Sad Story.

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Chapter 1.

"God she's so fat", "now i see why she only has one friend. Pathetic!", "What is she wearing", "monster". Every day from 9:00am to 3:30pm this is what im forced to hear and much more. Im shy, the quiet girl nobody notices I only show my true self to one person,but i wasnt always this way. I use to be somewhat happy. I've never lived a good life but somehow it feels better than this. My life is a tragedy, an unfortunate, sad tragedy.


"Get up you disguisting little slut. Fucking useless is what you are! How in the hell are we related?!?" my step- sister Hanna said to me as she kicked her foot into my ribcage.

"Your weak!" the loud snapping sound echoed throught the living room and I screamed out in agony.

She might have broken my ribs. Your probably wondering where my parents are rite?, Why am I being beaten by my hateful stepsister? well both my mother and step-father decided that they wanted to go on there "honey moon" i should have suspected something was wrong when they left over three hundred dollars in kitchen drawer. There excuse was it was to go towards food while there on there trip. That was almost 2 years ago.

I've never known my real father he abandoned my mother after he found out she was pregnant with me. My mother tells me it's all my fault. Of course it is, everything is my fault.

"Get your fat ass up now Ella!" I tried dragging myself to the stair-case so I could pull myself up.

The pain in my side is so excruciating i welcome death, but I refuse to allow her to call me weak, again.

"I have never done anything to you hannah. I've always treated you like my blood sist-"

"STOP! Dont you fucking finish that sentence Ella we're not sisters. If it wasn't for you my dad would have NEVER left me here with you for your whore of a mother. I HATE YOU!" she sobbed, probably high.

That's usually when she decides to take her anger out on me. After smoking pot with her horrible friends. Silent tears fell my eyes as I tired my hardest to stand.

"Im sorry Hannah, Ok? I'm fucking sorry! but you werent the only one that lost your parent. My moms gone to you selfish Bitch!" by now I'm on my feet and wiped away those pathetic tears falling from my eyes. Hannah stared at me with wide eyes full of rage.

"Im sorry our parents are two sick individuals that care about nobody but themselves, im sorry that im fat, or pathetic, Im sorry your stuck here with me, but most of all im sorry that you will forever live life as such a hateful person."

"How dare yo-",

"Save it Hannah I wont take this from you any longer. I refuse to be your punching bag."

End of Flash Back

A shudder ran through my spine as I mentally relived that horrible memory. I realized i was the only one standing in the hallway lost in my thoughts by my locker. I probably looked like a huge idiot. Sighing i slammed my locker closed and made my way to 7th period English, late again. Mr. Foster is going to give me detention. Great! note the fucking sarcasm.


"Ah Mrs.LaNorè thank you for gracing us with your presence. Your seven minutes late, So I will be seeing you after school for detention" a smug smile grew on his wrinkly and greasy face.

"Sorry sir." I mumbled under my breath and rolled my eyes when a few of my lovely classmates snickered.

I made my way over to my best and only friend Alana. After leaving Virginia and Hannah behind Alana was the first person I met here in L.A and the only person that knows about everything I have been through. She was so sad and shocked that I had been through so much she convinced her amazingly generous parents to let me move in. I lived in a shelter for a few weeks before I met Alana at a grocery store. I was going to steal.

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