How to Advoid Your Mother

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A.n: here is your next chapter let me know if yall think I did Gabriel justice.

Gabriel Pov

I had been talking with Kota, Victor and Nathan about Luke’s stupid ass stunt from the day before and the mission at the mall, when North texted us saying he was bringing Sang. How he ran into her was a mystery, but we just rolled with it and waited for them to show up. Then the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life walked into the room behind North. Her gorgeous green eyes shone like emeralds but were shadowed similar to what I see in my brothers eyes and even my own when I look in a mirror. She was fucking short as hell but the ugly ass frayed jean shorts made her legs looking as if they went on for miles. Her dark green t shirt was large on her, so I couldn’t tell much about her upper half. But I could see that she was slender, almost too thin. Her hair is what caught my attention, though. As the light from the window reflected off of her, I could see the blonde, brunette and even red strands that glinted in the light, even with that hideous fucking clip. It took my breath away, and I knew I had to touch it.

“So this is the troublemaker!” I said as I walked over to her. She watched me curiously, eyeing me like I had just done her. I was too entranced by her to worry about what she thought about me.

“Oh my God, I fucking love your hair!” I reached up and removed the clip. My eyes widened as I watched it fall to her shoulders. I couldn’t stop myself from reaching up and combing my fingers through it, it was soft to the touch, but I knew I could make it a lot softer and silkier.
“Holy Shit! I have never seen a color like this. Who does your hair?” She looked at me like I’d lost my mind and started to type something into her phone. When she held it up, I was able to read the unsent text message.

It’s just a dirty blonde. No one does my hair other than my sister, who will trim it every once in awhile.

Dirty blonde? Pfft that was not dirty blonde, there was nothing dirty about it whatsoever.
“It is not just a dirty fucking blonde! There are brown and red highlights in it. You said this was natural? Chameleon...she has chameleon hair!” I turned back to the other guys in awe, only to find them snickering at me.

“Gabe, man, you might want to introduce yourself before you start fondling her hair,” Nathan said. Oh shit. She probably thought I was some creeper. I could feel my face heating up as I took several steps back.

“Shit, fuck, sorry, I didn’t name is Gabriel…” I stuttered, running my fingers through my own hair to stop myself from reaching for hers again. God, I was such a fucking idiot.

That’s right, you should apologize, Gabriel Coleman. I know I taught you better than that.” The voice had me swallowing and darting my eyes around the room. Aw, man, why did Momma have to show up when I was being an ass. I watched Sang’s eyes widened and dart toward the window as if she was looking for a way to escape. Great, I scared her. Rubbing the back of my head, I hoped she didn’t run off. The others would kill me. She turned back to me and gave a forced smile before she typed on her phone.

I’m Sang. It’s nice to meet you, Gabriel, and I’m glad you like my hair?

Yeah, I totally freaked her out…. but that hair!

“Like? No, I love your hair and I am officially claiming it as mine, you are not allowed to let anyone but me touch your hair ever again, got it?” I could tell she didn’t believe me, but she would learn in time. That hair is fucking mine. If I had to I would lick every single strand on her head. Okay that sounded weird even in my head…

“Smooth, Gabriel. That is not the way you flirt with a girl. It’s like I’ve taught you nothing.” Mom’s voice sounded again, and I fought back a grimace. She might be right, but it’s not like I could tell her this. Sang would really think I was a freak then and run away screaming her sore throat raw. I stretched, raising my arms and flicked my hand twice. Once back and forth and the second was left to right. This was my signal to her that I couldn’t talk and that she was distracting me. It would be hell of a lot easier if I could see her. Her huff sounded like she may be by the window, but I wasn’t a fucking bat that could see things by sound. Sang shifted nervously but nodded her head.
Yes! She’s mine you assholes! I couldn’t stop the grin as I reached for her hand.

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