A Different Point of View

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A/N: First off sorry for the confusion but I had to delete and republish this chapter. Wattpad didn't save half of the chapter and so I had to fix it. Second I now have a beta! Thanks so much SilasAggeleMou!

Kota POV

After watching Sang run home, we herded into the house and into the living room. As Nathan connected the Xbox, I thought about what had happened. We shouldn't have brought Sang on the mission. It was a stupid idea, and I should not have allowed Nathan to invite her. There was just something about her that had me wanting to spend as much time with her as possible, and I didn't think anything too bad would happen in a mall in broad daylight. I had let myself get distracted and it ended up getting Sang hurt.

There had been some odd happenings at the mall, things moving and disappearing on their own, customers complaining of cold drafts and things falling on them at random moments. We were just supposed to scout the place today and see if we could figure out who or what was the cause. We honestly didn't think to find much on our first walk through, and so I figured the risk was minimal if Sang tagged along. Once Nathan had slipped away, he only had to ring my phone to give me a chance to excuse myself. We left Silas to stay with Sang and to do his own quick search nearby while we wandered around the mall trying to find anything that might help us discover exactly what was happening there. As predicted, the walk through was a bust, and we were making our way back to the food court when I felt the familiar rush of vertigo, the world around me blurred into a rush of colors and then I was in the food court.

Sang was standing, looking fearfully over her shoulder, a strong wind had her hair falling from the clip that held it, she wrapped her arms around herself and made a move to walk away. A chair shot out from under a nearby table and slammed into her knees, she crashed into the chair and fell, her chin hitting the floor painfully.

Then the world was a rush of colors once more, and I was jarred back into the present. I was standing near Macy's with Nathan waiting patiently and subtly blocking me from the view of others, he gave me a questioning look that I ignored as I took off at a run. Nathan cursed and followed after me. It took exactly two minutes and twelve seconds to reach the food court, and I paused at the entrance, looking around for Sang. I easily spotted her in the arms of Silas who was looking at her in concern. She was looking around in confusion and was the first to spot us as we weaved our way through the tables and people to reach them.

"Sang are you okay? That looked like a pretty bad fall." I looked her over and frowned at the bruise that was forming on her chin. Damn it, what was the point of my gift if I couldn't even prevent the things I saw from happening. It was one of the factors of my gift that drove me insane. I watched as her green eyes widened in panic. Why would she be scared of my question?

"You saw me trip? But I didn't see you anywhere nearby, I was actually looking for you guys when I fell." Crap, I shared a look with Nathan and Silas as they silently cursed at me for my slip.

"We walked in right as you fell," Nathan said, and I sent him a silent thank you. She eyed us suspiciously but thankfully didn't say anything. She looked away, staring at something that I couldn't see, I figured she was wondering what had happened and decided to change the subject before she started asking questions.

"Do you feel up to shopping for school supplies or would you rather go home? It's understandable if you do." Sang continued to stare off to the side, and I cleared my throat to gain her attention. She blushed, having been caught not paying attention, and I couldn't help my smile at how cute she was. After repeating the question, I was bit disappointed when she chose to go home. Although, it was probably for the best if it was a mischievous spirit that was causing havoc like I suspected, it had already set its sights on Sang. Once it realized that we were Gifted it would probably cause even more trouble, and I didn't want Sang to be caught in the middle of it any more than she had.

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