Liza's Past

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A/N: Surprise! It's a little bit early! Once again thanks to SilasAggeleMou for being my Beta, your awesome! <3 Thanks so much everyone for your votes, comments, and support.  :D

Liza's POV

I watched as Sang drifted off to sleep, hating how much she had suffered at the hands of that vile woman that dared to call herself Sang's mother. She was such a sweet, beautiful, smart young woman, and she deserved so much better than an abusive "mother," absent dad, and uncaring sister. I gave a small sigh and went over to the window, looking out across to the house where my girl had been just a couple hours ago. I had my suspicions about these boys, the odd little ways they seemed to react, how they seemed to instantly know she was hurt. I think they may be the answer to my prayers They may be able to help her get past her fear of her Gift. If I was correct, if they really were Academy, then this may finally be Sang's chance of getting out of this hellhole.

I remembered when I first learned of the Academy. I was 18 and was in a meeting with my favorite college professor, Dr. Wilson. We were discussing my classes, and I was telling him how I had decided major in psychology. I wanted to become a counselor and help people. He approved of my goals and during our talk I had absentmindedly began to play with a pen that I picked up from his desk when a flood of images rushed past my eyes.

Dr. Wilson and two other men were standing in the office discussing something called a Darkling. Dr. Wilson was worried one was haunting a student of his and was asking the other men if they should call someone from Academy to help them. A blonde man tapped the pen on the desk in thought.

"If it is a Darkling then we are ill equipped to handle it. Someone with much stronger gifts than ours would be best. Doesn't the Anderson team have an empath on their team? From what I have heard she would only need to come into contact with your student to find out if he is being manipulated by a Darkling or not." The third man that was propped against the desk reached out, snatching the pen from the blonde's grasp.

"I agree, let's give them a call and see if they are available."

The scene disappeared, and I was back sitting in front of the professor who was looking me in concern.

"Elizabeth? Are you alright?"

Blinking back brief flashes of images that tried to surface, I placed the pen down and opened my mouth before I could stop myself.

"What's a Darkling?" To say Dr. Wilson was surprised would be an understatement. It took a couple hours with us both dancing around the other with half truths before he realized I was Gifted. Once Dr. Wilson discovered I was a "Historic," someone with the ability to see the past from objects that I touched, he launched into a tale about a special school that was home for the Gifted.

I had been overwhelmed with relief at knowing my freaky ability wasn't so uncommon and was excited to learn more. I even met with Dr. Wilson's team, the other two men that had been in my vision, they had been talking about introducing me and helping me apply to the Academy. I was well on my way to becoming a member when I met Daniel.

I literally ran into the man while out on a run. He was older than me by several years, but he was handsome, smart, charming, and he swept me off my feet. Before I knew it, I was head over heels in love, and I began making excuses to my mentors to spend more time with him instead of preparing for my introduction. It wasn't like I completely blew them off, I would tell myself. I still kept in touch. When Daniel would have to leave for business trips I would spend all my time focusing on my Gift and joining the Academy, but when he came back he would take me on extravagant dates, promising such wonderful things for our future.

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