Strays and Distractions

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A/N: * slowly backs away whispering* Thank you SilasAggeleMous! For being such an awesome Beta! Now excuse me while I go hide.

Dr. Green led me to the kitchen and pulled a chair away from the table and over to the counter. He pat the back and smiled at me.

“Have a seat Miss Sang and we will see how your throat has been doing. Has it been hurting any?” Shaking my head, I sat down in the seat and looked up at him as he picked up a small flashlight.

“That’s good. Open wide for me.” I opened my mouth and he placed a hand on my chin, tilting my head back. With one hand remaining on my chin, he shined the light into my mouth with the other. My skin tingled where he held my chin and spread through my body. I couldn’t help but blush at my reaction to his touch. He remained quiet as he examined my throat. The tingling turned into a warm soothing feeling, making me relax. Finally, he released my chin and stepped back, clicking the light off.

“Well, the swelling has gone down. So, that’s good. You are now free to talk, but I fear your throat has been scarred. This can mean your voice may not sound the same, and it may not be able to reach past a certain level. I would rest your voice as often as possible. Keep drinking the warm tea and eat soft foods for the next few days.”  I sighed in relief that I was finally able to talk. Looking up, I smiled at him.

“Thank you, Dr. Green.” My voice was quiet and raspy from lack of use, but I was so thrilled to talk that I didn’t mind. Dr. Green beamed at me and placed his light back into the black bag on the counter.

“No problem, Sweet Pea, but please call me Sean.” I blushed at his endearment.

“Ok, Dr. Sean.”  I grinned at him as he sighed and shook his head. Suddenly, his phone went off and he pulled it from his pocket. Reading it over, he frowned.

“Do me a favor and tell the others I was called in to the hospital, would you? A doctor’s job never ends it seems.” I nodded my head. He grinned at me then grabbed his bag and walked out. Excited to tell the others I could talk now, I headed back upstairs to Kota’s room. I heard loud voices the closer I got. They didn’t sound happy either. I was about to reach for the knob when I heard my name and paused.


“We can’t just abandon her! She needs us!”

“Yeah! Especially after what Gabriel told us we can’t just-”

“There is no fucking way!”

“Gentlemen!” The room silenced.

“I understand your concerns, but we need to focus on the problem at hand. This is going to be a difficult mission as it is. We can’t take in every stray we meet, we do not need the distractions.” I sucked in a breath. A stray? Distraction?  It felt like a bucket of cold water was poured over me. I didn’t notice the silence until the door swung open, and once again I was staring into steel gray eyes.

“Miss Sorenson. I take it you were listening in to our conversation.”

“I...I was coming back to tell you that I could talk now...and that Dr. Green was called in to the hospital.”  I looked past Mr. Blackbourne and to the strained faces of the others. Kota caught my eye, and I felt them fill with tears.

“Sang...” As he made to step forward, I took a step back.

“I apologize for eavesdropping, and...and for being such a distraction.  P-please continue with whatever meeting you have going on here.”

“Miss Sorenson, please understand-”

“I understand perfectly, Mr. Blackbourne.” I glared at him then toward the others. “You do not need to pity me and I will not be your stray.” I then turned and ran down the stairs, ignoring the calls of my name.

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