Phone Call

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Luhan quickly regretted it. Everything he had just said plus the way how he said it. He didn’t meant to yell at the younger. He knew about how sensitive Sehun actually was. Immediately he wanted to apology, his vision had become blurred by tears again, the feeling of suffocating in his throat as he tried to hold back his tears. He didn’t want to cry again, it would only make Sehun feel bad. He shouldn’t feel bad for not having the same feelings. That was the only thought that held Luhan back from letting his tears fall.

Sehuns heart again felt like it was being ripped to pieces when he saw tears glancing in the elders eyes again as he, now calmer, explained that it was fine that Sehun didn’t feel about him that way.
Without thinking twice about, Sehun placed his hands on each side of the elders face. With his thumbs he swiftly wiped away the tears before he leaned in to connect their lips. The moment their lips met was rather short but gentle. Sehun pulled away, his gaze rested on Luhans lips while a bright blush creeped up his cheeks. Quietly he mumbled: "How would you know, that I don't like you?"

Disbelieve was written on Luhans face when he heard the younger say those words. His mind was overflowing with thoughts and emotions.

Luhan suddenly jumped up when he could feel his phone vibrate in his pocket. By checking the screen he could see a not listed number had tried to call him for the ninth time. He immediately got up, pacing through the living room while he called back.

Sehun kept following Luhan with his eyes as he walked through the room. Soon the elders expression changed, his eyes became wide and hastily he promised to come over in ten minutes before he hung up and let his hand sink, the phone dropping out of his hands.
When he went back to the couch where Sehun was watching the now pale boy with a pretty concerned expression, he announced that he had to leave because his mother seemed to have had an accident.

Without a word Sehun got up and wrapped his arms around the elder. With a quick nod he told him that they'd go together. Luhan wanted to protest and leave alone but Sehun quickly shut him up, by placing his index finger over the elders soft lips.
It took only two minutes for Sehun to run up the stairs, change into the next pair of jeans he could see, then pulling a hoodie on. He didn’t bother to take off the t-shirt which he had been wearing since yesterday morning. Quickly he ran back downstairs, slipping on his sneakers, afterwards grabbing his and Luhan's coat. Before he put on his own jacket he placed the light blue one on the older guy's shoulders, forcing him to slide his arms in the coat as well. He was badly concerned about the reaction that Luhan showed. He hadn’t spoken a word since he explained what had happened and he still looked as pale as the snowy streets on which they had stepped now.

Quickly Sehun gestured a taxicab to stop. He practically shoved Luhan in, who still seemed to be in a state of shock. He could manage to get the address of the hospital form Luhan, after he had asked him a few times.
While the taxi driver started his car after Sehun insisted that he would hurry and drive as fast as possible, he reached over, swiftly shifting Luhan's hand in his own before he gave it a soft squeeze. He wasn’t good with words and Luhan knew that.

To Luhan this was the best possible comfort in the world to just feel Sehun hold onto his hand. When they arrived he hurried to get out of the cab, he simply ran to the entrance. A short moment later Sehun arrived next to him.
Sehun still had to pay the taxi driver and he was worried that he might not be able to catch up with the elder who had already been running off into the hospital, which was actually pretty, pretty huge.

He accompanied Luhan to the reception where he told his family name and the name of his mother. After a quick talk with a nurse he was dragged away by her and Sehun was told to wait in the waiting room. As much as he disliked it, he had to sit down and wait for Luhan's return. He quietly muttered but finally grabbed some magazine and began to skim over the paper, not actually reading or caring about what was written. The only thing he could think of was Luhan.
It felt like an eternity to him but finally Luhan was to be seen in the hallway. Immediately the younger one got up, running his finger through his dyed hair, to keep it out of his vision before he made his way towards Luhan.
For the third time now, in between not even 24 hours, he had to see the one who he loved the most, cry.
Not saying a word, Sehun took the elder's hand in his again and led him out of the hospital. He wanted to get them a cab again but Luhan just shook his head. He seemed pretty worn out and tired when he asked if they couldn’t just walk this time. Sehun would like it more if he knew Luhan was in the warm, finally getting some rest but he wouldn’t want to fight over something like that now, so he just nodded.

Their way back was quiet but it was a comforting silence. Throughout the whole way, Sehun wouldn’t let go of the elder's hand and just softly caress it by running his thumb across the back of Luhan's hand.
He knew about the situation Luhan had to deal with at the moment. Sehun didn’t even once think about to let Luhan go to his apartment, that he shared with his mother and her new partner, until his mother was out of the hospital. So when they had reached the mansion, belonging to Sehun's family, he announced that they would be living together here, as long as Luhan's mother wouldn’t be home.
Again Luhan wanted to protest but Sehun just wouldn’t listen and softly shove him inside.

Luhan wasn’t even able to describe how thankful he was to have Sehun by his side. He didn’t protest anymore when he was dragged inside. He let Sehun take off his jacket, afterwards he let the younger drag him along and also he accepted to be tucked in Sehun's bed. He let Sehun cover him with a blanket but when he turned around with the words: "You need to rest now..", Luhan reached out to grab the younger’s arm. He didn’t want to be alone just now. It was only a one second-lasting look, Sehun gave him after he turned back to Luhan before he kicked off his shoes and settled down next to the elder. There was no need to say anything, Sehun immediately could figure out what the expression on Luhan's face was trying to tell him.

Luhan realised that his body must have been tensed all the time, because as soon as he could feel Sehun's arm wrap around his waist, all his muscles suddenly relaxed and he shifted his head against the younger's chest.
Soon he could feel Sehun's fingers, softly running through his hair. It was some kind of habit, which the younger had developed longer ago. It made Luhan feel really comfortable.

Yet Sehun hadn’t asked what even had happened to the elder's mother but he was sure that Luhan would tell him as soon as he felt like it, so he just let it be and tried his best to make him feel better.
In a shy way, still none of them was really believing that they shared the same feelings, Luhan lifted his head from the younger's chest. In a swift move he reached up, his lips softly pressing on Sehun's. This time the kiss lasted longer, also it got less awkward with every second.
Luhan pulled back and again he rested his head on Sehun's chest, he closed his eyes and the younger one tightened his grip around Luhan's tiny waist in a loving way., before he might have fallen asleep as well, his head resting on soft pink hair.

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