embarrassment flush into those almost black eyes but just seconds later he put on the same expression as usual. He couldn’t help himself but to quickly glance all over Sehuns body, which was exposed so well just inches away from him. Due to the messy hair and the still sleepy look in Sehuns eyes, he deciphered that the younger one just woke up.

Luhan stammered an apology, his cheeks immediately had turned into a deep red and he glanced to the floor as if his life was about to end if he'd look up now. He could hear Sehun chuckle silently to his reaction, which made him even more embarrassed and after he was told to enter, he just slowly made his way into the hall, following Sehun.

Sehun had to control himself very good, to not just blush the deepest red that was possible and run away. Seriously that was what he was craving to do just in this very moment but he wouldn’t allow himself to do so. He just kept on pretending it wouldn’t bother him at all. But he truly had to chuckle over the other one's reaction. If anything would be considered as adorable, it was an embarrassed Luhan.

Quickly excusing himself Sehun made his way to his room, to put on some clothes. Leaving an all flustered Luhan in the hall. Luhans blush just wouldn’t want to disappear, which made the boy feel even more embarrassed. He wasn’t even supposed to react like that. But this had been doing something with him he hadn’t ever felt before. It wasn’t just the fact that so much of Sehuns body was exposed, not that Luhan didn’t appreciate this fact and a kind of urge came up to just run his fingers across the milky white skin of the taller boy, but more the messy hair, the surprised look, swishing all the sleepiness from his expression and the somehow husky voice of Sehun which made his heart beat faster and made his thoughts go for a rollercoaster ride. No, he really wasn’t supposed to feel all that.

Up in the room where the other boy had escaped to, was the same mind chaos. Sehun began to ran as soon as he was sure that Luhan wasn’t able to see him anymore. He opened the door hastily and when he had closed it, he slid down on the inside, his back leaning against the door. His breathing had become faster and not only because he had been running into his room. Just this situation had messed with his thoughts and his feelings. He has never been embarrassed about his body or anything but the fact that it was shown to Luhan like that made him shy. It was nothing he would ever admit, it even gave him a hard time to admit it only in front of himself but the boy with the pink hair, made him shy and he suddenly felt insecure again for the first time in years.

Still crouched down on the floor, his breathing began to normalize again and he got up, shaking his head slightly to get rid of those thoughts. Luhan wasn’t anybody special. Even if he might be.. still, he shall not become attached to anyone. A slight groan escaped, when he shook his head. He had to realize that his head still wasn’t completely healed and so he reminded himself again to not shake it. With a quiet sigh he took of his training jacket and tossed it to the other side of the room, his brows narrowed and his teeth compressed.
He raged about himself and his feelings, that gave him a hard time, trying to suppress them. In the end he would end up alone.

Luhan was still in the hall, somehow caught in his thoughts, trying to figure out what he really felt for Sehun. It was obvious and he already knew that he had completely fallen for the younger one with the steel-coloured hair. He knew it but this would turn his life upside down. It was obvious to him that Sehun didn’t really like him. He was just bearing with him because.. he didn’t even knew why but he had kept clinging onto him all the time. Luhan wanted to just spend time with Sehun. He wanted to figure out who he really was but it wasn’t that easy. Its hard to get closer to someone who keeps pushing you away and who is always aware of showing any emotions.
A muffled crashing noise from the upper floor made Luhan flinch. Sehun was up there. Yet he didn’t care about what the younger boy would say. Luhan was worried to death that anything could have happened to Sehun. Without thinking he quickly made his way upstairs and rushed into the direction where he had heard that noise come from. He opened the next best door he saw and yet he stood in the door like he had frozen. Unable to believe what he was seeing.


yeah, this time it's a quicker update uwu I am so glad that you all read my story, thanks a lot. I'll try to update more and more temporary now >< 
I hope you like the new chapter and be curious about the next one, keke. 

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