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Maybe it was that terrible headache which was torturing his head that had woken Sehun up but he couldn’t really tell. Ponderous he tried to open his eyes, quite having troubles to part his eyelids. It felt like hours to him but finally he could manage it to open his eyes and after he had been blinking for a few times, Sehun faced a blank white ceiling. In a slight shock caused by his loss of orientation the boy rushed up, way too fast he realised when he could see black dots dancing through his sight. Despite his instincts to just lay back again he kept up with this sitting position.

After a while he could make up in his mind that he must be in a hospital, due to the strange bed sheets, the sterile furnishing but mostly because of the machine next to him, giving annoying noises in a persistent time distance. When his vision got to a window to his left he wasn’t able to see anything but pitch black, which made him suggest that it must be late night. The only light that helped him to figure out his surroundings came from a dimmed lamp in the corner of the room, where he could also see one chair and the small table, on which this lamp had been standing.
He wasn’t able to remember at all why and how he had been brought to a hospital. He slowly turned towards the edge of the bed, setting his feet on the ground. A slight shiver caught him when his bare feet touched the ground and the dizzy feeling came back, getting worse with every move he made. He now was able to realise some injuries that didn’t catch his attention before.

His ribs were covered in thick bandages and it made him feel like he was stabbed by a knife, every time he moved his torso. When he touched his head which actually was hurting so bad that Sehun was afraid he'd have to throw  up. It was also covered by a bandage. When he put his hand back down from his head he saw his right hand supported by a splint. His mouth escaped a quiet sigh, he was surprised by his voice that actually sounded rather husky as if he had been screaming for the past days. It was quite hard for him to even make any kind of noise.

After a few minutes his head had calmed down and he felt a little better, also his vision became even clearer, which made him decide to get up. But he simply fell back sitting on his bed, when he had to realise that his legs weren’t able to hold his own weight. Just when he thought about what he should be doing now he heard scuffed footsteps passing the hallway, in front of his door they finally stopped. Sehun watched the door tensed, still he wasn’t totally sure if he really was at a hospital neither what had happened.

The door handle was pressed down slowly as if the one on the other side wanted to tease Sehun, who was still sitting on the edge of the bed, watching the door without even to blink.
Finally a person had been walking, it looked more like someone was sleepwalking. The person mumbled an excuse for being gone so long, not expecting any answer. But when Sehun had heard that voice he realised who that person was. Quietly and still having huge troubles to speak he mumbled Luhans name, which caused the other boy to rush around.

As Luhan had turned around to find Sehun finally awake after almost three days, he dropped the can of coffee he had been holding in his hands with a muffled gasp. Luhan wasn’t quite able to talk or anything so he just stood there and looked at Sehun, who still looked pretty worn out with his bandages around his head and his torso, plus the bruises that were visible around his left eye, a bloody scab on his lip that was held together with a tiny suture.

When Luhan was able to pull himself together, he couldn’t help himself but to rush towards the silver-haired guy and give him a hug, he quietly apologized for being so late, tears running down his cheeks.

Sehun sat in the same position all the time that Luhan had been staring at him and he was quite overwhelmed when the slightly shorter boy ran towards him, he wasn’t able to react but his eyes widened and he harshly sucked air in as Luhan hit his bruised torso, which made Luhan apologize again and he slowly backed away from Sehun.

Sehun had put his usual behaviour back and glared at the smaller boy, telling him to explain this situation and kind of annoyed he told him also to stop crying.

Luhans face turned towards the ground and quietly he wiped his tears, pulling the chair in front of the hospital's bed. Now he began to tell the quite puzzled Sehun how he found him in this beat up with those guys and how he had called the ambulance after making those guys run as fast as they can, when he told him that he'll call the police. He also explained that Sehun wouldn’t wake up for three days and that they had to operate him to fix his ribs which were broken and badly one had been stuck in his lungs.

During the time that Luhan was talking, flashback started to rush to Sehuns mind. After the other boy had finished his story Sehun had remembered almost everything. He gave Luhan a cold look and quietly he growled that he didn’t need any help back then. I was able to handle this on my own Sehun hissed, his voice still husky. Yet he took a closer look at the boy with the deer eyes and he was pretty hit by what he saw.

Those deer eyes that Sehun had seen shining softly back that day, which he secretly adored so much, they were dull and had lost their shining, growing dark shadows around instead. His fluffy hair, which was so soft and still somehow messy with slight waves had become straggly. Sehun felt that urge deep inside his chest again, to just protect that boy and he eagerly wanted to bring the shining back into those eyes. Angrily he again pushed that feeling away and instead he asked about if anything had happened.

Luhan didn’t know how to deal with that kind of humans, like Sehun was. It scared him. But despite that he felt attracted to the guy with the silver hair and black eyes since he had seen him for the first time. Maybe it was this little pinch of sadness that flushed into his eyes when he was sure that no one looked. Luhan had seen it. He had been looking at him the whole day. It wasn’t fair that such things happened to people like Sehun. He was sure that Sehun wasn’t that cold boy, he pretended to be and Luhan wanted to bring out the true Sehun, he didn’t even know why but it was just something about that boy that fascinated him. It was like a spell that Luhan had been cauhght in.

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