Oh Christmas Tree

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Chapter 19.

"Jesus Christ! Put your fucking back into it, bend your knees I don't know but get this tree off the front porch!"

"How about you get off your lazy ass and come demonstrate Elizabeth."

I continued sipping my lemonade and rolled my eyes at Presely's smart ass comment and the use of my full name.

"David!" I shouted. "Presley is to weak to lift the tree alone, you owe me twenty bucks." I gripped my sweater tighter around my upper body and smirked at Presley as David, laughing to himself, stepped outside the door handed me my twenty and went over to help Mr.'the tree can't possibly be that heavy, I got it'.

They managed to lift it, but failed to realize this tree is huge as hell and has no possible chance of fitting through the door.

They've been struggling trying to squeeze it through for the last ten minutes or so. About 5 minutes ago Anne joined me on the porch as we watched the two struggle laughing to ourselves.

"Ok, this is- this is just sad I can't watch anymore. David we'll just have to get a new tree." Anne shouted out to 'the man of the house'. David sighed and nodded to Presley before they dropped the tree.

"I guess your right honey. Alright Presley, Ella go get another tree."

I snorted and continued sipping my lemonade. Its so good. When he noticed neither of us where making any movements towards the car he approached me, snatched my lemonade right out of my hand and drank it down in like 5 seconds.

"I meant now." He said.

I sighed and moved my gaze to Presley, he was smirking which is never a good thing. I took the keys from Anne and dragged myself over to the car, Presley trailing closely behind me.

. .

"What about this one?"

"To big."

"This one?"

"To thin."

"Come on baby, pick one I'm hungry." Presley grumbled,

"As always."

While I was inspecting the tree i felt was fit for our home I felt rough hands grab at my waist and pull me against a strong chest. I smacked his hands away,

"Leave me alone." but of course he didn't. He grabbed me again,

"Baby, I'm not hungry for food." he whispered seductively into my ear, sending shudders from my head down to my toes. Swiftly I moved out of his embrace and took calming breaths as I walked over to a few trees lined up against a brick wall.

"What about this one?" I said, trying to get his eyes off of me, but failed. His eyes twinkled with lust and mischief. I turned to walk away, he took long strides until he was standing directly in front of me. One of his hands gripped the side of my neck as the other slid down onto my ass. Heat rose to my cheeks and my palms felt clammy.

In an instant his lips met mine and I allowed him to take full control over me. His warm tongue glided over my bottom lip,

"Don't tease me." I mumbled my eyes unable to move from staring at his lips. There's just something about him, no matter how hard I try I can't say no. He tightened his grip on my ass and I bucked my hips forward unintentionally, biting my lip. He licked his full, pink lips, I nipped at his tongue playfully and quivered when he let go a husky moan. Our mouths where connected, tongues molded together passionately until I had to break the kiss in desperate need of air,

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