Naughty Or Nice?

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OMG OMG OMG I love all of you so so much! Thank you everyone for 1k reads honestly I cried because this book means so much and thank you all for supporting me! <3

Chapter 18.

"Fill out this form and you are free to go for two weeks and two weeks only, I am hoping you will not break this contract Elizabeth because I have gone out of my way to get you these two weeks off for vacation so you could enjoy Christmas with your loved ones."

I tightened my grip on Presley's hand and nodded my head frantically with this permanent smile etched onto my face.

"I promise. No, we promise to have her back in two weeks time. Thank you so much Doctor Edgar." Before he could even respond Anne was out of her seat and tackling into an appreciative hug. Doctor Edgar patted her back awkwardly and David managed to pry her hands off of him before she suffocated the poor man.

"I told you, you weren't going to spend Christmas in here." Presley whispered, lips pressed to the shell of my ear so only I could hear him. I turned my head to face him and properly pressed my lips against his in a quick, sneaky kiss. What me and Presley are is still undetermined and without a title but I think I lo- like him. I think I like him very very much.

After I filled out a few forms and listened to some more of Doctor Edgar's warnings we were free to go and I all but skipped out of the institution dragging Presley and Alana behind me. Since being in here me and Alana's relationship took a major downfall, we haven't spoken as much and she can barely even look at me sometimes. I don't know what she's feeling or thinking half the time but she just looks.. different. The bags under her eyes get darker every time I see her, she always looks nervous and, I don't know guilty? Whenever she catches me staring she smiles and assures me she's fine, until now I haven't questioned it.

"So free at last huh? where to first kiddo?" David asked. His arm slipped lovingly around Anne's waist and she smiled up at him. I hope to find love like that one day.



Twenty minutes later we pulled into the driveway and I was out of the car basically running into the house.

"Ella wait a second!" Alana called from behind me, but I was to excited. To happy and excited and waiting was the last thing I wanted to do. I fumbled with unlocking the door with my old set of keys, but once I got through I was speeding up the stairs to my room. My thoughts clouded with the memories of how soft my bed was and how bright my room always was.

I heard footsteps pounding up the stairs behind me. Once I was in view of my bedroom excited giggles bubbles through me, but completely stopped once I opened the door. My bright smile faded to something almost non existent. Before me was a dark and gloomy room, the blinds shut closed blocking out the sun light and a suffocating Ora of sadness seeped through everything in here.

The broken mirror was still in its place. The shards still on the floor, my anti depressants and the shattered bottle still in a pile on the floor mixed into the glass. My broken flat iron thrown across the room and there's a large dent in my wall, probably where the flat iron hit. Pillows are thrown about and majority of the items I once treasured most are shattered. A small sigh escaped my mouth along with a chuckle. I did this. I did all of this and remember only bits and pieces of it.

"No one has touched the room since.. since you left, we-we couldn't. I told you to wait. I-I-"

I turned to Alana she was looking around my room with clouded eyes. She raised her hand and placed it over her mouth trying to silence her cries, but I won't allow it. There has been to much sadness. I lived off of it but I won't do it anymore. I opened my arms wide and Alana ran to me. She hugged my like she use to, she hugged me like I was Ella. Not some fragile mental patient that would snap at any moment.

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