Dive in her Ocean.

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I added more to this chapter ;)

Chapter 23.

I've spent most of my morning twirling my ring around my finger and replaying everything Presley said to me when he asked me to be his girlfriend in my head.

It says to be continued because we still have so much to experience together..

I couldn't stop smiling, I tried to eat some of my breakfast but my stomach was in knots. All I could do was move my food around my plate with my fork.

"Ella are you even listening to me?" I blushed,

"Sorry Alana, what were you saying?"

Shaking her head she took a sip of some orange juice, "I was trying to tell you, Mark invited me to a vacation cabin down at Angeles National Forest. He told me to bring you and Presley along. It could be a kind of vacation for us because we've spent most of your break and our Christmas break from school with adults. It would be something fun to experience before you go .. back."

Back to the Hospital.

"Do you think they'll let me stay home? I don't need to be there anymore. What I need is my freedom and you guys. Why do I have to go back?" I sound whiny and childish but I really do not want to go back. That place just depresses me more

"I don't know Ella .. Next month you turn 18 right? At that time legally it will be your decision whether or not you want to stay. Take some time and think about it. We still have four days left together."

"Yeah, I mean it'll be fun right?"


Turns out it's not so fun. Presley kept nagging me saying,

"We're only going for two days. No need to pack your entire closet." to which I would respond with an eye roll or a pinch on his arm. Telling me to pack less clothes is basically telling me to go unprepared and if I'm unprepared I won't have fun and if I don't have fun no one else is allowed to have fun either.

It took all of us about an hour and a half to finish packing and finally hit the road. The trip from here to the vacation resort was a good three hours and I already knew how this road trip was going to go. Presley couldn't keep his hands off of me. He would run his index finger down my arm, or kiss from my shoulder up to neck until I pushed him away. It was like a game to him, 'Let's see how much teasing Ella can take until she caves' and god dammit he was really good at this game.

"So what do you think we should do first?" Alana asked me.

"I don't know maybe go s-swimming first." Presley's hand was slowly rubbing my knee and moving into the center of my thighs. His touch was so soft it sent shivers down my entire body and made me stumble over my words. I glared at him and smacked at his hand but he just bit his lips.

God please help me.

"Swimming are you sure? We should try something like rock climbing or even canoeing, don't you think?" He pulled down the neck of my shirt exposing my collar bones and planted soft hot kisses on my skin, working his way up to my neck and behind my ear.

"Uh- um sounds great, we can definitely do that." She hummed,

"There's a mall there too." My mind was telling me no, but my body was telling me yes because I melted into Presley's touch. His hands skimmed up my legs to the hem of my shirt. The cold contact from his hands on my stomach made me shudder. Soft almost non existent hums left my mouth as his lips kept working their magic on my neck. Sure to leave a mark.

"You want me to stop?" he whispered in my ear. His husky voice sent tingles down my entire body. I crossed my legs trying to dull the tingling feeling and shook my head yes.

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