Santa Clause is Cumming.

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Guys don't hate me :( When ever I take a while to upload a chapter it's because I'm trying to make the chapter reallyyy good. I take the extra time to build up ideas and make it interesting for you ;*

Chapter 22.

I feel like a five year old. I woke everybody up bright and early this morning because it's Christmas! They'll be presents and bonding and good food, stories told and laughs shared, I can't put my excitement into my words. This is my first real Christmas and not a damned thing will mess it up for me.

After waking Anne and David up, we were all told to stay in one room upstairs until breakfast was ready. My impatience was getting to me and the smell of hot chocolate and pancakes made my mouth water.

"Relax Ella. They'll call us down any minute, I hope." Cody said. I groaned and rested my head against Presley's shoulder.

"Would you stop shaking your leg, it's making me anxious." he said to me. I didn't even realize I was still tapping.

"A please would be nice." he mocked me in a horrifying high pitched girl voice, I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I feel like I've said this to you before but, they're better things you can be doing with that tongue." he joked.

"Yeah? Like what ?" smirking he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek,

"You really want me to show you?" he whispered to me,

"Maybe I do."

"I'm going to go sit in the hallway.." Cody awkwardly said. I blushed, Presley rolled his eyes.

"Ok, guys you can come down now!" I sprung up off the bed and out of the room. Running down the stairs I tripped and almost went tumbling if I hasn't caught myself. The living room looked beautiful, under the tree was a sea of all different colored and sized boxes.

"Merry Christmas!" Anne said, I hugged her tightly and felt tears well in my eyes, Jesus man up Ella.

"Here is some hot chocolate for you, and you, and you." David handed us each a steaming mug.

"We'll eat breakfast first and then get to the presents ok? Some family and friends might be coming over later tonight for a small get together."


"Who wants to grab first?"

"Is that even a question?!" I took a deep breath and reached for a fairly large box wrapped in violet wrapping paper with a black bow to top it off.

"To: Mom from Alana, so not this one." I pouted.

"Which one do you think is yours? Think about it. Then reach for it." David said to me.

I scanned over all the gifts, some big and some small. Sitting almost to the back of the tree was a long, flat, white present with good stripes along it.

To: Elizabeth from Anne/David

I turned to them and smiled so hard it almost hurt.

"The suspense is killing me. I'm about to open the damn box myself." I snickered at Cody's comment and tore the wrapping straight off the box.

" ... Certificate of Adoption for Elizabeth Marie LaNoré..." My chest felt like fire, my mouth got so dry it burned to swallow.

"Keep reading."

".. The following person(s) David Baker and Anne Baker are lawfully qualified to adopt Elizabeth Marie LaNoré.. It is hereby Ordered, Adjudged, and Decreed by the Los Angeles state of law that said minor is now legally Elizabeth Marie Baker."

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