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Hey everyone! Sorry it's taken me so long to update. Life's been hectic lately. Thanks so much for all the comments and votes they mean a lot and helped me push through my writers block. As always my beta SilasAgelleMou is a life saver.

Victor Pov

I growled in frustration, glaring at the laptop in front of me. For the third time this week, our video feed turned to snow right after the students in the hall started to act strangely. How was he doing this? I’d made my signals basically impossible to notice and the cameras were hidden so well that if I hadn’t helped place them I’d lose track of them myself. So who the hell was locating and disrupting my cameras? With a huff, I lean back in my chair, running a hand through my hair as I try to figure out who this person was and how they kept doing this. At this point we literally had nothing. Other than the students randomly acting out of character, there was nothing to pinpoint who or what was causing such reactions. Was it a Gift? Was it a Poltergeist? Was it a damn cross dimensional penguin that caused emotional reactions every time he appeared?

“Another disruption?” Kota’s voice sounded behind me, and I just nodded my head, staring at the blurred screen before me.

“I wish we could find the fucker who’s messing with our shit. I’m fucking tired of that school,” Gabriel moaned from the couch. Kota, Gabe and I were piled into Kota’s living room, going through the past week’s audio and video we’d collected, to see if we could find anything new to help us with this investigation. We’d be having a family meeting in a couple hours, and once again, I had nothing to show them.

“I swear, if it wasn’t for your damn tingly senses going off Vic I’d say just leave the damn school to their own bipolar hell and move on.” I grimaced at his mention of my “tingly senses” and privately agreed with him. I could sense something very angry and powerful in that school. The first time I stepped through the school I almost passed out from the overwhelming dark emotions. If Silas hadn’t been there as a barrier, I probably would have. For the past week though, things had changed. I could sense a malicious glee with a small, almost suppressed, feeling of despair that was mixed in with the growing anger and hatred as the students broke into more fights.

“And leave her there with them?” Came Kota’s soft reply, making me flinch. Sang. No, we would have taken her with us. I would have made sure of it. Bright green eyes flashed in my mind as I thought about how closed off she had become. I could no longer sense her emotions very well. Ever since she came back to school after missing that one day when her mother went to the hospital, her emotions that had been at first vibrant and almost all consuming whirlwind of emotions had suddenly been cut off, suppressed with nothing but a strange numbness that honestly frightened me.

“I think she’s made it clear she wants nothing to do with us anymore,” Gabriel pointed out quietly. I look over at him to see him tugging on his ear with a frown on his face. “Not that I can fucking blame her after that shit Mr. Blackbourne said.”

“He was only trying to protect all of us. He was right in the fact this mission has becoming time consuming, and from our recent accidents, it’s obvious we’re being targeted,” Kota said, defending the liaison of our group. I huffed at the mention of our “accidents.” Our things had begun to go missing or moved from where we originally had them as well as being tripped in the crowded halls or having to dodge projectile books and papers or whatever else that could be thrown at us. Just yesterday, Luke nearly ended up tripping down a flight of stairs, if it wasn’t for North being right there to save him from the fall, he would have been seriously injured. That’s not to mention my equipment going haywire. Every time, it would be the same. The kids would start getting rowdy and all of a sudden a person would appear in one of the cameras. He was short, wearing blue jeans, a loose black hoodie pulled over his head and wearing a white mask that covered his entire face. We could never tell anything about the person as he would wave at the camera and then whatever he did would cause the cameras to either blank out completely or the imagine would turn to snow. It would last the entirety of the fights before flickering back on when everything was normal and no one was in sight.

“I wish we could figure out who the fuck this Volto asshole was,” grumbled Gabe, calling him by the nickname he had dubbed the masked stranger.

“You and me both.” I once again returned to the laptop, trying to clear up the snow and get some sort of image that could help us.

I continued to fight with the feed until it was time for the meeting. I mostly tuned the others out as they piled into the living room. I was onto something, and if I broke my train of thought now, I would lose everything. I typed furiously as I loaded the new code into the system. With a final keystroke, I sat back, eyeing the screen as it started reloading the server with the new coding.

“Are you with us now, Mr. Morgan?” Mr. Blackbourne’s voice had me looking up to see that everyone was watching me with a slight grin, and I glared a bit as I felt the amusement in the room. They always thought it was funny when I zoned out while coding something. I could also feel the hope in the room as they wondered if I had cracked the hacker or not.

“Yeah, sorry. I’m just downloading this code onto the server, and then hopefully, it will let me get rid of some, if not all, the snowing on our video images.”

“Excellent, please keep up posted.” I gave a nod as he then turned to the rest of team for the rest of the reports. Nothing new was given as all of us had been stonewalled through both our gifted and physical investigation. As the frustration rose in the room I listened with half an ear as I focused back on my laptop as the new coding finished downloading.

I reloaded the video with the coding and frowned when the snow appeared once more. I typed in a few commands and started going through the video by frame and grinned when I finally came across a viewable image.

“I got something!” I shouted as I continued to clean up the image after saving the frame. As my brothers crowded around me, I tilted the screen to reveal the still slightly blurry photo. It was an image of the gymnasium. One of the few spots that was constantly either blacked or snowed out for some reason, no matter how many times we moved the cameras. In the center of the basketball court stood our masked figure. Scattered around him on the floor where strange markings and insignias with Volto standing, arms stretched out and head tilted back.

“What time did this happen?” muttered Mr. Blackbourne.

I checked the time the video was recorded. “Around lunchtime yesterday.”

“You mean when that huge fight broke out in the cafeteria?” Nathan asked curiously.

“Yep, looks like it.”

“So he’s channeling.” Mr. Blackbourne straightened up with a frown. Kota leaned forward in his place.

“I can almost see...can you change the view? Where it heightens the shadows?” A few clicks with the mouse and most of the image blurs as the shadows brighten. We all suck in a breath.

“Oh shit.”


“This is not good.”

“Well I was not expecting that…”

Behind our masked figure stood a shadowed figure. Shadows surrounding the new figure where we could only make out the shape of a man taller than Volto. His shadowy form almost overlapped the other, his arms stretched out exactly the same way. The only thing else we could make out were the bright red eyes that stood in contrast against the rest of the darkness.

“It looks like we are dealing with a Darkling gentlemen. An extremely powerful one at that,” said Mr. Blackbourne.

“How the fuck are we supposed to go against a superpowered Darkling?” Shouted North as he started pacing in the living room. The worry and fear grew in the room making me shudder as everyone started to voice their opinions, loudly. I suddenly felt Gabe’s fear grow into surprise and looked over at him to see him staring in the direction of the door.

“Gabe?” My question had everyone else quieting down as we all stared at our brother.

“Well, shit, guys, it seems we have a visitor.” Great a spirit just what we needed right now. “ What the fuck you mean you’re—okay okay jeez!”

“Mr. Coleman?”

“Sorry, Mr. B. It seems Sang’s mom’s here, and she needs our help.”

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