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What was later supposed to mean? Sehun paced through the whole mansion, not able to concentrate on anything. His thoughts all turned around Luhan. Finally he slumped down onto the carpet in the living room, his head resting on his knees. If he wouldn’t find anything to do soon he might go crazy from all the concern.
With a convinced nodd to himself he rose up again, on his way to his room. Just in about ten minutes he had changed from his nightwear into a pair of black jeans, combined with a simple white sweater. Sehun didn’t really bother to style his hair, sloppily he combed it back so it was out of his vision and put a cap on top. With an annoyed growl he searched through his whole room for his phone, in the end he couldn’t find it and left without it.

Sehun closed his eyes after he had stepped out of the door, inhaling the icy winter's scent. Hastily he wrapped a scarf around his neck and after another deep breath he stepped forewards onto the streets.
He didn’t consider it to be that hard to leave the house all on his own. When he thought back, he had been with Luhan each time he left the house. The elder giving him support, encouraging him to not be frightened by people around him. One more deep breath and Sehun continued to walk, without any destination he walked through the snowy streets. Just now he realized how much he had actually changed. How much everything had changed all of a sudden and somehow he didn’t even mind the change anymore. Change. A thing he had always tried his best to avoid, yet everything had changed and he was lucky that it did. Lucky to have met Luhan and that he didn’t get scared away by Sehun's cold attitude.

Small shivers shook Sehun when he entered the supermarket, the heated up air clashing against his cold face and hands. Since he had nothing to do after all he'd just prepare some lunch for when Luhan would return. Sehun wasn’t sure at all what he should cook, since he wasn’t that skilled in cooking at all. But after he had scanned over almost every rack twice, Sehun still had no idea how or what he should be getting for a meal. A frustrated groan escaped from the male's lips and he ruffled through his silvery hair before he turned his attention back at the groceries. He was totally focused on what to buy that he didn’t realise the figure that had appeared behind him, now carefully not to be heard, was it walking up to him. Just when the suspicious feeling to be watched crept up in Sehun's brain, it was too late. A quite tall and obviously male figure threw himself on Sehun's back. A pair of muscular arms were wrapped around his neck, causing him to yelp out in shock as well as in lack of oxygen.

It only took him a slight turn and a well placed kick, to get rid of the person, who had been strangling him. When Sehun shot a glare at the figure, which now was lying all curled up on the floor, quietly whining in pain, it took him a moment to realize what he just did. Giving a surprised gasp, Sehun crouched down next to the boy on the ground, mumbling muliple apologizes.
Just then he relaized the whole bunch of people which had gathered around them, shooting curious glances at them. With one of his best and most iciest looks, before hissing at them to back off. Only in the term of a few seconds everyone had backd away, hastily hurrying away to continue their shopping. Again Sehun flashed his attention back to the male on the floor who was now back to a sitting position. With almost teary eyes, he muttered about that he only was happy to see Sehun and about that it was totally unnecessary to kick him like that. Again Sehun growled an apology, telling Baekhyun to get a grip on himself again and stop crying around. The actually elder got up from the floor sniffing and turned towards Sehun only to again wrap his hands around the younder's neck, hugging him tightly. Sehun only groaned in annoyance. He was used to that clingy behaviour of Baekhyun. He had been dealing with the puppy-like guy for about two or three years now, most of the time he was almost going insane due to Baekhyun but he wouldn't be able to get rid of him. No matter how rude or how cold he behaved towards the elder, he wouldn’t just take his turn and leave Sehun alone. Worse than that he would bring his best friend along. A really tall guy, called Chanyeol, Sehun thought to remember. He didn’t actually like the accompany of Baekhyun but combined with Chanyeol they were always giving Sehun a horrible headache with their loud voices and laughter. Just at the memories he had to sigh out loud, now hastily shoving the shorter one off himself, who let go off Sehun just unwillingly.

"Baekhyun, where's your shadow at?", Sehun grumbled at the elder, referring to Chanyeol. In that very moment he could feel a huge hand slamming down on his shoulders and when Sehun turned around his question was already answered. He had a feeling like the giant had grown taller again, not knowing if that was even possible.
Sehun wasn’t listening to the chattering of the two boys at all, the only thing on his mind was how he could get to escape them as soon as possible. Just a few seconds later, Sehun saw his deliverance. A tiny guy, hastily hurrying through the streets. The light shade of pink on his hair immediately caught Sehun's eye. A quick glance was shot at Baekhyun and Chanyeol who still were busy talking, yet they hadn't realized that Sehun never payed any attention to their babbling. Sehun thought about saying any kind of goodbye to them but just sighed to himself and hurried out of the shop, his eyes scanning the scenery for Luhan, who had just been passing by.
Sehun was all focused on the pink-headed boy until he finally spotted him at the end of the street. Immediately Sehun quickened his pace, not realizing the yelling behind him. Soon he had switched to running and it didn’t take him long to reach Luhan who seemed to be totally caught up in his thoughts. A bright smile had already crept up Sehun's face at the sight of his boyfriend. It might have not been that long but he really had missed him already.

As soon as he was close enough, Sehun literally jumed at Luhan, causing him to yelp out and almost crush to the ground with Sehun on his back. Luckily he quickly caught his balance and managed to stay standing. Sehun, who was remaining on the elders back, placed his chin on Luhan's shouders and buried his face in the crook of Luhan's neck, admiring the soft skin and the heavenly scent. It only took Sehun seconds to realize that the elder was behaving different and quickly he climbed off his back, a worried expression slowly came up on his face. When he was about to face Luhan, the elder turned away and Sehun's concern grew.
Since it was the only way Sehun would express his feelings he harshly grabbed Luhan's shoulders and twirled him, so he was forced to look at the younger. Just as Sehun got the first glimpse of the elder's face, his expression darkened a lot by the mix of liquids, staining Luhan's angelic face. He suddenly shoved the elder against the next random house wall, his teeth were gritting and in his eyes was blank aggression to be seen. "Who!". Was the only words he managed to bring out. More likely it was a growl, when he tried his hardest to keep himself under control.

Okay I have reached almost 2.000 reads now and I am so thankful for that. I want to cuddle each one of you! Thank you really much, I hope you will continue to support my story, even if I am a little drama queen. >< (yes, I know that /kicked) Fighting, sweetie potatos! ^O^/

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