Bad Luck Magnet.

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Chapter 2.

"DO NOT ENTER" written in bold bright letters its impossible to miss but easy to ignore. Ignoring the warning sign I climbed over the so called 'electric fence', the first time I snuck into here i can admit i was scared shitless but i sucked it up and put my hand on the fence. I found it actually hilarious that they lied about making it electric, obviously i was one of very few people that actually had the balls to test it out.

Besides me only about three other people come here and they're guys. They smoked their weed and hit on me like no tomorrow. Now they aren't so bad to talk to. Except when they try to pressure me into smoking pot with them.

I walked over to my spot, a comfortable pool chair in the far corner and i set my stuff down on the floor beside it. Plopping down onto the chair I plugged my headphones in and pulled out my journal. In this journal is everything I feel. But I dont write stories or start off with dear diary, I put down poetry.

November 17, 2013

"And as my fist punches through the glass, i feel the shards as they puncture my knuckles. Pain. A feeling i'm all to familiar with, but right now i will ignore it because i have just broken through the wall i have been hiding behind for to long, and the feeling is inexplicable. The strong and happy girl facade is now gone. Now i'll show you all what a monster i can be. And they'll regret never taking the time to see the real me. The broken me, the hurt me, the revengeful me."

I closed my journal and slid it under my thigh, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I always get this feeling after writing, a feeling of content because I got to let my feelings out, even though it's just on paper.

My eyes stared to get heavy and I was almost asleep but jumped when I herd shouting and screaming. I sat up taking my head phones out of my ears.

"Oh fuck me! Are you serious?!" I whispered to myself. Presley and the asshole clan just had to hop the fence to this pool right?

Im no longer interested in staying here. My personal sanctuary has been tainted. I grabbed my journal and shoved my vans back on my feet.

Just then my phone started to ring in back pocket. So much for a quiet exit. I shit my phone off and turned around. Of course I've been spotted. Presley mumbled something to his friends and they all laughed and nodded and whispered. He got up from the pool side and made his way over to me. Rolling my eyes I pretended I didn't even notice him and made my way towards the exit.

"Why are you in such a hurry, hm?"

He gripped my upper arm and pushed me against the wall. I snatched my arm out his grip.

"Fuck off!"

"Tsk, tsk, I let you get away with talking to me like that once, but do you really think i'll let you fucking get say with it again? huh?" he pinned my the wall and got in my face.

"You're not 'gunna do a damn thing so get the hell off of me asshole!"

"Your pretty, you know maybe if you weren't such a bitch you'd actually have a chance with me." I rapidly jerked out of his grip.

"Get the fuck off of me!" My voice was so harsh it sounded like I was spitting venom. He did nothing but laugh and his followers of course followed.

"Oh, What's this? Your diary?" he let go of me and snatched my journal out of my hand.

"Stop! Give it back!"

My voice cracked and I was near to tears but I wouldn't date cry in front of him.

"Fix Me"Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя