Jeremy O'Connor

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August 20, 1992
12:03 p.m.

The pair stand in front of a cabin surrounded by woods. The cabin looks abandoned and trash lies scattered across the yard. The majority of the trash is beer cans and bottles.

Charlie looks over at Athena, a worried look on his face, "Are you sure you want to do this, Athena?" He asks softly. She looks at him.

"I'm sure," she replies, "I need to know if he is okay," and with that, she walks up into the deck and towards the front door. Charlie follows close behind.

Five knocks later and no answer, Athena unlocks the door with 'Alohamora' and enters.

She instantly covers her nose, repulsed by the smell from inside the house. Charlie gags and stands beside her. The sound of static sounds from nearby and they both walking towards the living room.

The tv is playing static while showing that several beer cans and bottles litter the floor, all of them leading to the couch, which is stained by numerous liquids that Athena did not want to find out what they are.

On the couch, sleeps a man in his fifties. A long beard graces his face and and he looks really thin, like he hasn't eaten a full meal for a long time.

"Oh my God," Athena breathes out, barely recognizing her father and not wanting to believe that this man is him. Maybe this man is homeless and chose this house to hunker down in.

"Is.." Charlie starts, hesitating, his gaze on the man on the couch, "is it him?" He then looks over at her and she nods, not wanting to believe that her father let himself get this way.

Charlie then grabs her wrist and pulls her towards the door, but she stops and yanks her arm out of his grasp, "what are you doing?" She asks in a loud whisper.

"You've seen him, he is alive, let's go, the smell is going to me," Charlie explains and Athena shakes her head.

"I need to speak with him," she says, looking back at the couch.

"What!" Charlie says loudly and closes his mouth quickly, as if that will help at all.

"What? Who is there!" The man yells, shooting up into a seated position on the couch. Athena shrugs at Charlie and approaches the couch.

"Dad," she says and the man, Jeremy, looks up at her, confused and swaying slightly due to the high levels of alcohol he has consumed.

"Who," hiccup, "are you?" He says and Athena ignores the pain in her heart.

"I'm your daughter, Athena," she explains, taking a step closer to him, "Do you remember?"

Silence follows, "Susan?" He asks slowly.

"No, I...I am not Susan," Athena says softly, "she's.....she's dead,"

"Dead?" Jeremy says softly, staring at the alcohol stained carpet. Athena goes to comfort him when a bottle is smashed and aimed at her.

Charlie is at Athena's side instantly, shielding her with his own body, "You mean to tell me that my Susan is dead! Did you kill her!"


"Athena," Charlie warns, "the alcohol may have affected his brain to the point he doesn't remember your mom dying but he still does.." He trails off.

"Are you here to finish me off too!" Jeremy shouts insanely, "come at me! I know a few things about physical combat!" He then jabs the bottle at the pair and Charlie backs up, still standing protectively in front of Athena.

"We're sorry for the intrusion..." Charlie starts but cuts off when Athena runs off and out the front door. Charlie immediately goes after her, ignoring the protests of Jeremy.

12:57 p.m.

Charlie finally catches up to Athena a few miles away from the cabin. She is sitting on a log, hugging her knees to her chest. Charlie sighs and walks over and sits down next to her.

"I thought he might have changed," Athena says artfully, her voice cracking. It causes his heart to break to see her so upset.

"Some people never change, Athena," he says, rubbing his hand in her back, "that's the worst part about life,"

"Well, it sucks," she mumbles and Charlie laughs. His laugh causes her to laugh a bit and he smiles at that.

"Thank you," Athena says suddenly after ten minutes of comfortable silence. Charlie looks down at her, "godmother you for coming here with me. I..I couldn't have done this without you," she avoids his gaze and he smiles.

"Anytime, Athena," he says, looking off into the distance, "all you need to do is ask," she smiles at this, "and as long as it isn't life threatening,"

Athena laughs at this.

August 29, 1992
9:00 a.m.

"Athena!" Ginny says loudly as Athena enters the Burrow. Athena returns Ginny's hug and accepts Mrs. Weasley's hug.

"It's great to see you, dear," Mrs. Weasley says with a wide smile, "have you visited Charlie at all?"

"Yes, I went to Romania to see him and he looks like he loves working there with the dragons," Athena answers, deciding against telling Mrs. Weasley of how Charlie and her went to see Jeremy over a week ago.

"That's good," Mrs. Weasley slowly, "Well, as long as he enjoys his job, I'm happy for him. Anyways, how's your live going?"

Athena smiles, "I love traveling the world," she explains, "it gives me a sense of freedom, and the beauty of the natural world!" Mrs. Weasley laughs at her enthusiasm.

"That sounds lovely, dear,"

"Athena, guess whose here?" Ginny says and Athena looks down at the redhead, a smile on her face.

"I don't know," Athena says, thinking, "who is it?"

"Harry Potter," Ginny whispers, her cheeks going red and Athena smiles knowingly. And at that moment, Ron and Harry walk in.

"Hey, Athena," Ron greets and Harry gives a smile and a nod while avoiding looking up at Athena.

"Hey you two," Athena says, taking a seat at the table, "you excited to go back to Hogwarts in a few days?"

"Super excited," Ron says, munching in some toast, where he gets scolded by his mother for taking with his mouth full.

"Ginny, I bet you're ready for your first year?" Athena says, turning to the youngest Weasley, who nods, starting at the floor.

Athena then turns to Harry, who stares down at his plate, "Harry," she says and he looks at her after a few seconds, "I want you to kick Slytherin's butt this year," she says with a smile and Harry smiles as well, nodding.

The rest of the morning consists of Athena, Harry, and the Weasley children hanging around the Burrow.

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