First Day

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A/N: So here's the chapter guys! We have finally made to school took me long enough huh. Thanks to my awesome Beta SilasAggeleMous!

The sound of panting could be heard behind me as I ran through the empty streets of Sunnyvale Court. It was dark. All of the street lamps were busted out, the shards of glass lining the sidewalks, making it impossible to veer off course in my bare feet. The only light was from the dim glare of the moon hidden behind large clouds. A thick fog formed in front of me, and I stumbled, not wanting to pass through it. My misstep cost me, and I felt hot breath on my feet. I pushed forward, and I heard the snapping of teeth and the brush of a wet nose, letting me know he had missed me by inches.

I glance behind me to see the large pack of rabid dogs right on my heels. I had no choice, so, bracing myself, I raced into the thick fog. All I could see was white mist everywhere. I pressed forward and notice the snarls and growls from the pack had suddenly silenced. I stopped and looked around. Nothing.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar bark. It wasn't one of the rabid animals behind me. I knew this bark. It greeted me each time I visited Kota.

“Max?” I called out into the fog, straining my eyes, desperate to see a friendly face, even if it was another dog. The barking sounded again, and I ran in the direction it came from.

“Max! Here, boy!” The barking continued louder this time, and I finally spotted the canine shape of my neighbor’s dog. I let out a sigh of relief and ran forward. Suddenly, I burst out of the fog, and there sat Max, wagging his tail happily. He had led me out of the fog. I dropped to my knees and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Good boy, Max you saved me!” Suddenly, a sharp whistle had me looking up and Max's head twisting toward the sound. Standing across the street was a group of 9 figures. I couldn't make out their faces, but I knew immediately who they were.

“Max! Come! Stop getting distracted, we don't have time for strays.” My heart dropped as Max let out a final bark and raced over to the group.

“Wait! Please, I won't be a distraction I promise!” The group turned and disappeared into the darkness as the fog rolled forward once more, blocking my sight. I let out a sob and bowed my head, fighting back tears. A burst of warm breath against my cheek had my hopes rising and jerked my head up.

“Ma-” I stared into bright yellow eyes that were definitely not Max. I fell back on my bottom and scrambled backwards. Its fur was matted, his teeth yellow and large amounts of drool was dripping from its massive jaws. I gulped. He snarled. I opened my mouth to scream as he lunged forward.

I sat up in my bed, panting for breath. Wiping the sweat from my forehead I try to shake off the feeling of the dog’s huge form on top of me. Once sure I had not actually been turned into a chew toy, I began my routine of identifying the objects in my room. Taking a glanced at the alarm clock by my bed I frowned. It was 4 a.m , I had two more hours before I was supposed to get up and ready for the first day of school.

“Another nightmare, Sang?” Liza asked from her perch on the desk. “Was it the same one?” Since the incident with the boys I’ve had basically the same dream every night. The creatures chasing me vary but it always ends up with the guys dismissing me and walking away, leaving me to be attacked by whatever monster that was chasing me. At my nod, Liza sighed and walked over to the side of my bed and crouched down. I refused to meet her eyes and stared down at my blanket, picking at a string that was starting to unravel.

“Sang, what those boys did was cruel. They befriended you and made you promises then turned around and took them all back. Even if it was for your safety, they shouldn’t have done that the way they did. I know how much you're hurting, but, Sweetheart, don't you see you have let them be your distraction?” This had me looking up at her in surprise. The look on her face was full of concern. “You are about to enter a building controlled by an incredibly powerful Darkling and you have barely gotten more than 5 hours of sleep at night for the past week. I need you to be on full alert today, Sang. Please just let them go. They made their mistakes, and now it's time for you to focus on staying under the radar through the school year.”

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