Mixed Emotions.

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Chapter 7.

We're back to it. Me and Presley are back to glaring, fighting, and hating each other. A little piece of me wants to just grow a pair, walk up to him and demand he apologizes to me. But the rest of me is ready to viciously attack him whenever he's in a reaching distance.

In the classes we share together our teachers have made it personally there job to put us on opposite ends of the classroom far away from each other. Like that's going to help. Since our big fight two days ago he has tried to trip me several times, insult my physical appearance, and leave very colorful letters on my locker making it known that I'm on his bad side. He is the most confusing and infuriating human I have ever met! It bothers me how he can do all these things without second thought. It bothers me how he acts like we never kissed in the parking lot, it bothers me how he denies helping me that day in the office. But it shouldn't bother me. Presley is no good dirty scum and impossible to like let alone love... Love.

The kid basically hates me and here I am letting my thoughts drift off to the topic of loving him. I'm craving tequila but my stupid conscience mixed with thoughts of how Alana and Cody would feel stop me from marching down to the liquor store. Cody still doesn't know about my mom or my past I refrained from telling him any of that yet. For now i'm just going to continue to let him believe I have an alcohol problem.

"Jasmine come out, come where ever you are!" I slapped my hand gently over Jasmine's mouth to muffle her adorable giggles and scooted further under the bed with her. After school today I came over here to catch up with Cody and now we're in the middle of an intense game of hide and seek. I put my finger to my lips telling her to be quiet. She bobbed her head up and down smiling brightly showing off her new missing front tooth. Her smile is so contagious I broke out into a huge smile myself.

"Hey jazzy do you think your princess dollies would like a trip to the fire place?" Cody shouted. Jasmines eyes widened and she opened her mouth to shout but with lighting speed I reached into my pocket pulled out a pink starburst and handed it to her. Starburst's are her weakness and I use that to my advantage. She happily shut her mouth and pocketed the candy. Cody's been looking for us for a good 15 minutes now but the genius hasn't even bothered checking his own room. Smart Ass.

"Oh come on! Hey Ella I ordered pizza." My head snapped up and I slammed it up against the base under the bed.

"MOTHER FU---" a petite hand slapped over my mouth cutting me off. I heard laughter and footsteps approaching the room. Jasmine and I scooted impossibly close together and shut our eyes tight. I have a bitching headache but who ever wins the game also wins the last amazingly good cookie Cody's mom made. Her cookies are so good I let out and embarrassing moan while shoving them down my throat. Much to my embarrassment Cody laughed for 15 minutes straight. He could have gone longer if I didn't threaten him by saying I will leave and never speak to him again, but me and him both know that's a load of bull.

I checked the time on my phone. Three more minutes and the game is over. The bedroom door creaked open, jasmine squished her face into my side. It's adorable how she thinks when she closes her eyes real tight she become invisible.

"How did I not think to check my own room. Good one Cody." he mumbled to himself. Jazzy giggled and I knew then, shit is about to go down. The room became so silent you could hear the faint tick sound coming from his wall clock. A minute and thirty five seconds to go. Suddenly there was a loud slam, as Cody, threw his closet door open. I almost screamed from the unexpected noise. Jazzy was basically under me now.

"Dammit." he said.

There was shuffling and slamming before it got quiet again. 10.. 9.. 8.. 7... 6... 5.. 4.. 3..

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