The Real You.

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Chapter 15.

"I feel so bad! As your therapist it was my job to be here for you, if I was here you would of had someone to confide in and none of this would have happened." Doctor Hamish arrived early this morning back from Washington. She was visiting her ill mother so honestly I don't understand why she's apologizing. She didn't do anything. Doctor Hamish huffed and ran her hand through her thick, honey brown hair out of frustration.

"Doctor Hamish stop apologizing. I did what I did because I wanted to. I wasn't thinking straight and in times like that I don't think anyone would have been able to stop me. I was just --"


I was cut off by the oh so lovely Presley Jacobs throwing a grape at my cheek. I whipped around to face him and glared fiercely at him. He looked around and at the bowl of grapes on his lap, anywhere but at me. He's been coming here everyday after school since that talk we had a few days ago. He's irritating but not bad on the eyes so his company is somewhat welcome. Plus it's fun having someone here who won't discuss my mental issues or try to break through all my walls and let the secrets tumble out. He's giving me all the time I need and when I'm ready I will tell him everything. Almost everything.

"Presley, so help me god if you throw one more fucking grape at me I will --"


This one hit me square, right at the center of my forehead. Quickly I tried to get up,

"Ella the IV's, you'll pull them out!" Doctor Hamish said frantically.

Groaning loudly I grabbed the pillow from behind my back and threw it. He dodged it, stopping it from hitting it's target: his face. But he did manage to knock his bowl of grapes off his lap. I smiled victoriously as I watched them roll on the floor. So badly I wanted to get up and smash then under my feet just to piss him off further but I decided against it.

"Thanks a lot,, now I'm going to starve." Presley narrowed his eyes at me and I smiled innocently.

"Oh shut it! Why are you even here don't you have a house to get to? A whore to fuc-"

Smack! This time he threw the pillow I had previously launched at him back to me. It hit me with so much force I chomped down on my bottom lip. I yelped,

"Ow, What the hell Presley?!?" he burst out laughing and got out of his seat to approach me. Doctor Hanish's presence long for forgotten. I glared at him as he placed his hand on my jaw and tilted my head upwards. With his thumb he pulled my bottom lip down so he could inspect the damage he caused. His touch was gentle, his gaze held me captive. But rite now I'm suppose to be mad so I kept the tough act up.

"Aw does it hurt princess? Let Doctor Jacobs help you." he was purposely mocking me trying to irritate my further, so I roughly pinched his bicep making him squeak like a girl.

"Who's the princess again?" I held my bottom lip in between my teeth to stop myself from laughing. He looks like a wounded puppy. Pouting in a mocking way I placed both my hands on his cheeks smashing them together, now he resembles a fish.

"That really hurt you know! Here I am trying to be all nice and shit but you keep abusing me! I don't have to come here everyday after school you know." His voice was muffled because of the way his face was positioned. It was a funny sight, really.

"Yeah but you know you can't live without me, asshole." I gave him a 'friendly' kiss on his cheek and removed my hands. In return, when I turned my head away from his he bit down on my cheek. It wasn't hard enough to hurt and strangely it was a turn on. The stupid heart monitor I was attached to decided that it wanted to be heard, it beeped loudly and obnoxiously. Presley's deep laugh filled my ears, as my cheeks turned crimson from embarrassment. Looking keen he decided to tease me further. I stayed as still as a statue trying to calm my traitor heart. His soft lips made contact with the side of my neck, my eyes widened. His lips lazily trailed a line of hot kisses down the length of my neck. My hands blindly made their way around his neck, I ran them through his soft hair. The most unholy thoughts were coursing through my mind as I wondered what else his lips could do. He nipped at the exposed skin right above my collar bone. Weakly I moaned. I could literally feel his cocky smirk against my skin.

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