Liza's Return

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A/N: Thanks to SilasAggeleMou for being such an awesome beta!

I was woken up by someone gently shaking my shoulder. For the first time in a long time I had actually slept without a nightmare and I wanted to enjoy it. So I ignored the hand at my shoulder and buried my face into my pillow, inhaling the amazing scent of leather and cypress. The scent was soothing, and I was drifting off back to sleep when the hand shook me awake once more.


"Noooo, I don't wanna get up," I grumbled out. The burn in my throat was what finally woke me up and the day's events came flooding back to me. This had me finally sitting up and I sleepily looked over at the one who woke me up from the best sleep I'd had in months, if not years.

Kota was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching me with a fond smile. Feeling my cheeks warm at his look, I poked him in the side and gave him an obvious questioning look. This whole no talking thing would get old fast, I could already tell. I rarely talked to anyone aside from Liza, but now that I had friends and wanted to talk, I couldn't.  

"It's nothing Sang, you're just adorable when you first wake up," Kota said, guessing correctly what I was to trying to ask. The blush I had been fighting flared across my cheeks, and he chuckled.

"You wanted to know." He shrugged and stood up, pressing his glasses up on his nose. "I've made some honey tea for you, I also got that syrup that Doc wanted you to take. "

Fighting back a yawn, I slipped out of bed and followed Kota out of the bedroom, combing my hand through my hair to try and work the tangles out. My hair had dried into a tangled mess, and I knew I must look like a complete wreck. How Kota thought I looked adorable was beyond me, he obviously needed his prescription on his glasses renewed. We walked into the kitchen to find Nathan stirring  something on the stove and Silas lounging in a chair at the table, leaning back on the two back legs, his form stretched out with his hands behind his head.  Both of them looked up at our entrance and Silas beamed, sitting up and placing the chair back on all four legs.

"Aggele! Did you have a good rest? Are you feeling any better?" He then jumped up and pulled me into warm hug, acting as if we hadn't seen each other in days, instead of a mere couple hours. I wasn't complaining though, I had only known him for a day, but I was growing to love these hugs already. I wrapped my arms around his waist which was as high as I could reach with him being so tall and buried my face into his shoulder, breathing in the smell of the ocean. I nodded my head to his questions then pulled back to look over at Nathan, giving him a thankful smile for letting me sleep in his room.

"Glad you slept okay, I'm fixing some tomato soup, I noticed you didn't eat much earlier, and I thought you might be hungry," Nathan said with a smile. Now that I thought about it, I was pretty hungry. Tomato soup sounded amazing, if only I could eat my grilled cheese and apples with it, but I knew it would not go over well with my burned throat. I sat down at the table and Kota placed a cup of heated tea and a small cap full of red syrup in front of me.

"Here's your tea and medicine. Go ahead and drink them, and I will fix our bowls." It felt odd being waited on like this, normally it was me taking care of everyone. I  picked up the cap of medicine and knocked it back, my throat ached as I swallowed the thick cherry flavored cough syrup, and I grimaced. Kota paused to watch me as I took the medicine and then picked up the cup and took a sip. The warm honey flavor washed away the lingering taste of the syrup and soothed my throat, and I relaxed, taking another sip. Once satisfied I was drinking the tea, Kota moved over to the sink and opened a cabinet door, pulling out three bowls and pulling out some spoons from a nearby drawer. Once everyone had a bowl of tomato soup, Silas grabbed some shredded cheese and sour cream from the fridge and placed it on the table before sitting down.

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