Grocery Shopping

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Since I will be busy the rest of the week I decided to post my first offical chapter today. Enjoy everyone!

I was running, their voices were everywhere, they never stopped, never left me alone. Ignoring the pleas to stop and to help them, I pressed forward, begging my legs to move faster. I couldn’t help them and no amount of begging was going to make me stop. I had to get away, before they became demanding, they were always so much worse when you refused them. My breathing came out in gasps as the amount of voices increased, pale forms pressed closer making me tremble as I realize more of them had joined the chase. I turn my head to glance over my shoulder and I see the large mob of over fifty spirits rushing forward calling out my name. My moment of distraction costs me, I didn’t see the road I was on  come to a dead end nor did I see the step for the side walk. My foot catches on the curb and I fall forward. Holding my arms out, I catch myself with my hands before I face planted on to the hard surface. I push myself up and scramble to stand, but it was too late they had already surrounded me, their voices rising to be heard over the others. Pressing my hands to my ears I clench my eyes closed shaking my head.  

"Stop! Leave me alone! Please, I can't help you!" I sobbed as they pressed closer as they called my name.


  "Saaaannnng!! Sang!" Loud banging had me shooting up from my bed looking around the room with wide eyes, breathing heavily as my sleep muddled mind realized that it had been a dream…just a dream, this time at least. I flinched at the sudden pounding on my door.

"Sang! Get up right now you worthless girl!" Letting out a shaky breath, I ran a trembling hand through my sweaty damp hair and slowly slid out of bed. Trying to shake off the dream I stretch my arms high above my head and twist my torso from side to side.

  "Sang!" The voice screeched again, rubbing the sleep from my eyes I padded downstairs and into the kitchen where my mother was calling for me.

  "Yes ma'am?" A short woman stood there glaring into the fridge with sunken brown eyes, shaded by the dark circles that were formed below them. Illuminated by the bright morning light that shone in from the kitchen window, her pale, pasty skin stood out in contrast against the dark wood of our kitchen counters and cabinets. Brown hair hung limp and stringy, making it obvious she hadn’t washed it in several days wearing an old, tattered bathrobe that hung loosely across frail shoulders. At the sound of my voice she jerked her head up, her thin lips forming into a dark scowl as she took in my disheveled hair, pink kami and blue pajama shorts. 

  "About time you got up, who do you think you are sleeping in all day and being lazy?" A glance at the clock told me it was only eight am, and my older sister Marie wouldn’t even stir for at least another two hours but I knew better than to try to correct her. "We're out of food and your dad is at work so you're going to the grocery store." She snatched up a pen and pad from the counter and began writing a list. She then shoved the list and some wadded cash into my hand. "I want everything on that list, and I want the receipt so don’t even think about trying to pocket any of the change.”  Glancing at the list and the three twenty dollar bills, I knew I would be lucky to get everything on the list with just sixty bucks even if I wanted to keep the change.

  "Yes ma'am.." I say with a nod and returned to my room to get ready. It would only cause her to become more angry and result in punishment if I tried to defend myself or asked for money, besides I have more things to worry about. Like where the heck the nearest grocery store even was. Having moved here from Illinois only three weeks ago, I had spent my time unpacking and getting things organized. I haven’t had the chance to explore the neighborhood or learn of any shops nearby so this task could take awhile to even find a place. With a frown I grab a white button blouse and a black skirt from my closet and begin to dress as I realize that I would be driving illegally as well.
I remember the fight that had broken out amongst my parents over getting my permit. My mother was determined she wasn’t going to have a useless dependent daughter and my father argued that I had no reason to drive since I never went anywhere anyways. Three days later my father had shown up at my door and told me he was going to teach me how to drive. I never got my permit but after a few lessons I was driving like a pro. I was told I better not get pulled over or I would be in serious trouble as he would deny having taught me or given my permission to use the car. Mother took advantage of my new skill and had me run all the errands now, so she wouldn’t have to leave the house, but only after several threats if I ever talked to anyone other than the clerks. With a heavy sigh I shook off my worries and pulled up my hair into a clip so it would stay out of my eyes. 

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