Final Introductions

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A/N: So we are finally getting to the final introductions as you can guess from the title. I am getting close to the end but we still a few more chapters to go before that happens but now things are going to be changing and a bit more drama is coming to a screen near you. Thanks to my awesome Beta SilasAggeleMous and for all my awesome votes and comments they keep me motivated.

Liza appeared about an hour after I was forced to kneel. She tried to tell me to get up and that Mother had clearly forgotten about me, but I didn’t want to risk her wrath if she came into the kitchen for something and realized I was not here. Liza remained with me through the wait, pacing the room angrily. Eventually, we began to discuss the woman that was haunting Gabriel.

“She didn’t seem dangerous, she was just looking after Gabriel and his friends. It’s most likely she is his mother. She had that Mama Bear vibe going when I appeared in the living room.”

She reminded me a lot of you. She was constantly making little comments to Gabriel that were both embarrassing and kinda funny. I had to stop myself from laughing several times.

I signed back to her, smiling and blushing when I thought about her comments on flirting. The woman was very interesting, and for the first time since Liza, I didn’t think I would have minded talking to her. Shaking my head from such thoughts, I reminded myself that Gabriel would think I was a freak if I started talking about his mom or whoever she was to him. I looked up to see Liza watching me with a strange look on her face, like she wanted to say something, instead she shook her head and smiled.

“So you actually found a spirit other than me that doesn’t scare you?”

I didn’t say that. Just that she reminded me of you. She is plenty scary. Even more so because if she hangs around Gabriel a lot, the chance of exposing my Gift gets higher.

“Yes, she would be very distracting I can imagine. There is just something about that woman though. She seems, not exactly familiar but similar maybe? It’s hard to explain.”

Not knowing what she meant by that I could only shrug my shoulders. I shifted a little on my knees, trying to ease the numbing in my legs from sitting so long. Good news was that I could no longer feel the rice grains piercing into my skin. Bad news was that I could barely feel my legs at all as they had both gone completely numb. At that moment I heard the front door open and the sound of keys jingling. Dad was home. Heavy footsteps echoed as he walked into the kitchen. He didn’t notice me at first. He walked straight to the fridge and grabbed a drink. As he closed the door and turned, he paused as he spotted me.

“What did you do this time?” he asked with a sigh. Liza huffed in annoyance, but I just shrugged and whispered quietly.

“I went for a walk.”

“Try to keep your head down. Go on up to your room.” He then walked off to the living room, and seconds later, the television could be heard.

“OOH! That man infuriates me!” Liza growled out as she continued to glare in the direction he had disappeared. I slowly stood up, dusting off the rice kernels. I stay there for a minute to shake out the tingly feeling as the blood rushed through my legs. Once I was sure I could walk without falling, I made my way up the stairs to my bedroom then sat on my bed and began to pick out the remaining rice that were embedded into my skin. Liza watched in silence as I cleaned out the small scratches with some peroxide and then placed a large Band-Aid on both knees. Once cleaned and bandaged, I scooted until my back was pressed against the headboard and grabbed my phone. I had several text messages from the guys.

Gabriel: Sorry if I seemed pushy today.

Victor: Did you get in okay?

Kota: Did you make it home okay?

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