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    The ride to the school was quiet, everyone was off in their own worlds. Marie sat in the front messing around with the radio, and I sat in the back staring out the window watching the scenery pass absent mindedly as I thought about my run in with Nathan. Even though I had acted like a total weirdo he still wanted to be friends and had invited me to go swimming with him. I am surprised at how excited I am. I have spent so much time making myself invisible at my old school, I didn’t want any attention in case someone seen me talking to Liza who would occasionally pop up if she was bored. It was also easier not having to explain why my mother would not let me go anywhere or have anyone come to my house. I shudder at the thought of her ever learning that I was talking to someone, especially a boy.

  She was always telling stories about how boys only wanted one thing and they would do anything to get it even if that meant kidnapping, raping and killing you. She would bring up some story she seen on the news about a girl being taken from her front yard only for her body to be found defiled and beaten. But from what I seen as I watched people, most boys were not like that. Sure most of them were perverted, and there were a lot of jerks and bullies, but there were also the nice ones, and I think Nathan just might be one of them.  I was pulled from my thoughts as the car slowed, looking around at the parking lot packed full of cars, I worried if we would even be able to find a space. It took us five minutes of driving up and down the lanes before we were finally able to find a space. Once we were finally parked and making our way inside I took in the school that I would now be attending.

  It was a dump. The grounds was flat with the only trees being the few that lined the borders, the football and baseball fields look they hadn’t been maintained in years, there were square hedges that ran along the edges of the building that looked like they hadn’t been trimmed or watered in months. The building itself was an ugly faded brown with two stories and the only windows were scattered along the second floor. Then there were trailers that Nathan had mentioned. They were lined up behind the school and there must have been at least thirty of them and looked just as run down as the school itself.

  There people everywhere and it took several minutes before we were able to squeeze our way inside. I immediately wanted walk right back out. I had been feeling anxious since we exited the car, and I had thought it had just been the crowds, but once inside I could literally feel the malevolent atmosphere. This immediate overwhelming feeling was always the first hint that there would be a huge amount of spirits in one place. For so many to be in a school was almost unheard of sure you got the few that clung to their child or sibling but most of the time spirits found schools to be boring with the repetitive classes. Glancing around, I knew it would be impossible to find a single spirit in the chaos of students, faculty and parents.

  “I’m going to stay right here while you girls get in line, come find me when you get your classes and I will sign your papers.” Dad spoke up, reminding me I was here for a reason and that I could not turn right around and run with the intention of never returning. Forcing myself to move forward I looked around until I found the line for the sophomores and walked over joining the line. It must of have taken half an hour to get through the long line and I could tell the faculty was at their wits end. The lady that was at the table was notably disheveled, as I approached her and handed her my paperwork. She took the papers and started typing on the computer.

  “I see your other school had a more advanced curricular than ours, Miss Sang Sorenson. Normally we don’t allow so many AP classes for one student, but with your record, and with the promise to keep your grades no lower than a B-, I will make an exception. Also your request for Japanese is only available for seniors, but if your willing to keep up, that gives one more spot open for the rest the other students so I’m going to grant it. Music is full though so I am going to have to put you in for Art instead.” She looked up at me as she handed me my paperwork, making sure I had her full attention.
“You will have to work hard, and I do not want to hear that your falling behind in any of your subjects or I will move you to whatever classes are left. Do you understand? ” Looking down at my approved classes I see that I was approved for AP English, AP World History, AP Geometry, the required Gym, Japanese and Art. As much as I wanted to study an instrument I was relieved my AP classes were approved without any hassle. I had noticed how behind the curricular was and had signed up for as many AP classes as I could. I did not want to be bored all year, and the Japanese was a plus. I honestly hadn’t expected to be approved for that one, but after I had started using my secret code, I become fascinated with other languages, and Japanese had been one of my top favorites to study.

   “Thank you so much, I promise to not fall behind and keep up my grades.” I couldn’t help but smile at the tired woman in front of me.

  “It’s nice to see someone actually interested in their studies in this school. Have your parent or guardian sign those and turn them into administration. Take care Miss Sorensen.” She gave a small smile in return and then called for the next student in line.

   As I pushed my way through the mass of students I went in search for my dad. Once he had signed the papers I was once again pushing my way through people to find the administrative office then back into the sea of people to find my dad once again. Somehow, I ended up at a section of the school that was much less crowded. Great, I’m lost, I looked around for anything that might point me in the right direction. A dark sinister laugh that seemed to echo through the halls, had goosebumps appearing up the length of my arms. Peeking into the closest classroom, what I saw had my heart leaping into my throat. The classroom held as many desks as they could squeeze into the room, the white board was old and chipped and there seemed to be cuss words that had been written in permanent marker that a small man was trying to wash off. I assume he was the teacher as there was suitcase that sat open on the desk and an opened tote that held miscellaneous items for the classroom. But that’s not what had me frozen in fear, no it was the dark figure that was standing beside the teacher. The figure was in the shape of a man, the edges of him faded, he was taller than the teacher by a good two feet, buzz cut close to his head, dressed in what seemed to be a button up shirt and jeans, there was no telling what color they were as the being was completely black with the only color being his dark red eyes. He was watching the grumbling teacher try to scrub the whiteboard with a smirk, letting out small chuckles as the man struggled.

Gulping I forced myself to quietly back away, then I turned and ran blindly through the halls, trying to get as far away as possible. Somehow in my blind panic I was able to find my dad and the next thing I knew I was sitting in the car staring blankly ahead. There was only one thought running over and over in my head. A Darkling was at my school.

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