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So I have been thinking about getting myself a beta. Anyone interested in helping a girl out?

  "What are we going to do Liza?" I was pacing the length of my bedroom, having just told Liza what I had seen at the school. It had taken all of my self control not to panic in the car on the way home. Once the car had pulled to a stop in the driveway I had jumped out and raced upstairs to where my guardian waited. Liza listened to my story with a frown.

"First you need to calm down, having a panic attack will not help anything. Darklings are attracted to places with high level emotions and from what you told me it sounds like the school is over flowing with students, way more than there should be. I'll look into some things and see if I can find out if he is attached to a person or the school itself. " I stop pacing and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly trying to calm down then nodded.

"Your right, but Liza what are we going to do? School starts in two weeks, and the school may be large and crowded but there is no way I will be able to escape his notice, you told me yourself how attracted they are to the Gifted." I press my fingers against my lip, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

" Hey now Song Bird, don't you worry I won't let him hurt you. I'll figure something out, and if I can't then your going to have to find another alternative for your schooling." I looked up at her in shock.

"What? But ho-"

"Don't worry about it right now.  I'll look into it and see what I can do but you missy have a date with a certain hunk." Liza smirked over at me making me blush.

"It's not a date, it's just swimming, and should I really go? I mean what about-"

"Oh no you don't, you are not getting out of going. You made a promise to that boy and you will go missy." She once again cut me off, giving me a stern glare making me grimace. I knew better than to argue with her when she got that stubborn glint in her eye. I had actually been looking forward to seeing Nathan again, and excited to swim again so it honestly was not that hard to convince me.

"Fine, but you better let me know what you find out. And Liza? Be careful. " Liza nodded her head rolling her eyes.

"Who's the Guardian here? I'll let you know when I find something. Now go get ready and have a great time, try to relax for once."

"I still don't want anything to happen to you.." The spirit's expression softened.

"I promise I'll be careful, there is nothing that will ever keep me away from you Song Bird remember that." My heart warmed at her promise and I nodded my head.

"Good, I'll see you later then." Liza winked and faded in a whirl smoke, leaving me  alone in my room. Sighing softly I walk over to my closet and reach in the back for my swim suit. It was a simple black one piece that had silver swirling designs that ran up and down along the sides. Throwing my current outfit in the laundry basket, I pull on the swim suit then a pair of cut off jean shorts and a pink tank top. After slipping on a pair of sandals I make a quick check on Mother who was asleep in her room as usual, noise from the next room lets me know Marie was doing whatever she did in her room and Dad had already left for work. Silently, I padded down the stairs and out the door mentally cheering at the quick get away.

As I'm walking, I begin to doubt myself. What if he wasn't serious when he invited me over? What if he was just being polite and now will be upset that I showed up after all? Realizing  I was at his door, the doubts grow stronger and I pause. Maybe I should just go back home. With a nod, I spin around intending to do just that, when I walk right into someone's chest. I stumble backwards surprised that I had gotten so lost in thought that I hadn't even noticed the stranger behind me. Warm hands grabbed my arms to steady me, luckily I did not react as last time and we both remained standing.

A Mother's Love : RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now