A Mother's Betrayal

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A/n: SO I sort of forgot to update yesterday sorry for the delay. There is a bit of a trigger warning this chapter nothing is really detailed but I figured I would warn you just the same. So with the warning in place I'm just going to go hide now.....

Mom was in her usual ratty bathrobe, her oily hair pulled back into a bun. She had dark circles under her eyes that were constantly moving, never landing on one spot for very long. Even as she glared at me, she would look at my eyes, then my nose, my forehead, and I couldn’t fight the feeling of foreboding that came over me. The only time she got like this was when she was taking her medicine incorrectly. This was probably why she had been sleeping so much, but now she was wide awake, and I was currently her entire focus I had the insane urge to turn and run right back out the door. Instead, I cleared my throat and forced myself to speak.

“Hey Mom, erm d-did you need anything?” I asked, mentally cursing myself for my stutter. I wracked my brain for anything that I have done that could have angered her and came up blank.

“I need to know why you never listen.” I could only stare at her confusion.

“Marie told me all about you talking to that boy today. How many times do I have to tell you not to talk to boys? They only want one thing and I refuse to have you under my roof whoring yourself out to any boy that looks at you.” Of course Marie would notice someone talking with me at lunch. It wasn’t like he would leave me alone though, I had tried to ignore him.

“But I wasn-”

“Don’t you lie to me!” she screamed. Storming over she grabbed my arm tightly and began to pull me upstairs. “I’m going to teach you, yes I will. Your father thinks he can just run off and leave me saddled with his mistake. Well I have had enough!” She continued her mad rambling as she dragged me into the bathroom.

“D-dad left for a business trip, he’ll be back.” I tried to console her in the hopes of her releasing me. Instead, I receive a slap in the face.

“I SAID DON’T LIE TO ME!” she screamed angrily. Her eyes were wild and filled with hatred as she stared at me. “Your father doesn’t take his entire closet with him when he leaves for a business trip. Nor does he take every personal item he owns! He has left us, and I refuse to raise his daughter of a whore. I will not have history repeating itself! Now stay right there and don’t you dare move.” With that, she disappeared from the room. I stood there, trembling and rubbing my cheek where she had smacked me. Dad left? I didn’t understand. He said he would be back in a couple weeks. She was back, this time carrying a stool from the kitchen and some cable ties. I gulped, I did not like where this was going.

She placed the stool in the tub and ordered me to strip. Shaking in fear, I slowly removed my clothes. She then grabbed my arms and pulled them behind my back and tied my arms together tightly. I winced in pain and tried to wiggle the ties loose with no luck. I was then ordered to sit on the stool. I hesitated, not sure exactly what she had planned, she had never done anything like this before, and I wasn’t sure why she was making me do it. I had a bad feeling this wasn’t the end of it. Noticing this, Mother grabbed me by the hair and dragged me over, I had to hastily climb in or risk tripping over the side of the tub. She shoved me onto the stool then grabbed my legs and wrapped a tie around each of my ankles and around the legs of the stool. She tightened them as much as she could then straightened up.

“This will teach you. Maybe next time you will listen to me!”

“M-mom, please! I’m sorry I promise I will never do it again please!” I couldn’t help but plead with her. The ties cut into my wrists and ankles and my shoulders were already hurting with how she had twisted my arms back.

A Mother's Love : RewrittenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt