A Mother's Revelations

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A/n: what's this? Another update so soon?! Crazy I know. Thanks to my awesome beta! It's a bit on the short side but I thought y'all might like to see Gabriel's reactions.

Gabriel’s POV

Things had just gotten a lot more fucking complicated. We were dealing with a fucking Darkling, and not just any Darkling...like that wasn’t bad enough, no it’s a fucking powerful, channeling Darkling thats been feeding off anger and shit for over a year! How the hell were we supposed to fight against this? Would we have to call in more help? We would need a stronger medium to handle this because my weak ass Gift won’t be much of a help with this guy.

“Gabriel.” A soft female voice stood out from my brothers ranting and raving as I looked around in surprise. Who the fuck was that?

“Gabe?” Victor asked, having probably noticed my surprise.

“You have to help me. Please!” The voice begged and had me frowning. I’d heard this voice before.

“Well, shit, guys it seems we have a visitor.”

“Please, I’m Sang’s mother—”

“What that fuck you mean you’re—”

“We don’t have time for that!” the voice snapped in aggravation “I need the Academy’s help now!”

“Okay, Okay, jeez!” Why were spirits always so pushy? If she wasn’t Sang’s mother I would have sent her on already, but I was kinda curious about this now. This was obviously the woman that had been here before talking to Momma. So how was she Sang’s mother when she was just recently carted off to the hospital?

“Mr. Coleman?” Mr. Blackbourne’s tone pulled me from my mini-freak out, and I shook my head.

“Sorry, Mr. B, but it seems Sang’s mom is here and she needs our help.” And cue explosion.

“Sang’s mom?”

“Screw that! Why would we help the woman who hurt Sang?”

“This means that she’s dead, does Sang know?”

“Silence!” Mr Blackbourne’s demand had everyone shutting their mouths. Thank fuck, because it was hard to hear with everyone yelling.

“Please. It’s Sang. She’s in trouble, and I can’t help her on my own.” The tearful voice had my heart frozen as it sunk in what she said.

“What's wrong? Where is she? Why the fuck you didn’t say that before!” I looked over at my confused brothers. “It’s Sang, something's wrong.” This caused more outbursts before Mr. B got them in control.

“She’s been possessed” I sucked in a breath and starred in the general direction I thought she would be.

“W-what? By who?” I had a bad feeling about this.

“A Darkling. He’s been haunting the school, and now he has Sang. Please, you have to help her, she’s a Medium, if he takes her over he’ll be able to come back and no one will be able to stop him.” A stream of curses flew from my mouth. I had to sit down at this information. Things just went from bad to worse.

“Mr. Coleman, report!” barked Mr. Blackbourne. I took a breath and began to translate as the woman, Elizabeth, began to explain. How Sang, that gorgeous, sweet stubborn girl that gained all of our immediate attention was not only Gifted but she was a strong ass Medium who could not only see but also hear and speak with the spirits. How the Darkling was an asshole name McCoy who was the old Vice Principal that was killed by some drunk students and now planned on coming back to life and basically massacring all the students at Ashley Waters.

“So, you mean to tell me that Sang had the answers to all of this, the entire time?” Nathan asked with a frown. We all glanced at Mr. B with accusing looks but didn’t say anything, not that we needed to.

“Well, I only found out his plan to attack the school recently, so she didn’t know about that before she was…” Elizabeth trailed off, sounding sad and broken. There was more to the story.

“Where the fuck were you when she was possessed?” I asked. “ You’re her Guardian, you’re supposed to protect her from this exact thing! So why the hell weren’t you with her?”

“We had an argument of a sort… I… finally confessed to her that I was her mother… and that, that vile monster never was… and it was a horrible time, she was in no shape to discover something like that, but it just spilled out and she ordered me away. I thought giving her some space would make things easier. I kept an eye on at a distance, too much of a distance because I never noticed she was possessed until I showed up at the house and there it was sitting there, with that horrible mask eating cereal…” I sat up straight.

“Wait. What mask?” Don’t tell me...please don’t tell me….

“It was this weird full white mask, it was sitting next to her… it… wearing this huge black hoodie.”

“Son of a fucking bitch!”

“What now?” Kota asked with a sigh.

“Sang’s fucking Volto!”


“No way”

“My daughter is not that vile thing!” Elizabeth’s stern voice sounded next to me.

“Whatever that thing has been doing while possessing my baby is nothing within her control, and I thank you not to go accusing her of things. Even if that seems to be your go to reactaction with her!” I flinched at the reminder of how we had treated and nodded my head.

“Yes, ma’am, you’re right I’m sorry. Volto is not Sang, he’s just using her. I’m sorry I said it like that.” My apology had everyone else looking at me curiously, and I repeated what was said. Mr Blackbourne cleared his throat.

“I, too, apologize, Miss Elizabeth. I should have never said such things about your daughter. If I hadn’t, then maybe none of this would have happened and we could have stopped things before it got this far.” We stared at Mr. B in shock. He glanced at all of us, including us in the apology as he acknowledge our protests against his ruling with keeping Sang at arms length.

“Help me get my daughter back, Mr. Blackbourne, and I will never bring this up again.” I relayed her words, and then we all sat down to plan. We had a Trouble to save and a powerful ass Darkling to vanquish.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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