The Christmas Crisis.

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I'm so thankful for all the support and appreciation towards my book, honestly. Every vote, every comment, every read is a boost to my confidence in this book. I love you guys <3

Chapter 21. .

'Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one man-' I slammed my hand down onto my cars radio and shut it off.

"Someone's being sour.'" I glared at Alana,

"This song, my god this song is so annoying. How cheery can they expect me to be after they play this same goddamned song seven times."

"Don't be a stick in the mud, Christmas is tomorrow and it's because of you I have to be last minute shopping so we'll listen to Jingle Bell's as many times as I want." she whined and turned the radio back on.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry! I should have checked the Johnson's mental hospital's gift shop while I was locked in there! How selfish of me..."

"I didn't mean it like that Ell's, I'm sorry." I gave her a faint smile and just decided to shrug it off.

The walk to the mall entrance was the usual, whistles and kiss noises thrown at us, the cheesy pick up lines and etc from guys just trying to get layed.

"Hey Alana, can I ask you something?" she nodded,

"What happened between you and Mark after that night? was it my fault.."

She took a minute staring inside the glass of stores we passed before answering,

"Honestly no it wasn't, and I'm not saying that to 'spare your feelings' or whatever. We changed as people and just weren't compatible anymore. the incident was kind of just the icing on top of the cake."

"Yeah but it wasn't his fault, he had no clue Danny was going to .. do what he did.. "

She sighed and grabbed my wrist hauling mr over to a store called 'Hot Topic', " It doesn't matter anymore ok? It's behind us. Let's talk about what your going to get that boyfriend of yours."

"Unofficial boyfriend and no this conversation is not over. Invite him over for dinner tomorrow."

"What?!" she looked completely mortified at the thought, "Absolutely not , I won't put you in that position, I won't put myself in that position, no way!"

Rolling my eyes I picked up a band shirt, on it said 'The Ramones', I've heard a few songs by them and Presley is always ranting on how they are one of the best bands so he should like it.

"Your not putting me in any position. I want him there tomorrow because deep down you do too. I love you guys for everything that you do for me but you can't keep living for me. Invite him over and make up. Do you think Presley would like this?" I held up the shirt.

Alana embraced me into a tight hug, " You're such an amazing person" she mumbled into my shoulder, "And yeah he would love it."

An hour and 4 stores later we decided to head to the food court because I felt as if my stomach was eating itself. Dramatic yes, but I'm very serious. I chose pizza and Alana got sushi. The food court's buzzing with people chatting and eating and having a good time on Christmas Eve with their families that are also late shoppers.

"I think there is a spot over there by that window."

"Which window?"

"That window to the left. The huge one by Footlocker!"

"Shit, fuck, shit. Turn around! we're going back."

"What the hell is that matter with you?! Let go of my arm Ella!"

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