Strange Proposals

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A/n: SO I had hoped to have this finished by Update Day but that seems it's not going to happen. But I have written a few more chapters so I plan to go back to my weekly updates. This one is a bit short but I figured I would give yall a little something. Enjoy.

The week passed, and I was able to stay under the radar. There had been a few sightings of the Darkling, but I was always able to spot him at a distance and turn the other way before he noticed me. Occasionally, the boys would try to say something, but it hurt too much to try and have a conversation with them, so I would look the other way as Mr. Blackbourne’s words echoed in my head. I went through my classes, attempting to be like the spirits—unnoticed by everyone and ghosting my way through the halls. The Darkling made this difficult as he liked to influence the students until crazy fights broke out, causing entire hallways to be filled with angry screams and fists flying.

It was because of these fights I discovered that Mr. Blackbourne was here as our substitute Vice Principal. It seems the old VP quit at the end of the previous year and no one seemed to want the position. From the rumors I’d heard, they hadn’t had a VP stick around for the past three years. Last year they went through three VPs in the same semester. Two of them had horrible accidents, and the other ran out of the school screaming in terror. The Darkling was doing an amazing job causing havoc, and I wondered just how powerful this guy was by feeding off so many emotions. Liza said nearby spirits weren’t saying anything else on McCoy and warned her to stop asking questions before she gained the attention of the Darkling himself. After days of begging, she finally agreed to stop asking questions, but she would still keep an eye on him and listen for any information she could find about him. I worried about her. Darklings were one of the few things that could harm a spirit. I shuddered just thinking about it.

There was one hindrance to my ghostly status and it was that creepy guy from my AP English class. Greg hadn’t really said anything to me since that first day, but I would catch him staring at me with a strange expression on his face. It gave me the shivers every time I’d look up to find dark eyes watching me. Whenever he was caught, he would always smirk and throw me a wink. I couldn’t stand looking at him for very long, and I would always look away. He made my skin crawl, and I just knew he was bad news.

Thankfully, I was able to relax over the weekend. Liza and I wandered around the woods exploring different paths. We’d both agreed to not mention the Darkling or the boys, so we discussed other things, such as my gift and what some of the other spirits were like that haunted nearby. It felt like old times from before we moved, and it was just what I needed to wind down from all the stress the past couple of weeks had brought on. Even Mother stayed mostly to her room so I was able to enjoy my weekend in peace. I should have realized that it was the calm before the storm.

Monday started with Dad waking me up to let me know he was leaving for a business trip and he didn't know how long it would take. Meaning, I would have to keep an eye on Mom while he was gone. I reluctantly nodded and gave him my well wishes of safe travels.

School wasn't any better. I was sure I felt the Darkling’s cold gaze on me several times as I was forced to pass him in the hallways. I made sure to keep my stride steady and not look in his direction, but he seemed to be everywhere today. Every time I turned down a hallway he was there. He wasn't following me was he?

I was a nervous wreck by lunch time. I sat down with my packed lunch and had just pulled out my turkey sandwich when I felt someone sit down across from me. The scent of menthol brushed across my senses and my heart filled with dread. Slowly, I raised my eyes to meet the dark irises of Greg. He looked slightly crazed with sweat brushed across his forehead, and dull and vacant eyes. Once he was sure he had my full attention, he smirked and leaned forward on the table.

“Hey there, Miss Sang Song. Why is such a pretty little thing like you always sitting over here by yourself?” I didn't reply, merely shrugging my shoulders and looking back down at my lunch.

“Aww, don't you have any friends? Boyfriend? Or do you not swing that way? Maybe you have a girlfriend instead.” I wrinkled my nose at his implications but remained quiet, taking a bite of my sandwich.

“I can be your friend. I could show you things that are out of this world, things you wouldn't believe could exist. I have a feeling you and I could run this school.” This had me looking up him in surprise and confusion. My curiosity won out, and I couldn't help but ask.

“What do you mean?” My soft question had him smiling widely, revealing yellow stained teeth.

“I mean that with the help of a friend we could have this entire school at our beck and call.” What in the world was he talking about? The crazed gleam had me eyeing him wearily.

“I don't understand. Who is this friend and why are you so interested in me ruling the school with you?” Greg just grinned and leaned back in his chair.

“Well, one, it's because you're fucking hot, and two, my friend thinks you're something special.”

“But who is this friend?”

“Oh I'm sure he will reveal himself soon enough. Until then, think about what I said.” He pushed back from the table and walked off, leaving me staring after him. What was that all about? Something told me this friend of his is someone I did not want to meet. Suppressing another shudder, I finished my sandwich and tossed my trash just as the bell rang signaling the of lunch.

The rest of the day I felt eyes on me making my skin crawl, leaving me jumpy and paranoid. I nearly jumped out of my seat in Japanese when Dr. Se- I meant Dr. Green placed a hand on my shoulder as he passed me during his lecture. He cast me a concerned look but said nothing as he continued with the lesson.

By the time I got home I was a nervous wreck, and I couldn't help but sigh in relief as I stepped off the bus. The relief lasted all the way inside and up the stairs where it was instantly replaced with dread and even a little bit of fear as I looked up to find Mother standing in her doorway with an angry scowl and a glint in her eye.

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