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~TRIGGER WARNING!~ Abuse will be in this chapter. It's not very detailed but I wanted to give a warning just in case.

I slipped into the house my mind still trying to process what had happened with the Jester. I walked into the kitchen to grab an ice pack for my throbbing chin when I sensed movement from behind me and turned around. There with her hands on her hips, brown eyes narrowed at me, stood my mother.

"Where have you been?" I swallowed nervously.

"Just outside I went for a walk through the woods again." I lied, pressing my fingers to my lips nervously.

"Don't lie to me, I seen you." She scowled at me and I felt my heart leap to my throat.

"What do you-"

"I seen you! With those boys from across the street there was three of them! I knew it! I knew you were a little whore. Your sleeping with all of the aren't you!" She stepped closer and I backed away shaking my head in denial.

" I haven't done anything with them they're just friends!"

"Don't lie to me! Look at you! Sneaking out, whoring yourself out to boys, your going to end up killed in a ditch! Just like I always said you would!" I blinked back tears as she screamed at me and I continued to shake me head.

"No! I haven't slept with anyone their just frie-"


"I told you to stop lying to me!" She grabbed me by the hair and shoved me painfully to my knees. "You will stay there and not move!" She then stormed around the kitchen slamming cabinet doors, I didn't dare look over my shoulder to see what she was doing. I heard the sound of a glass clinking then it being filled with something.

I rubbed my cheek where she had slapped me. I cannot believe she hit me, she has never done that before and I wasn't sure what had caused her to react so violently. Was talking to a boy really such a crime in her eyes? A glass was shoved in my face.

"Drink it, all of it!" The foul smell coming from the glass had me backing away, not again, it's been years since I was forced to drink the vinegar and lemon juice combination but I would never forget the horrible smell or the burning pain in my throat.

"Please no!" I tried to shove the glass away only to be smacked across the face once more. Sharp fingernails dug into my scalp, a tug had me gasping in pain as I was forced to look up. The drink was then poured down my throat as my mother with surprising strength, held me there until the entire glass was gone. I had no choice but to swallow it or drown. Finally she released me and I bent forward coughing and vomiting all over myself and the floor. I sobbed as I tried to catch my breath, it had hurt going down but it felt as if I literally tried to swallow flames as it came back up.

"Maybe this will you teach you not to lie to me and to stop talking to those horrible boys. This kitchen better be spotless and I do not want to see you for the rest of the night!" Mother spat as she slammed the glass on the counter then stormed upstairs leaving me coughing and sobbing on the floor.

I laid there with my throat burning and my face throbbing in pain for several minutes before I was able to force myself to stand. I shakily grabbed a bottle of water quickly guzzled it, trying to find relief for my burning throat.  A frantic knocking at the back door had me pausing and I looked at the door in confusion. I peeped out from the window to see a very worried Kota, and a confused Nathan and Silas at the door. Oh no, what are they doing here? I glanced worriedly over my shoulder to see if Mother had heard the noise. I relaxed once I was assured she wouldn't storming back in here. What should  I do? I couldn't let them see me like this, there would be no way I could explain what happened. I was a mess, the kitchen was a mess and I couldn't stop trembling. I pressed a shaking hand to my mouth as I darted my eyes around the kitchen and glancing back out the window as I tried to figure out what to do.

A Mother's Love : RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now