My Medication

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Chapter 16.

I was awoken from my nap by someone tapping on my shoulder, and by someone I mean her. Groaning lightly I turned on my side to face her,

"Yes mother?" I mumbled tiredly struggling to keep my eyes open.

"Ella I-I made you lunch, your favorite too. A grilled cheese sandwich with no crust and orange juice." numbly I sat up and ran my hands through my hair out of nervous habbit. I don't know what's scarier that fact that she's being civil with me, or the fact that she remembered one of my favorite foods.

"Are you coming? If y-your not i'll put it away for you, you don't ha-"

"No. No that's fine I'll be down in a minute." She nodded before quickly scurrying out of my room. I collected myself and took a deep breath before leaving my room and making my way down the hall towards the kitchen. Hannah is sitting at one end of the table, nibbling at her food not even acknowledging my presence. Jeremy mothers new 'boyfriend' this month is sitting on the counter puffing away at his cigarette, he noticed my presence and stared at me intently until I was in my seat.

My mother brought my plate to me, I noticed that her hands were shaking her skin was pale and on the underside of her arm was a mark slowly turning a purple-ish blue color. She must be high again. Whenever my mother did that stuff she would become a different person calm, and needy but still frightening. I wasn't very hungry, and with Jeremy still staring at me I felt my hunger subside completely and anger rise.

"Can you stop staring at me.... Please" I mumbled. I let go of the piece of bread I was holding in my hand and matched his gaze. Fucking dumb move. Across from me Hannah snickered and made herself more comfortable in her seat awaiting his response. Jeremy let out a large puff of white smoke, an amused smirk taking over his face before he took the bud of his cigarette and put it out by smashing it into the grilled cheese sandwich my mother had just made him. Rude.

"Don't ever.. fucking tell me what to do." he threatened his voice low and daring. I narrowed my eyes and clenched my fists in my lap.

"Got something to say, hm? Telling me what the fuck to do I can do much more than stare at you!" he was shouting now and within seconds he managed to cross the kitchen and come over to me. Roughly he grabbed my neck and pulled my face towards his. The force made me accidentally knock my plate off the table. I clenched my jaw in anger.

"I could have a lot of fun with you. Smart mouth like that get 'ya in a lot of trouble you know." mockingly he kissed me, bile raised in my throat. Without second thought I spit straight in his face.

"JEREMY!" my mother shouted just as his fist rose and forcefully punched me in the face pushing me out of my chair. Landing my palms dug into the broken glass from my plate. It was quiet. Frighteningly quiet and Jeremy stood above me seething with anger. I didn't even bother to pick myself up, I stayed on the ground and held his gaze. Glaring at him just as fiercely as he to me.

"Elizabeth I want you to go up to your room and wait for me, right this second." For a second my mother actually sounded like just that, a mother. But then I realized in a few hours when her high was completely flushed out of her system she would be back to normal, evil and a monster. Before I got up Jeremy stormed out off the house probably to go get shit faced and come back here to cause more trouble. I absolutely hate him. I picked myself up and walked down the hall back to my room, behind me I heard my mother order Hannah to clean the mess we made up. I opened my door and powerfully slammed it shut. I'm so tired of living like this. I pulled on my hair willing myself not to cry,

"Fix Me"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora