A Dreamer's Dream

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A/N: As always thanks to SilasAggeleMou for making my story readable <3 Special dedication to Anon2402  if it wasn't for her encouragement along with several other birdies this story would have never been posted. She has been an inspiration since the beginning. Happy Birthday!

Luke POV

After a delicious breakfast, everyone went off to do their own thing. Mr. Blackbourne left to work on the Ashley Waters mission, Dr. Green had to get ready for his shift at the hospital. Gabriel went back upstairs to take a nap, while Victor followed him up to his room to begin the background search. Silas and North left to plan for their return to the mall that night, and Kota and Nathan were anxious to return to Sunnyvale in case Sang showed up . They waved goodbye, talking about stopping somewhere and getting some soups and things for the mysterious bird, leaving little ole me by myself.

I didn't have to be at the diner until later, and if I want to enjoy my third round of brownies, I needed to avoid North at all costs. I guessed I would just have to stay here then. Decision made, I followed the others upstairs to Victor's room. Gabriel walked over and collapsed on the bed, and I couldn't help but snicker at him. I could just picture him, walking through the mall and cursing the invisible Jester as he ducked out of the way of the random clothes and books that were thrown at him. Man, that would have been something to see. Walking over to one of the abandoned bean chairs, I popped a brownie in my mouth then plopped down and turned so my head was hanging off the seat and my legs hung off the back. Watching Victor upside down as he typed away at his laptop, my thoughts went back to the meeting.

This school thing was going to suck. Everyone was an unknown and we had no idea why the students behavior changed as time passed. It could be a Gifted with a strong empathic or controlling ability. Vic only said there was something dark, that could be anything, though. I was going to be basically useless on this mission, unless we discovered a possible link to one of the students. Then I might be able to take a peek in his dreams. Heaving a sigh, I shifted so I was sitting up, no use worrying about it. I would do what I always did, help out with anything I could.

Taking a bite of another brownie, my mind drifted off toward the new bird that had Kota, Silas, Nathan, and even Doc in an uproar. Of course, who wouldn't be upset discovering someone was forced to drink something that made them sick and lose their voice. Who the hell did that to their daughter? Images of my brothers injured and bullied appear in my mind, and I frown. It was always the ones that were supposed to care for and love you that seemed to be the most cruel. I wonder how she handled it, how she could she stick up for her mother after that. This girl seemed to be one giant contradiction. Someone brave enough to accept a swimming contest with a virtual stranger and own up when she lost a bet, yet at the same time act shy and confused when my brothers treated her with any kindness.

A strangled noise of surprise had me looking over at Victor. He was staring at the computer screen with wide eyes. He then gained a determined look and started typing furiously. Uh oh, we'd lost him. Knowing better than to disturb him when he got like that, I looked over at Gabe. He was sprawled across the bed. Every once in a while, he would break into a brief chorus of an Elvis song and I smirked. Everyone else snored, but Gabe sang. Hmm, I wondered.

I looked over at the desk where Victor was engrossed with his laptop and then checked the clock sitting on the desk. I had time, and it was early enough that she might still be asleep. With a grin of excitement, I shifted around until I was comfortable, then I closed my eyes and focused on a name. Sang Sorenson. It took surprisingly less time than I thought it would to find her dreamscape. I had to hold back a victorious shout when I noted she was still asleep. Getting completely relaxed, I slipped into her dream.

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