The Forbidden Forest

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» October 31, 1987«
6:09 p.m.

Athena walks down the path towards the forbidden forest, where students and staff were forbidden entrance. But Athena was fascinated by the dark woods, and felt the need to explore it.

She also knew that Bill, Charlie, and Percy, who is in his first year at Hogwarts, would greatly disapprove of this. Percy especially. She can almost hear the lecture she would receive from the eleven year old and how many rules she will be breaking.

She steers clear of Hagrid's hut, not wishing to get caught this early when she hasn't even set foot in the forest. She jumps slightly when a crow's caw interrupts the silence, sending a few smaller birds flying off into the dark sky.

She walks into the forest, her heart racing from the excitement. It was fun, in a way, breaking the rules, though she would normally heed them.

With a shrug and a smile, she continues her journey deeper into the depth of the forest.

Great Hall
6:25 p.m.

Charlie sits at the Gryffindor table, chatting and laughing amongst his friends. He looks up and down the table again, looking for the familiar brown hair of Athena. But he still finds none.

He stands up, ignoring his friends questions as to where he is going. He approaches the Ravenclaw table and spots Martha, one of Athena's friends.

"Have you seen Athena?" He asks her and she shakes her head.

"No, not since our Herbology class we had together," she replies before furrowing her brows, "why? She hasn't gone missing, has she?"

"I don't know for sure yet," Charlie says, looking at the entrance, hoping Athena would walk in at any second, "do you have any idea where she could be?"

Martha thinks for a few seconds, "she might be in the Forbidden Forest..."

"The Forbidden Forest?" Charlie repeats, confused, "why would she want to go there?"

"She has been asking about it a lot, lately," Martha informs, "perhaps she is curious and-"

"Thank you, Martha," Charlie says before running out of the Great Hall and out of the castle, dodging anyone in his way.

Forbidden Forest

Athena continues her journey, her wand lit at the tip to provide some light. Leaves crunch underneath her feet and she can hear several creatures in the dark.

She gasps softly when she spots something moving in the distance. She approaches slowly and her wand pointed in front of her.

A head with a horn in its forehead appears and Athena smiles in awe. The unicorn stares at her, not moving. She does the same until a stick snapping in the distance causes the unicorn to bolt off, leaving her all alone.

There is more movement from behind her and she stands her ground, waiting for whatever it is to show itself.

She sees a light approaching and she tilts her head slightly, confused and wondering what kind of creature uses a light.

Athena freezes when she sees Charlie instead, knowing she is about to get a lecture on how this is too dangerous.

But instead, he walks up to her and brings her closer to him, hugging her tightly. She remains still, confused as to why she isn't being yelled at. But she accepts the hug, deeming it better than the opposite.

"What in Merlin's name are you doing out here?" he asks sternly, stepping back and crossing his arms.

Athena looks down at the ground, rubbing her upper arm, "I was curious..." She says slowly, "I wanted to explore the forest. Oh, I saw a unicorn!"

Charlie can't help but smile at her excitement of seeing a unicorn, he found it adorable.

"Alright, miss explorer, let's go eat," he says and she nods, following him, but silently promises herself that she will be back to continue her exploration of the forest.

» December 20, 1987«
6:35 p.m.

"No more explains in that forest, it's too dangerous," Mrs Weasley tells Charlie and Athena, who nod in silence.

Mrs Weasley didn't take the news to Athena's exploring the forest too well. This is what they have been hearing for a while now.

"Mrs Weasley, I will not be going back into the forest any time soon," Athena says with a smile. Mrs Weasley stares at her before nodding.

"Alright," she says, returning the smile, "I'm just glad you're safe. Both of you,"
Athena smiles while Charlie just nods as Mrs Weasley dismisses them to go back to preparing dinner.

"Race ya outside!" Athena says and bolts towards the door, throwing her coat on as she runs. She hears Charlie behind her. Even though she is thirteen and him fifteen, they both still acted like children at times.

She runs through the snow, snowflakes hitting her face, melting instantly. She sips when she feels something hit her back. She turns around and sees Charlie standing there, a snowball in his hand.

She smirks before bending down and forming a snowball, dodging the snowball Charlie throws. She stands and throws hers, hitting Charlie in the back.

"Payback sucks, doesn't it, Weasley?" She calls, laughing in her small victory while bending down and making another snowball.

Charlie laughs, turning towards her, "just you wait, O'Connor," he says and Athena throws a snowball, which misses him by a foot.

The next hour out so consists of them having a snowball fight. The snow continues to fall as Athena creeps up towards Charlie, who is making a pile of snowballs.

She smirks when she is behind him and raises her hand, snowball at the ready. What she didn't expect, is for him to turn around and tackle her.

She gasps at the impact and glares up at Charlie, who smirks down at her in triumph, "Payback sucks, doesn't it, O'Connor?" He asks smugly and she rolls her eyes.

She then lifts her right arm, which still had the snowball in the hand, and she sends the snowball into the back of his head, a victorious smile on her face.

The impact caused his head to bend closer to hers. The two freeze when the realize how closer their faces are. Athena feels heat rise to her cheeks but had nowhere to go since she is pinned to the ground. Charlie, however, finds himself lost in her eyes as well as his thoughts.

He then clears his throat and stands up, brushing off the snow in his hair. He then holds a hand out to Athena, who takes it.

"Dinner is ready you two!" Mrs Weasley calls out of the door and the pair are silently grateful for the distraction.

"Race ya there!" Athena says and runs towards the house. Charlie shakes his head, smiles, then chases after her.

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