People Watching

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A/n:Ahem I may have forgotten to update yesterday *whistles innocently* but here it is! Just a day late so not too bad right? Enjoy!

The next morning, I woke up not remembering my dream although a flash of blonde hair came to mind, for once I don’t think I had a nightmare.  Liza had returned during the night, safe and unharmed, with no new information about the Darkling. Happy and relieved she was okay, I went about my morning routine of shower, breakfast, and chores. We then decided to go for a walk. It used to be something we did all the time. We would walk around the forest and just talk. Liza knew everything about me, my fears of my Gift, my secret fascination with languages, my dreams of making a difference in people’s lives even though I had no idea how. She knew it all. Sometimes she would give advice, other times she would just listen and on the rare occasion she would tell me about when she was alive.

“This is the sign for baby.” She was showing me the correct pattern and I was attempting to copy her.

“That’s good, now this is the sign for Mom.” She went through the steps while I copied.

Today she did most of the talking while we walked along a path in the forest. She was teaching me some more ASL signs and let me tell you, attempting to sign and walk at the same time was getting difficult as I tried to avoid walking into trees or tripping over branches. Soon enough we broke out of the trees, and in front of us was a diner. The name Bob’s Diner was in large letters on the front of the building. Several cars were in the parking lot, people smiling and laughing as they left and returned to their cars.  I guessed it was a good place.

“George was telling me this used to be a church,” Liza said, looking the place over in fascination.
“They did an amazing job.” I looked over the building, trying to picture it as a church. This had me wondering about religion, and I turned to ask her about it.

“Well, I honestly can’t remember much. I can recall being given a choice to move on and be at peace or stay with the knowledge that no one would be able to see or hear me. I chose to come back because I didn’t want to leave my little one on her own.” I held my breath as she spoke of her death. Liza had died in childbirth and it was rare for her to talk about her daughter. When I had first met her, she told me about her determination to find her baby girl, then she became my guardian. I worried that a part of her resented me. But as I looked at her smiling face I couldn’t get up the nerve to ask. We people watched instead, making up random stories for them as I sat on a low branch of a tree.

I loved people watching with Liza, we would come up with some of the most outrageous secret lives for them. Some were aliens, some were super secret ninja spies, while others were just everyday people that were thrown into random and hilarious adventures.

“Ooh, look at the big scary one! I bet he is a secret fashion model who poses in tights and flutters his eyes while speaking in a high girly voice.” It took everything in me not to laugh as she pointed to a huge figure. He was taller than Silas, dressed in all black, his dark hair swept back from his eyes and a glint from his left ear told me he had at least one piercing. I clutched my stomach, trying not to laugh. Liza  looked up at me with a fond expression, a light in her eyes as she watched me, of something that I couldn’t really name.  I raised my hands to ask more about our fashion model when a loud booming voice startled me.

“Hey, you! What the hell do you think you’re doing! Get down from there!”  I jumped in surprise and lost my balance. As I fell backwards, I tucked and rolled easily. It wasn’t that far from the ground, so other than the breath knocked out of me, I was okay.


“Shit!” The sound of running footsteps had me scrambling to my feet as I spotted the hulking figure running toward me, my eyes widened and I step back, breathing heavily. It was the scary fashion model. He had a sharp jaw, wide shoulders and a terrifying scowl on his face as stomped toward me. I backed up until I pressed against the tree as he grew closer.

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