Spells and Romance

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Friday, November 17, 1989
11:45 a.m.

"You will be taking your O.W.L.S this year," professor McGonagall informs the class, "I expect all of you to study hard for these, for they determine your future classes here at Hogwarts,"

Saturday, November 18, 1989
12:00 p.m.

"I already know these world, Martha," Jeffrey complains as they walk to a secluded area outside, "we were taught these ones in our first year,"

"Yes, but it helps to go over them again since we are fifth years," Athena pipes in, thinking it is a good idea to study these spells again.

"Whatever, I'm going to have some actual fin," Jeffrey says and walks away. Martha goes to stop him but Athena holds her back.

"If he doesn't want to study, that's fine," she says, "and if his grade is shit, then it is his fault," Martha mutters under her breath before turning around.

"I have written a list of first year spells to work on and I have made copies for all of you," Martha says, passing a piece of parchment to Athena, whose eyes widen at the list.

"I think I'll join Jeffrey at whatever he is doing," Daniel says, taking a step back, causing Martha to sigh.

"What is it with you two?" Martha snaps, "I try and try to help you with your grades, but you keep on ignoring me,"

"I don't ignore you," Athena pipes in and Martha nods.

"Athena actually accepts my help," Martha says, a smirk on her lips.

"Yeah, but she also has a boyfriend in seventh year that can easily help her way more than you can," Daniel says and Athena looks at him.

"Best friend," she corrects while Martha narrows her eyes in a glare at the dark skinned male, who realizes his mistake.

Athena takes this as an opportunity to sneak off and lattice perhaps one of the spells on this list before taking a trip to the library.

She pauses a few meters away from the Forbidden Forest and picks a random spell and aims at a tree, unsure of what will happen.

"Someone anger you, O'Connor?" A voice interrupts her concentration and she looks over her shoulder to see Charlie walking towards her, his group of friends walking off, some occasionally glancing back at them.

"No, just studying for the O.W.L.S," she says, looking down at the list, "Martha wishes to go over spells we learned during first year and I guess she is right,"

Charlie smiles and takes the list, "oh wow, forgot that we learned that many spells in first year," he says before looking at her, "alright, cast a spell and see how it goes. If we don't die, you're golden,"

"Very funny," Athena says, laughing a bit before turning to the tree again, standing straighter and her right arm extended.

"Incendio," she says and for errors from the tip of her arm, hitting the tree. Athena steps back, eyes wide though a smile appears on her lips.

"That was..." Charlie starts, walking to stand beside her.

"Awesome!" She exclaims, turning to him, "Let's do it again!" He chuckles at her enthusiasm.

"We better not," he says, "once was enough, but anymore and I fear McGonagall will kill us,"

Athena pauses belle getting an idea, "Let's go into the forest and practice," she says and sighs when she notices his reluctance, "it's broad daylight out and I plan on working in three spells anyways,"

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