Author's Note

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First of all, I am sorry. I know this chapter is not what you all are waiting for and I got a lot of messages, asking when I will update and stuff so I wanted to at least explain myself.

So I have recently been released from the hospital plus my laptop is broken and I am currently waiting for the chip to arrive that I need to switch and all my data is on it. 
I am sorry for each of you who are waiting and I know I am really lacking in updates but I am and I will continue to put my health at first place and I honestly hope you can understand that. I promise to try and write a new chapter once my laptop is fixed but besides that I am pretty much affected by my health and I have troubles even to just read so please understand that it is extremely hard for me to update on a regular basis. 

Another thing. I plan on ending the fiction in the next few chapters anyway and I dearly hope you will put up with me a ittle longer and patientelly wait for my lame update. 

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