A change.

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Chapter 24.

Honestly I don't even when things escalated like this but the last two days me and Presley spent together here in this tight room we haven't been able to keep our hands off each other. Maybe it's because classes start back for him tomorrow and I'll be back in Johnson's, or maybe we're just at that point in the relationship where wanting to be sexual all the time hits it's high point.

Yes, we've only officially been together since Christmas but it feels longer. We connected in a way people who have been in relationships for years haven't yet.

I continued staring at Presley through the sliding glass doers while he and Mark talked and laughed on the front porch.

God, that smile.

"Do you want to stand there and undress him with your eyes for the last six hours we have here or do you want to come shopping with me?"

"Can't a girl have both?" Alana rolled her eyes and stood beside me glancing at Mark.

"Who would of thought? We totally ended up with absolutely clichè relationships, I mean we're on a freaking double-couple-vacation thing."

I bumped my hip into hers and rolled my eyes, "Who's idea was this again? Yeah Marks, and he's your boyfriend therefore you two are the cliche ones and We just got dragged into it."

"Babe, can I talk to you for a second?" Marks sudden interruption almost made me jump out my skin. We didn't even hear the sliding glass doors open when he walked in.

Beside me Alana nodded, looking kind of nervous and then they were gone. Part of me was tempted to stick my ear against the door and snoop to find out why she looked that way but I don't feel like invading her privacy today.

I could feel eyes on me, a smile immediately took over my face because I knew it was just the person I wanted at the moment. I my tilted my head up from staring at marble countertops and met his gaze, he nodded his head in a way that said 'come here' so obviously I did. The cool December air nipped at my bare thighs. Coming out here in pajama shorts probably wasn't the best idea.

I lowered myself onto his lap, his warm hands reached for my waist, the action made my shirt rise up and shivers run down my body as his hand slid from my hips over my thighs.

"Hello beautiful." I blushed.

Memories from last night seeped into my head ..

Presley leaned over me, our bodies sweat coated and exhausted. My legs shook and my breath came out in short pants when he kissed my lips and mumbled,

"You're so beautiful." Before he thrusted himself into me again.

Tingles erupted all over my body, I changed my position so that I was straddling him in the seat and held his face in my hands. Before he could even say anything my lips where on his, he reacted almost instantly, pulling my body even closer to his chest. His tongue found mine, I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back just as eagerly and impatiently.

When we pulled away from each other I looked into his eyes and ran my hands through his hair playing with it. It's gotten longer.

"I love your hair long like this. It's .. sexy."

The side of his lips quirked up in a half smile, "Is that so?" I nodded.

"Sexy enough to make you want to fuck me right now?" He joked.

Caught of guard by his words yet again I blushed.

"Oh definitely." I tugged harder on his hair, "Just looking at it makes me hot, I have wet dreams about your luscious hair at night."

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